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March 6, 2023
Check it out! Tips for Choosing the Right Campus for College
March 6, 2023Some preparations for entering a private university – Source: unsplash.com/@priscilladupreez
Preparation for entering private university! – For prospective students who want to continue their studies at a private university, several things must be prepared. What are they? Read along!
College is the next stage after you complete high school or vocational school. There are many campus choices in Indonesia. Generally, these campuses can be classified based on the organizers: state university and private university.
Private universities are educational institutions managed by private parties or foundations. Private and state universities have the same goal, which is to prepare students to compete in the world of work as they graduate.
For those who want to enter a private university, there are several things you should know and prepare for. Check out the explanation below.
Private University Entrance Preparation
The preparation for entering private universities and public universities is generally similar. The basic difference that may be found when entering a private university or public university is in the entry path. Here’s what you should prepare if you want to join a private university:
1. Decide on a Major
The first thing you have to prepare before entering a private university is, of course, finding the major you want. You must know the major you are interested in and make sure it is available at the private university you are going to.
You can choose a major or study program according to your interests and talents. This is so that later when you are studying, you can follow through with the lectures enthusiastically.
Also read: Some Things to Know Before Choosing a College Major.
2. Find The Registration Information
The next step is to find out the university’s registration schedule. Usually, each private university has a different registration date, unlike state universities, where all state universities tend to set the same registration schedule.
You can find out a university’s complete information regarding their registration schedule and rules through their website or even social media. After knowing their schedules, prepare the administrative things needed according to the university’s requirements.
3. Prepare Yourself for The Entrance Selection
The next step to be prepared for when you want to enter a private university is the entrance selection stage. At this stage, you will join the university’s entrance selection according to your chosen path.
Private universities in Indonesia offer many paths; you can choose according to your needs and what you can offer.
Well, those are some preparations you must prepare when you want to enter a private university. Then, what are the different entrance paths you can take to enter a private university? Here’s the explanation.
Private University Entrance Selection Paths
Similar to state universities, private universities also have various entrance selection paths. The difference is that if state universities organize the entrance selection simultaneously, it is not the case with private universities. Private universities usually have different registration and entrance selection schedules according to their policies.
So, what are the common entry points in private universities?
1. Achievement Path
Well, this achievement path is also available at state universities. Private universities also generally provide this path for you to take. Usually, if you have regional, national, or even international achievements, you can take or choose this path.
This path can be taken without passing a written test. You only need to prepare what must be completed as a condition of entry on this path.
2. Written Exam Path
The common path usually found at private universities is a written exam. This written exam is a conventional path traditionally provided by private universities. You can take the written exam and other required stages according to each university. You will then be informed if you are selected as a new student at the private university.
Private universities usually select prospective students with the Academic Potential Test, Language, and Mathematics in this written exam path. In addition, for some majors or study programs, you are required to take special tests, such as skills tests or eye tests.
Also read: 5 Alternative Ways for Those Who Have Not Passed the SBMPTN.
Well, UMN friends, those are some preparations for entering a private university that you can do. The most important thing is to solidify your choice in choosing a private university.
Don’t miss information about the world of college, students, work, and the like only on UMN’s Official Website.
Written by Benedictus Adithia | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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