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February 21, 2023Tangerang – Excel is one of the tools or software that is often a requirement for job applicants in various industries. Its various functions cause this tool to be favored by many people. Collaborating with KitaLulus as a job search platform, DQLab held an Excel webinar on Saturday, December 19, with Tajumahadhikara, the Business Intelligence of AirAsia Indonesia, as the speaker.
Through this webinar, Tajumahadhikara explained a series of basic information about Excel and Spreadsheets. Excel as a data processing tool is generally often used to calculate, analyze, perform data cleansing and create diagrams or graphs as a form of data visualization.
Talking about Excel, its use is inseparable from the formulas in it. According to Tajumahadhikara, there are some basic Excel formulas that people need to know for a career as a financial admin, namely IF as a logic function, SUMIF, and ‘INDEX’ & ‘INFERROR’.
Each formula has different writing methods and functions. Therefore, it is necessary to understand each formula first to avoid mistakes in its application.
“As the name implies, INDEX is the function used to get the value of a cell based on certain column and row value information. Meanwhile, INFERROR is more about hiding the error message value produced by a number of Excel formulas,” said Tajumahadhikara.
In this webinar, Tajumahadhikara as the speaker, also showed the participants in practice, applying the three excel formulas through cases that financial admins often encounter.
Currently, Excel remains a tool or software with an important role and is often used as a requirement for job applicants. In the digital and data-driven era like now, Excel is a mandatory tool that needs to be mastered by workers, not only in the data field.
Let’s train Excel your competencies more efficiently and flexibly to be ready for a career as a finance admin with DQLab. For more information, please visit the following link https://dqlab.id/
By DQLab
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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