10 Potential Majors in the Digital Era
June 28, 2022
Dedicated to the Nation, UMN Provides Full Undergraduate Scholarships Until Graduation
June 28, 2022Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) is a private university located in the Serpong area, Tangerang. In August 2020, UMN was included in the top seven best private universities based on the higher education clustering of the Directorate General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek).
To study at UMN, you need to register as a new student, which you can do online or apply directly on-site at the UMN campus. Of course, you also must pay tuition fees according to the study programs. As of date, UMN has four faculties and 13 study programs, namely:
1. Faculty of Engineering and Informatics
- Informatics Study Program
- Computer Engineering Study Program
- Information Systems Study Program
- Electrical Engineering Study Program
- Physics Engineering Study Program
2. Faculty of Business
- Management Study Program
- Accounting Study Program
- Hotel Operations Diploma Program
3. Faculty of Communication
- Strategic Communication Study Program
- Digital Journalism Study Program
4. Faculty of Art and Design
- Visual Communication Design Study Program
- Film & Animations Study Program
- Architecture Study Program
UMN Base Fee for Academic Year 2022/2023
The tuition fees at UMN. (doc. UMN)
The tuition fee grades at UMN, which can be seen in the picture above, are determined based on the results of your regular test (done when applying at UMN) as a prospective student. Then, the entrance fee is based on the entry fee and the first-semester tuition fee; there are no other additional academic fees. Tuition fees at UMN are based on tuition and semester fees and can change according to changes in the academic year.
Tuition Fees Per Semester at UMN
Semester fees for each study program at UMN. (Doc. UMN)
UMN Registration Procedure
- For those who apply for the Hospitality (Associate’s Degree) major, you must attach a health certificate and a TOEFL Prediction certificate with a minimum score of 450.
- Those registering for the Visual Communication Design and Film & Animation study program have to attach a portfolio of pictures of their work along with a statement letter to state the authenticity of the work (not the work of others and plagiarism).
Before doing all the steps above, prospective registrants must pay a registration fee of Rp. 100,000 for regular lectures, transferred through the Virtual Account listed after completing the online registration form. After that, applicants must send an email containing proof of payment to [email protected] and take the entrance examination.
UMN opens four registration channels: academic path, scholarship tests, regular scholarship (no tests), and regular tests. For more information, you can come directly to the UMN campus on Jalan Scientia Boulevard, Gading Serpong, Tangerang, or call (021) 54220808 or via Line@ Tanyaumn.
*by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika | Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan | International Program, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id