Share the Gift for A Million Hope
December 17, 2015
This is the Time for Nusantara to Work
January 22, 2016The lack of understanding of school-age children about the importance of washing their hands before and after eating, urinating or large, and several other activities is one of the concerns for LPPM Rumpin. That is why in Rumpin Day Out held by LPPM Rumpin Generation 2 on Monday (21/12), they gave counseling ‘Importance of Hand Washing’ to 80 students of Leuwiranji 2 Elementary School, Sukamulya Village.
The participants followed the counseling enthusiastically. They are also invited to play several games as well as perform origami arts. Finally, the students of SDN Leuwiranji 2 are also each handed hand washing soap.
“We hope that with the division and education like this will grow the habit of washing hands by itself in children,” said Aldo as Chairman of LPPM RUMPIN.
Not only stop there, LPPM Rumpin also shared the science about food to the mothers of SDN Leuwiranji 2 students. They are given an understanding of the dangers of MSG especially if the daily food consumed by children contains many of these ingredients. After the extension is complete the mothers get a goodie bag containing milk, sweet soy sauce, sugar, tea, salt, and vegetable oil by exchanging coupons that have been distributed by the LPPM RUMPIN committee.
Rumpin Day Out isn’t just finished there. To increase reading interest for students, LPPM Rumpin also conducted a survey at the school that can be used as a library under the name ‘Rumah Baca’.
“Seeing from today’s event all went smoothly, the next work program that we will do in the form of Live In for 4 days in Sukamulya Village one of which provides English and ICT education to the children of SDN Leuwiranji 2,” said Aldo again.
Continue to inspire and make a positive impact both inside and outside UMN, Rumpin! (*)
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