UMN Students Ranked 17th in the WKF 2024 Event in Italy
November 5, 2024
Universitas Brawijaya and Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Develop AI-based Genomics and Radiomics Research on Prostate Enlargement Disease
November 5, 2024(The atmosphere of the photography class with IPPI. Doc. Dessy)
Tangerang – The Community Service Research Institute (Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat/LPPM) of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), together with several lecturers and students, held a class entitled “Empowering Women with HIV: Strength Through Photography and Social Media Training.” This activity was carried out with 15 women from the Indonesian Positive Women Association (Ikatan Perempuan Positif Indonesia/IPPI) Jakarta on Tuesday (15/10/2024) at the Amaris Hotel, Tebet.
This activity was held as an effort from UMN to provide “provisions” so that women with HIV-AIDS can become advocates for themselves, as well as have equal opportunities in society.
The program was led by several UMN lecturers, namely Taufan Wijaya, Chininta Rizka Angelia, Adi Wibowo Octavianto, and Kristina Nurhayati. Several UMN students also participated in it.
“We depart from our knowledge that there is a lot of stigma against women, especially housewives who are HIV-AIDS positive. So if they have a job, because of their status, they are eliminated, avoided, and even ostracized by their family/relatives,” said one of the UMN lecturers who participated in this event, Taufan Wijaya, to UMN News Service.
“What is the biggest problem they face? Yes, it’s stigma. Stigma is not only done by people who don’t understand (HIV-AIDS). Healthcare workers even stigmatize them. For example, healthcare workers who initially didn’t wear gloves when providing vaccines would use two layers of gloves when vaccinating participants with HIV-AIDS,” he continued.
Seeing this situation, UMN believes that teaching photography and videography in this activity can provide opportunities and support for women with HIV-AIDS to become advocates for themselves and develop their businesses.
“For example, when selling products, they can make it attractive with good photos. Hopefully, with better visuals, the sales will also increase,” Taufan said again.
One of UMN’s lecturers presenting the material. (Doc. Dessy)
However, the selection of the photography class did not come out of the blue. The idea came after UMN had previously assessed what the women needed. From there, UMN taught them several materials, including creative photography, social media, and business management.
The creative photography activity taught the participants to take pictures properly, visualize life stories, and express beauty through the lens. The social media class taught them how to manage social media accounts to share experiences, expand networks, and even work for digital businesses.
In the business management class, the participants received training on using their new skills to create a business and generate income independently.
Through this activity, UMN hopes that this class can help them break the stigma attached to them, create a more inclusive community, and provide full support for a better quality of life.
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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