TANGERANG – Hybrid learning certainly has some advantages and disadvantages. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid lectures.
Lectures are now not only done face-to-face but can also be done online. In addition, several educational institutions also apply hybrid learning. This learning system combines the two (face-to-face and online learning).
Hybrid learning is a learning method that combines or combines online learning with face-to-face learning. In practice, there are times when students and lecturers meet face-to-face in class. But, there will also be times when distance learning will be carried out.
Advantages of Hybrid Learning
Hybrid learning has its pros and cons. Here are some of the advantages of a hybrid learning system:
Opening Opportunities to Socialize
The advantage of the first hybrid learning system is the open social opportunities. This is because students are still given the opportunity to meet face-to-face in learning or lectures. We cannot deny that there is a different feeling when meeting in person compared to online meetings.
Better Understanding of Material
Online learning does not entirely erase the opportunity for students to ask questions or interact with one another. However, it must be acknowledged that online learning is not as effective as face-to-face meetings. Through face-to-face meetings, students can directly interact and discuss. Hence, a good network is crucial during lectures to avoid disruption during lectures and discussions.
Previously, many students had to carry out activities online continuously. This, of course, causes boredom during distance learning. Hybrid lectures at least give us all a refresher in learning.
Improving the Quality of Health, Physically and Mentally
Hybrid/blended learning can also improve students’ and lecturers’ physical and mental qualities. How? with hybrid learning, we are required to wake up earlier. Preparing for face-to-face learning subconsciously improves our physical and mental attributes.
Disadvantages of Hybrid Learning
Apart from the advantages, it turns out that hybrid learning also has various disadvantages. The following is a list of the disadvantages of hybrid learning:
Difficulty in Setting a Daily Study Schedule
Hybrid learning is not an easy learning system to implement. Because this system requires a combination of face-to-face and distance learning schedules, lecturers must also feel this discomfort in addition to students.
Device and Network Dependence
It is undeniable that hybrid learning still requires adequate devices and internet networks. We know that every student has different networks and devices. This is the weakness of the hybrid learning system and the difficulty in managing schedules.
Well, UMN friends, that’s the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid learning. UMN is one of the campuses in Tangerang that implements hybrid learning where students will attend the UMN campus and use the online e-learning page of UMN. In the future, it is hoped that this learning system can help students in obtaining learning materials more flexibly and efficiently.
Sources :
- Duniadosen.com
- class.com
*by Benedictus Adithia | UMN News Service
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