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Product Knowledge for UMN Professor by Taylor’s University. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) together with Taylor’s University held a ‘product knowledge’ session related to the ‘Doctoral Scholarship Program’ offered by Taylor’s University to UMN lecturers. This session was hosted by Ina Haryani – Manager of Institutional Partnership, Taylor’s University and Yap Lin Foong – International Student Recruitment for Postgraduate, Taylor’s University which took place via Zoom Meetings (27/8).
The meeting between UMN and Taylor’s University is not the first time, because the cooperation between the two has been established for quite a long time before. This cooperation relationship began through the development of umn’s D3 Hospitality study program. The implementation of the cooperation then allows the occurrence of lecturers exchange, students exchange, and other cooperation programs.
On this occasion, UMN’s meeting with Taylor’s University again occurred with a ‘product knowledge’ session of doctoral program scholarships offered by Taylor’s University to UMN lecturers. In addition to various lecturers from four UMN faculties, this activity was also attended by umn Vice Rector for Relations and Cooperation Prof. Dr. Muliawati G. Siswanto, M.Eng.Sc.
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For information, Taylor’s University based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia until now has several doctoral programs, some of which such as Architecture, Science, Business, Hospitality & Tourism, Design Management, Food Studies, Law, Medical Science, Media & Communication, Education, Engineering, Computer Science, to Pharmaceutical Sciences. In this session also, Taylor’s University representatives also explained by explaining how the flow of the ‘application’ process to join the Taylor’s University PhD Program.
In this session, also explained 2 scholarship schemes that can be selected by lecturers who are interested in participating in this doctoral program from Taylor’s University. One of the scholarship schemes offered even offers a 100% discount or discount on the overall tuition fee. Not only one-way presentations, the lecturers present were also actively involved and enthusiastic about asking questions related to this doctoral program.
by Virino Miracle | UMN News Service
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika| Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan | International Program, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id