Strategic Communication

Overview of UMN Online Learning
UMN at a Glance UMN Online Learning is an educational unit under the auspices of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), which has been established since 2016 and is proven to have produced graduates who are ready to be absorbed by industry. With its excellence in the field of information and communication technology, UMN creates and organizes digital learning through UMN Online. In addition, the presence of technological disruption in the world of education requires UMN to be able to adapt and create learning innovations. UMN Online comes with digital learning innovations that are able to create learning experiences for students.
By implementing a digital learning system, learning activities at UMN Online can be carried out anywhere and anytime, so it is very suitable for students who have time and distance constraints when studying at universities. With flexible learning methods, professional workers, housewives, entertainers, and entrepreneurs are very suitable to study at UMN Online to get a bachelor’s degree. Online Learning
Reasons for Studying Online at UMN Online Learning
Studying online is an option to achieve your goals. So what are the reasons for studying online at UMN Online Learning (UOL)?
1. Part of UMN accredited Superior
UMN Online Learning is an educational unit under the auspices of UMN which has received Superior accreditation from BAN-PT. With UMN's management and quality, UMN Online is the right choice for studying online.
2. Experienced lecturers
Lecturers who teach at UMN Online have experience in the field of strategic communication, especially in marketing communication and corporate communication. UMN Online also presents guest lecturers who are practitioners to share experiences relevant to the development of communication science.
3. Flexible learning system
UOL has an online learning system with synchronous and asynchronous learning models. With a flexible asynchronous learning model, lectures can be completed according to each student's learning pace.
4. Interactive learning materials
UMN Online develops interactive learning materials, so that learning activities can run well and support the maximum acceptance of material by students.
5. Students can enjoy all learning facilities at UMN
UMN Online students can also use all learning facilities owned by UMN to support learning activities, such as e-libraries, laboratories, software licenses for conducting practicums, student services, and participating in extracurricular activities.
Advantages of UMN Online Learning
Universitas Multimedia Universitas (UMN) continues to contribute to increasing equity in education in Indonesia. One of the efforts made is to create UMN Online Learning with a Bachelor of Communication Studies program.
UOL provides lecture programs which are held online in 14 meetings. This online lecture is an implementation of technological developments in the world of education. Online lectures are also an alternative for prospective students who have just graduated from high school/vocational school, have high mobility, have full-time jobs, or have an interest in studying communication sciences.

So, of the many campuses that provide online lectures, what are the advantages of UMN Online Learning? Come on, see the review!
- Study Time Flexibility
Students can adjust when and where to study according to their own pace. However, commitment and responsibility are still needed to complete 11 asynchronous meetings, 3 synchronous meetings, and 2 competency tests (UTS and UAS). - Practical.
Students can attend lectures using a computer, laptop, or even smartphone that has a good and stable internet connection. - Learning Management System (LMS) integration
Through the Learning Development Bureau (BPP), UMN has developed an LMS in which teaching materials, assignments, quizzes, discussion forums, exams, and text books are available to support the learning process. - Interactive Lecture Materials
Lecture material available at LMS is not only in the form of text but also in the form of learning videos. In it, there are lecture presentations, illustrated pictures, and interactive quizzes. In addition, there is a discussion forum where students can provide feedback on discussion topics submitted by lecturers. - Curriculum according to industrial development.
The study program develops a curriculum that is in line with industrial developments. This is realized through several courses that were born to answer the development of digital communication industry trends, such as the Growth Hacking, Digital Marketing Communication & Data Analytic, and Social Media & Mobile Marketing Strategy courses. - Accredited very good from BAN-PT.
UMN has been accredited “excellent” at the university level. Meanwhile, the UMN Online Communication Studies study program received B accreditation, meaning “excellent. - Equality with Regular Students
UOL students get the same rights as regular students, such as the opportunity to get an academic scholarship every semester, participate in student activities, borrow laboratory equipment, consult with academic supervisors, award diplomas, and others.
What is the Strategic Communication?
Strategic Communication is the study of all forms of communication related to business, brands and companies. As part of Communication Studies, the Strategic Communication Study Program will not only study communication carried out in the personal and group spheres, but also focus on communication carried out by a brand, organization and company.
Through the Strategic Communication Study Program, students will learn how a brand, organization and company communicates its messages to all audiences including consumers, employees, competitors, the media and the government to be able to create mutual understanding.

Why should you choose the Strategic Communication ?
The Multimedia Nusantara University Strategic Communication study program equips students not only with theoretical knowledge but also with direct practice. Giving students the opportunity to experience how the industry currently works.
Equip students with knowledge of technological development (ICT), such as the use of Multimedia Laboratory and Collabo Hub as work laboratories in producing communication messages, so that graduates have a balanced competency between understanding theory, implementing it in practice, and using technology in dealing with the world of work. This provision is adapted to the current needs of Industry 4.0.
In addition, UMN’s strategic communication has collaborated with Skystar Ventures, a business incubator owned by UMN, giving students the opportunity to graduate in three and a half years by creating a project. Through the Fast Track route, Skystar Ventures will provide guidance and also capital for students to run their businesses so that they will be prepared to become entrepreneurs who start their own business ventures and be able to complete lectures more quickly.
ECTS Points Table
ECTS Points | 146 SKS |
Education Type | Bachelor Program |
Duration | 4 years |
Language | Bahasa Indonesia |
Bachelor's Degree | Bachelor of Communication Science (S.I.Kom.) |
Visi & Misi Fakultas
Menjadi Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi unggulan yang menghasilkan lulusan berwawasan internasional yang kompeten di bidang komunikasi, berbasis logika, etika, dan ICT dengan menekankan penguasaan teoritis dan praktis, berjiwa wirausaha serta berbudi pekerti luhur.
- Menyelenggarakan proses pembelajaran yang berkualitas (Excellent teaching) with strong industry collaboration, sesuai dengan sasaran tahap ke 2 Rencana Induk Pengembangan UMN, dengan didukung tenaga pengajar profesional dan kurikulum yang up to date yang link and match dengan dunia industri.
- Melaksanakan program penelitian yang memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan keilmuan komunikasi yang berbasis ICT (Information and Communcation Technology).
- Melaksanakan kegiatan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat yang terkait dengan komunikasi, sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat akan informasi yang terpercaya dan dunia industri.
Visi & Misi Program Studi
Menjadi Program Studi Strata Satu Komunikasi Strategis unggulan yang menghasilkan lulusan berwawasan internasional, yang kompeten dalam bidang Corporate Communication dan Marketing Communications yang berbasiskan logika, etika, dan Information and Communication Technology (ICT) dengan menekankan penguasaan teoritis dan praktis, berjiwa wirausaha serta berbudi pekerti luhur.
- Menyelenggarakan proses pembelajaran yang berkualitas, didukung tenaga pengajar berkualitas, didukung tenaga pengajar professional dan kurikulum yang up to date yang link and match dengan industri.
- Melaksanakan program penelitian yang memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan ilmu komunikasi berbasis ICT.
- Melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang terkait dengan komunikasi, sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat dan dunia industri.
Persyaratan Masuk
- Lulusan SMA/SMK Sederajat (verifikasi dengan ijazah dan SKHUN)
- Mengikuti pelatihan LMS/e-learning UMN
- Mengisi kesediaan mengikuti kegiatan tutorial online.
UDL Strategic Communication Study Program students will learn about theory and practice related to communication during their study period. In general, the Strategic Communication Study Program curriculum can be explained as follows:
First Year: Students will learn about understanding the theory of communication, an introduction to public relations, and advertising. In this first year, students are also taught to be critical and creative, as well as given an introduction to multimedia-based programs.
Second Year: Students will learn about various forms of communication, ranging from small environments such as interpersonal communication to a wider scope such as mass communication. Have a deeper understanding of public relations and advertising activities, complemented by their understanding of the media industry, politics, global issues, and digital data analytics.
Third Year: Students deepen the field of strategic communication by studying more specific subjects, such as corporate communication management, reputation management, community relations and engagement, and others. In addition, in the third year, students can also take part in the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka program by taking courses in other study programs.
Fourth Year: Students take part in the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka program by participating in the entrepreneurship program and completing their final project.
Graduate Profile
Learning System
Digital learning is carried out by:
- In virtual sync, lecturers and students carry out learning activities face-to-face virtually. In virtual sync, learning is carried out to discuss case studies, discussions, and also to review other meetings. Virtual synchronous classes can also be filled in by guest lecturers who are practitioners who work in their fields and are able to present real case studies from the industrial world.
- Independent asynchronous learning, where students carry out independent learning activities by accessing learning material in the learning management system flexibly, Learning materials in self-asynchronous learning are interactive learning videos accompanied by interesting animations and visuals to be able to provide illustrations of lecturer explanations, presentation slides, and other learning materials. In addition, students can also take part in online discussion forums.
- The collection of coursework and quizzes is carried out by students through the Learning Management System.
- Students can also carry out online tutorial activities with tutors.
- Students can voluntarily attend the main campus or PBJJ to get face-to-face tutorials and enjoy campus facilities.
- Students can also access the digital library to get other literature.
To support the teaching-learning process, UMN provides various lecture facilities that are complete and up-to-date, in accordance with industry standards. Through the existence of these facilities, students are invited to be close to the industrial world since they are in college and have competencies that are in line with industrial needs. That way, it will make it easier for UMN students to get jobs, even before graduation.
Extracurricular Student Activities
In order to help students explore and develop their non-academic potentials, UMN also provides a variety of extra-curricular activities for students which is locally called UKM, Student Activity Unit.

UMN online registration procedure.
- Click the following link: Registration Form >
- Complete the UMN Online Registration Form
- Attach FC report cards class X & XI
- Attach 2 recent passport photos (uk. 4×6)
- Check your form one more time before pressing the “Submit” button
- Registration fee: Distance Lectures Rp. 100,000 (one hundred thousand rupiah) can be transferred to: The Virtual Account account listed after you have completed filling out the Online Registration Form
- Please pay attention to the last 9 digits of No. Your Virtual Account account, valid as the Exam Registration Number.
- For high school, vocational, language, and already working graduates
- For students who have been accepted at UOL, they are required to take part in the UMN LMS/e-Learning training and fill out their willingness to take part in online tutorial activities.
More information contact.
Email: [email protected]
Representative UOL in Balikpapan
MT Haryono Dalam No. 28,
Kelurahan Sungai Nangka,
Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan
Telp. (0542)8702396
Saya dapat menyelesaikan kuliah dengan tanggung jawab sambil berbisnis. Mostly, prodi Strategic Communication UMN banyak mengajarkan tentang Branding and Marketing; how we create a brand that people could easy to remember and share to others.
Wilson Tjandra
Founder and CEO (Motrela Group)
UMN Online Learning
Program Studi Online Learning didesain untuk mahasiswa yang ingin mendapatkan gelar Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi dengan waktu belajar yang lebih fleksibel. Pembelajaran yang dilakukan melalui E-learning ini memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk dapat belajar di mana saja dan kapan saja.