UMN 2021 Holds International Conference on Digital Communication in pandemic era
October 6, 2021
Founded the 4th Revolution Technical Center, UMN and Silla University prepare the Younger Generation to Master the Field of Industry 4.0
October 7, 2021
Chairman of Study Program of MMT UMN, Prio Utomo (dok. UMN)
TANGERANG – Three innovative ideas of students of the Technology Management Magister Study Program of Multimedia Nusantara University (MMT UMN) earned Silver Award in an international competition entitled “International Business and Management Virtual Innovation and Invention of Ideas Competition (VIIIC) 2021” held on Thursday (30/09/21). As many as 85 teams from the Southeast Asia countries took part in the Competition was organized by MARA University of Technology, Malaysia.
Chairman of the Study Program of MMT UMN, Prio Utomo said that the three teams have several criteria being the focuses in development business ideas: novelty, concerning uniqueness and originality of the business ideas; applicability, concerning the effectiveness of the ideas to solve problems; and, impacts, concerning benefits of the ideas to the industries, societies, and environments.
“The Study Program of MMT has of course provided guidance so that the ideas are beneficial for the public. Since it MMT, we are, of course, focused on technology-based ideas,” said Prio.
In fact, the three businesses designed by students of MMT UMN advanced technological aspects. The “Sewing Room” designed by Chessa, Constantin, Filia, Kantika, and Vania, is expected to be business incubator to support Micro and Small Enterprises in fashion industries in Indonesia on digital platform.
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Three business ideas from MMT UMN’s students won the Silver Award at the “International Business and Management Virtual Innovation and Invention of Ideas Competition (VIIIC) 2021” competition.
The second business ideas, called “HushBebe”, was designed made by Indah, Michelle, Anastasia, and Jagra. The purpose of “HushBebe” is to educate parents about the various benefits of the art of holding babies. In addition, “HushBebe” will also be a professional education platform, the focus of which is primarily aimed at babywearing.
Meanwhile, the business idea of “LUCID” was designed by Claudia and Maya. The very purpose of this business idea is to integrate patient data with the Social Security Administration (BPJS), insurance companies, and health facilities on a multi-sided platform called “Live in Unity with Centralized Integrated Data (LUCID)”. “LUCID” is expected to facilitate patients to access to medical records when visiting a health facility which different from the previously visited facilities.
Currently, Prio revealed that these three business ideas are at the stage of raising funds for their realization. Prio also hopes that these three business ideas will not stop at the mere idea. He hopes that these three innovative business ideas will be turned into commercial products which can provide benefits for on the public.
“These ideas are actually parts of students’ final projects. Hopefully, after graduating their studies, those students will return to and continue their business ideas,” he said.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
Studying in Jakarta for the study programs of Informatics | Information System | Computer Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Engineering Physics | Accounting | Management | Strategic Communication | Journalism | Visual Communication Design | Movies and Animation | Architecture | D3 Hospitality | International Program, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id