PK Ojong–Jakob Oetama UMN Building Won Subroto Award 2018
October 15, 2018
Aktif Organisasi Jadi Bekal Masa Depan
December 7, 2018
Chairman of Umnofest Technofest Committee, Jury and Participant 2018
TANGERANG – Carrying the theme “Walking in Technology Through Community”, Technofest Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) 2018 held an Ecobot race for high school students equivalent and students throughout Indonesia.
Pada kesempatan tersebut Ketua Technofest UMN 2018 Timothy Laxmana mengungkapkan bahwa perlombaan Ecobot bertujuan untuk membantu lingkungan sekitar terkait bagaimana menggunakan teknologi.
“We raised the main theme, how to use technology to help the surrounding environment, so this Ecobot race appeared. We want to see how the participants (Ecobot competition) as creative as possible use the Internet of Things (IoT) to help the surrounding environment, for example regulating livestock, regulating water content and others,” said Timothy who is a student of UMN Information Systems 2015 when met at the UMN Executive Lounge on Thursday (25/10).
In the Ecobot race, participants submitted proposals for their work online. Selected six teams that passed the selection, where each consisted of a maximum of three people. Then, the participants presented and demo tested their work before the jury.
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Judges in this race include Adiatmo Rahardi and Zerfani Yulias from the Indonesian Robot Community and Fachry Muhsinin from Bukalapak. The jury wants the participants not only to develop applications in terms of data but also can have an impact on the community.
“We want to challenge more. What impact can be generated. What solutions can be produced. What is actually useful or impactful to society. In fact, maybe the IoT devices themselves are simple, but the purpose of this project is that we can appreciate,” adi said.

Sheena Abigail, first win Ecobot Technofest UMN 2018
Setelah melewati rangkaian proses seleksi, terpilihlah tiga pemenang perlombaan Ecobot Technofest UMN 2018, diantaranya Sheena Abigail dari SMA Cendekia Harapan Bali, serta HIMASIKOM B danTim Ugmuro dari kelompok Universitas.
Peserta dari SMA Cendekia Harapan Bali Sheena Abigail berhasil memenangkan juara 1 perlombaan Ecobot Technofest UMN 2018. Sheena membuat alat pengatur PH air. Ia mengaku senang karena bisa bergabung dalam komunitas robot.
“Perlombaan Ecobot seru. Saya membuat alat pengatur PH air karena banyak kasus anak keracunan air di kolam renang. Di perlombaan ini, saya senang sekali bisa bertemu orang-orang baru yang suka robot, karena saya kurang tahu ada komunitas robot di Bali. Nah, di sini (Technofest UMN 2018) saya benar-benar membuka network dan bisa menambah pengetahuan dari orang lain,” kata Sheena.

UGMURO team, 3rd win Ecobot Technofest UMN 2018
Meanwhile, the UGMURO team that made ioT-based automated hydroponic plant design work won the 3rd place in the Ecobot Technofest UMN 2018. They claim to be interested in participating in this race because they want to find new experiences and ideas.
“Actually interested in participating in this competition to find experience and find interesting ideas from other tools that can be learned,” concluded Fakhri Nurrahmadi, one of ugmuro team.
Congratulations and success to the winners of Ecobot 2018! (RK/CRA)
*by Reviana Kristin – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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