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Webinar Citizen Journalism Program bersama tim redaksi Harper’s Bazaar dan Cosmopolitan. (dok. UMN)
TANGERANG – On Tuesday (08/03/22), Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) with Mugi Rekso Abadi (MRA) Media held a webinar themed “Citizen Journalism Program” for all UMN students. Through this event, speakers shared the experience and joys of writing with the Harper’s Bazaar and Cosmopolitan Editorial Team.
Writing is not difficult and can be done as a hobby or work. Especially for now, in a digital era, everyone can write on social media by creating any content and can be held accountable.
“Especially UMN friends here who are studying in this field (journalism), any content made should be content that can be accounted for,” Filisya, the Editor in Chief of Cosmopolitan said.
Filisya added that one of the points in writing is the ideas. Writing ideas can come from various things.
It takes a long time to become an editor because an editor is responsible for overseeing publishing quality in print or online.
Ria Lirungan, the Editor in Chief of Harper’s Bazaar, explained that it is very difficult to become an editor at Harper’s Bazaar. She explained that it’s because screening is not the only job, but also how an editor can become a reliable feature writer. These require steps and also to be credited for the writing.
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Writing cannot be based solely on subjective opinions or investigations. But it takes facts and in-depth research to make credible writing.
“In Bazaar, we can’t write about something that is 100% subjective because when writing a complete article, we need sources and research. When an opinion is included, the opinion we put forward must be based on data, facts, intelligent reviews, and based on research,” Ria said.
According to Ria, every writing has a mission to contain meaning and be useful for many people with values. Like in Harper’s Bazaar, it has the values of Sustainability, Women Empowerment, Local Pride, Inclusivity, Anti Fake Products. Thus adding value to the articles written.
*by Annisa Maulida | Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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