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August 5, 2021
UMN Bekerjasama Dengan Baliuag University Untuk Acara International Virtual Research Conference 2021
August 6, 2021Tangerang – Three study programs at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) received the “Adequate as Expected” category for meeting the requirements of the ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) international assessment criteria. AUN-QA is a university network organization that provides an assessment of the governance of outcome-based education to member universities in ASEAN. The proud results of the Management Study Program, Communication Science Study Program, and Visual Communication Design Study Program were announced on Friday (30/7) after the assessment process was carried out from 28 June to 2 July 2021.

One of the series of AUN-QA assessment activities on Wednesday (30/06/21) (doc. Timothy Benedic)
Higher education requires systematic, structured, and continuous measurement to ensure the quality of education. This proud achievement proves that UMN’s commitment to ensuring the quality of education is also recognized internationally.
Overall, 11 criteria are used to assess this AUN-QA assessment. UMN’s Education Quality Assurance Manager, Stefanus Bambang Widiatnolo, S.T., M.M. mentioned that some of these indicators include aspects of Expected Learning Outcome (ELO), aspects of curriculum, process, and learning assessment, aspects of human resources, aspects of facilities and infrastructure supporting student learning, aspects of continuous quality development or Quality Enhancement, and aspects of output as a reflection of the quality of education.
“Virtual facility visits during the assessment are carried out to confirm the quality of facilities, infrastructure such as libraries, student support, laboratories, and so on, as well as supporting equipment such as maintenance and HSE. The assessors also paid a lot of attention to UMN’s business incubator, Skystar Venture, which is considered UMN’s ‘trademark’ and excellence,” said Widi, explaining the virtual visit process after the AUN assessment was completed on Monday (05/07).
Widi explained that AUN-QA mainly targets the assessment of outcome-based education (OBE) learning governance. By participating in this AUN-QA Assessment, the study program also received various inputs that can be used to continue to improve current achievements. This achievement also proves that the quality of UMN’s governance can be equalized with the quality standards that apply at the ASEAN level.
“This achievement means that UMN has met the criteria set, and some criteria even exceed the minimum criteria set by AUN. With the Adequate as Expected qualification, it means that UMN’s learning governance and quality are at the ASEAN regional level,” said Widi.
AUN-QA is certainly not the end of UMN’s achievements. UMN’s Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Friska Natalia, S.Kom., M.T., revealed that per UMN’s vision, UMN will continue to obtain accreditation and other international recognition for all existing study programs. International accreditation and recognition will make UMN a world-class university.
Also read: UMN’s Electrical Engineering Study Program Organizes PLC Certification.
“Through this international accreditation, UMN will be able to further increase the network of cooperation with other institutions abroad, increase opportunities for students from abroad who take studies at UMN, and finally get international recognition that confirms UMN as a world-class university. Hopefully, in the future, UMN will continue to advance and develop, both at the national and international levels,” Friska said.
UMN Rector Dr. Ninok Leksono expressed his gratitude for the AUN-QA assessment process that had gone well. Like Friska, Ninok said that UMN’s decision to participate in AUN-QA is part of UMN’s commitment to becoming a world-class university.
“UMN is grateful that the AUN QA assessment process from June 28 to July 2, 2021, for the Communication Science, Visual Communication Design, and Management Study Programs has run well. The results have also come out with the title ‘adequate as expected,’ which we welcome with relief. Indeed, AUN QA is not an accreditation agency but an assessment agency. However, a good AUN QA result will also add to the assessment of the assessed university. The decision to participate in AUN QA is part of UMN’s goal to become a world-class university, as defined by UMN’s roadmap. We will continue this program for other study programs in due time. Hopefully, this step will further strengthen UMN’s posture in the world of higher education,” Ninok said.
News of International Achievements from UMN’s Faculty of Business
Apart from the AUN-QA Assessment achievement, good news also came from UMN’s Faculty of Business, which officially became a member of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Global on May 25, 2021. This achievement is part of the effort to make UMN a world-class university. UMN’s Faculty of Business is committed to improving the quality of international standard learning supported by superior research and community service activities.
“The process to become a member of EFMD Global is not easy. UMN Faculty of Business must get two recommendations from EFMD Global members consisting of the best reputable Business Schools in the world and get approval from the EFMD Board,” said the Dean of the UMN Faculty of Business, Dr. Florentina Kurniasari T., S.Sos., MBM.
By becoming a member of EFMD Global, the entire academic community at the UMN Faculty of Business can collaborate and network more broadly. The academic community can participate in activities organized by EFMD in the form of Research, External Relations, Career Services, Entrepreneurship, Responsible Leadership, and Management Education.
The entire UMN Faculty of Business academic community also has access to publications, international projects, different accreditation and certification systems, caso writing and doctoral research awards, and so on.
“This is a good opportunity to develop the self-competence of lecturers as well as expand the network for students and alumni, and further increase the order of study programs in the UMN Faculty of Business in the international arena in the form of active contributions, sharing ideas, and experiences in this networking,” concluded Florentina.
*by Stephanus Novi | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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