Three UMN Students Receive Jaya Development Scholarship 2015/2016
December 14, 2015
Rumpin Day Out For Fun with SDN Leuwiranji 2 Students
December 22, 2015UKM Rencang in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross again conducted an annual blood donation event at umn function hall on Thursday (17/12) – Friday (18/12). With the theme Share the Gift for A Million Hope, UKM Rencang wants to invite umn students, lecturers, and employees to care more about others who need blood assistance.
“This fifth annual event aims to provide a million hopes for Indonesian people who need blood. Data says that Indonesia needs more than 15 thousand bags of blood every day. Therefore, UKM Rencang wants umn academic community to take part in being a donor for those in need,” said Brian Kristianto, External Public Relations of UKM Rencang.
This event will last for 2 days starting from 10.00-13.30. Brian said that the interest of participants is currently high. This can be seen from the full bench waiting for blood donation provided by UKM Rencang since this event opened this morning.
“Until the time registration closed last week, the number of participants who had registered to become donors had reached 400 people. This number is very likely to increase because we also open registration on the spot, “said Brian.
Let’s succeed in this blood donation activity and be a hope giver for those in need. (*)
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