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The guide and speaker at the Ultigraph UMN 2021 seminar “How Does A Designer Adapt to A New Condition” (doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Ultigraph UMN 2021, an activity held every two years by students of the UMN Visual Communication Design Study Program, again held various series of seminars and workshops. “How a Designer Adapts to New Conditions” is one of a series of seminars held virtually on Wednesday afternoon (27/10/21). On this occasion, Ultigraph UMN presented four well-known speakers in their fields, such as the Creative Principal of SUN Visual and the Head of the Directorate General of GI, Ismiaji Cahyono; Co-Founder of Visionous Studio and President of ADGI, Rege Luhur Indrastudianto; Director of Design Paprieka and Secretary General of AIDIA, Eka Sofyan Rizal; and Deputy Dean for Resources of the ITB FSRD, Intan Rizky Mutiaz
Through this seminar, the four speakers shared experiences in adapting as professionals in the designer field in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation. It is undeniable, the Covid-19 pandemic situation requires all industrial sectors to be able to adapt. However, the four speakers also revealed that many new opportunities are also present during this Covid-19 pandemic.
This opportunity was also felt by Rege Luhur Indrastudianto as Co-Founder of Visionous Studio and President of ADGI. Initially, he admitted that he faced many obstacles in adapting to this pandemic situation. However, he and his team tried their best to keep themselves busy and see the various opportunities that existed. This is done by conducting various collaborations and continuing to innovate. Through it, he was able to find new opportunities that could push him to survive until now.
“This collaboration is an interesting thing during this pandemic. Designers have to look at changing conditions and brand innovation,” said Rege.
On the other hand, Creative Principal of SUN Visual and Head of DGI, Ismiaji Cahyono, said that adaptation has become something that is easy for people working in this creative industry to do. He explained that there will always be change, but it all depends on how you are able to respond to it. According to him, the courage to adapt and transform is the key to face this change.
“We have to get out of our caves, our limitations in defining our profession. So, you have to be flexible to get ready to transform. Must be able to work from anywhere, “said Ismiaji.
Another interesting point was also expressed by Eka Sofyan Rizal as Director of Paprieka Design and Secretary General of AIDIA. In line with Ismiaji, Eka said not to drown in the current. According to him, this pandemic situation is an external factor that causes us to have to change. Therefore, he also said we need not get used to waiting for these external factors to change. Thus, it all depends on oneself as an internal factor to always ask, “What can we do to be able to adapt in the midst of this change?”
Then, in terms of education, there was Intan Rizky Mutiaz as Deputy Dean of Resources at FSRD ITB who revealed that the agenda currently being faced was not only about the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the revolution to the realm of digitalization is also a challenge that will be faced in the world of education, especially in the field of Visual Communication Design. To deal with this, he also emphasized the importance of collaboration to produce works that can be enjoyed in various forms.
“Don’t be dichotomy, it’s compartmentalized if Mas Eka says. Now the spirit of collaboration, right, so this becomes something interesting, “said Intan.
Reported from Instagram @ultigraph, Ultigraph is the largest graphic design festival organized by students under the auspices of the UMN Visual Communication Design Study Program. This year, Ultigraph UMN 2021 carries the theme “Kara Anagata” with the hope of updating the mindset of graphic designers towards a design so that it can have an impact on society. Ultigraph UMN 2021 this time consists of a series of interesting events, such as competitions, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, and Awarding Night.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
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