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Students are often faced with the choice of a public or private campus (source: freepik)
Difference between State and Private Campuses. Choosing a college campus is difficult because many essential aspects must be considered, affecting the course of study. An example is a choice between private and public universities. It has always been a polemic between choosing a private or public campus which is usually a consideration for prospective students.
To make the right decision, here are some differences between public and private universities that you can consider.
Read: 10 Reasons Why to Choose Private University!
1. Differences in Private and Public Campuses in Ownership
The first difference between public and private universities that is easy to remember is the institution/institution that administers them. State universities are universities that are owned and controlled by the state. On the other hand, private universities are held and managed by individuals or organizations, generally in the form of foundations.
2. Tuition Fee
In the past, tuition fees at public universities, which were equivalent to private universities, were generally cheaper. It is the reason many parents encourage their children to attend public universities.
Of course, the government subsidizes PTN tuition fees, so they are cheaper than private universities. PTN sets a one-time tuition fee (UKT) per semester based on the student’s financial ability. However, this rule only applies to students who are accepted through the SNMPTN and SBMPTN pathways. If you are accepted through the independent channel, UKT and Institutional Development Fees (SPI) must be paid at the time of re-registration.
On the other hand, the difference in PTS tuition fees depends on the respective PTS guidelines. Fees are usually categorized as entry fees, re-registration fees, semester tuition fees or BPP, donations from institutions, UTS and UAS fees, practical training fees, credit fees, etc.
Even so, currently, the costs of public and private campuses are pretty competitive, so the two have prices that are not much different.
3. Lecture Building and Campus Facilities
State universities usually have complete facilities, especially buildings. Buildings on state campuses are generally quite old, with buildings that have been around for decades. In addition, other supporting facilities such as prayer rooms, dining rooms, Wi-Fi, libraries, and study rooms are complete. Therefore, it can be said that the number of state higher education institutions is sufficient.
The difference with the private sector is not much different from the state campus. There are still many new buildings on private campuses because private campuses have not been built much like the old state campuses. In terms of facilities, these two types of campuses generally use the same standard of facilities.
All of the above facilities are also owned on private campuses. It’s just that there is a slight difference in the area. State campuses have a wider area than private campuses. It is pretty straightforward, considering that the government already supports State campuses.
4. Choice of Majors at Public and Private Universities
The choice of study programs or majors at PTS is usually more varied and specific. Example: Multimedia The Nusantara University campus has a digital journalism major that is more specific than journalism in general.
Majors at PTN are more general, such as Management, Indonesian Literature, Industrial Engineering, and Medicine. But don’t worry about your job prospects. Job opportunities for both public and private university graduates are wide open. It all depends on your passion and dedication while studying.
5. Registration Path
The main difference between national and public universities and private universities is the admission process. The government organizes new PTN student registration. Compete with thousands of students from over Indonesia to get your desired major. There are three ways to get into PTN. That is, choose transcripts for semesters 1 to 5 and use an invitation letter or SNMPTN. Then select your UTBK test scores through the national written exam or SBMPTN.
Another campus difference is an independent review conducted by each PTN. Independent participants are chosen based on UTBK scores or independent written test scores. The self-test registration schedule will usually begin in May or before the release of the UTBK SBMPTN. Please keep up to date with official information from each designated campus.
PTS offers several tests to screen prospective new students, including interviews, psychological tests, TOEFL, and other basic skills. Competition in PTS is not as tight as in PTN, but that doesn’t mean you can relax without proper preparation. PTS also allows you to enter the performance track with your certificate or non-academic achievements. The PTS registration schedule is usually divided into several waves each year.
6. Teaching Staff
The difference that is no less important is the lecturers on campus. Lecturers at national universities are usually very experienced because they devote themselves to lecturers and, on average, become civil servants. Civil servants may not own a company, let alone a company that is a legal entity. In addition, lecturers at state universities also teach correct academic knowledge, both practical and theoretical.
Meanwhile, several lecturers at private universities are serious about becoming teachers. However, some tutors run their businesses as non-professional tutors. Because PTS teachers are not bound by the prohibition of non-professional companies, primarily those already legal entities. The advantage is that the information provided by faculty at private campuses includes practical and theoretical academic knowledge and knowledge drawn from the faculty’s own experience in running a business.
7. Lecture Holidays
Another difference is during the college holidays. Some public universities generally allow up to two months of vacation during irregular periods and less during even periods, in contrast to private universities, which usually provide more vacation time. Some private colleges may give three months off for odd numbers and two months for even numbers.
You have the freedom to choose which campus best suits your wishes. This article provides a general overview that can help you decide which university is right for you.
You can learn more about other exciting information through the UMN official website. On the website, you can also choose the online registration procedure according to your choice. Come on, register now and start your career with UMN!