UMN Collaborates with Scuto for Student Programs
March 26, 2024
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March 26, 2024Group photo session (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – The series of Pesantren Multimedia Training Program officially ended. The program, which has been running for one month, was closed by a gathering and watching the students’ work. All parties involved in the program were present to give their remarks at this closing event (19/3).
A warm atmosphere filled the Lecture Theater room at the closing moment of the multimedia archipelago training program. The program initiated by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenag RI) together with Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) has been completed after running for one month.
The closing ceremony was attended by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, represented by Dr. Mahrus, M. Ag., as the Head of the Sub-Directorate of Early Childhood Education and Mahad Aly, Directorate of Early Childhood Education, Directorate General of Islamic Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Pesantren Endowment Fund Team.
Opening Remarks by Dr. Mahrus (Doc. UMN)
“We feel very satisfied with the course of this program. The results obtained are also per what was expected in the initial plan,” said Dr. Mahrus. In his remarks, he also praised UMN as the host, considered ready to hold this program. This can be seen from the learning process that takes place and also the facilities provided to participants during the training program.
“UMN is a good partner, participative, accommodating, and can understand plural religious diversity. So that the students can learn comfortably,” Dr. Mahrus explained.
The event was also attended by Dr. Ninok Leksono, the Rector of UMN, Ir. Andrey Andoko, M.Sc., the Vice-Rector for General Administration and Finance, lecturers, and other division heads. In this closing ceremony, the one-month work of the students was exhibited in the Building B Lobby, UMN. These works come from four specialization fields, namely graphic design, branding, programming, and videography.
Dr. Ninok (Left), Dr. Mahrus (Middle), and Ir. Andrey (Right) took a picture together in front of the students’ work (Dok. UMN)
“Seeing the students’ work, I feel proud and touched. I hope that the knowledge given can be useful for developing the boarding school,” said Dr. Ninok. He also wants the students to return to the boarding school with good memories of UMN.
All students who were training participants gathered together for the last time before returning to their respective boarding schools. On this occasion, Mr. Johannes Tambing Boro, S.Pd., M.Pd, as the head of the program and the Manager of UMN’s Continuing Education Department (CED), announced the best participants from the four training fields to receive awards. The students expressed their happiness in participating in this program and hoped that a program like this could be held again.
“We students are pleased and grateful to have been given the opportunity to learn more about multimedia through this program. Although this program ended, hopefully, the friendship between us participants will continue to be established,” said Ahmad Muhaimin, a Branding & Marketing training participant. He also hopes that the students who have participated in this program can be formalized into an official organization so that they can become influencers for other students.
The event was then closed by breaking the fast together. Amid the breakfasting activities, some students were seen laughing with each other and capturing moments together. Not a few students approached their lecturers to say goodbye.
Santri Visit to Kompas Gramedia (Doc. UMN)
One day before the closing ceremony, the students visited the Kompas Gramedia office in Palmerah, Central Jakarta. There, the students were given workshops according to their respective training fields by representatives from Kompas. They were also invited to take a tour to see how the media works more realistically. Some of the students were amazed by the world of television and intended to work in the industry.
Interviewed separately, Johannes, as the chief executive, expressed his hope that through this training, the students will become inspirators for their peers when they return to their respective pesantren later. In addition, he also hopes that with the knowledge gained, the students can develop and increase the business capacity of the pesantren.
For more information, visit: Stepping into the Digital World, UMN Empowers Santri Through a Multimedia Program | Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
by Ivana Auliya | UMN News Team
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika| Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan , di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id