This Is the Development of Tower III UMN
August 30, 2016
UMN Management Study Program Receives A Accreditation from BAN-PT
September 2, 2016To find a collection of books in the campus library now not only with a direct visit but also through the mobile apps ‘UMN Library Catalog’. The application which is the work of Albert (Informatics Engineering, 2012) can be downloaded by android users.
This text mining-based application is a development project of the previous system that still cannot be operated optimally as well as being Albert’s final task in the Informatics Engineering study program. Using different algorithms and environments, Albert then created a system that is more practical and accessible through mobile phones.
“So far students still do not know much about the previous search system, therefore I am challenged to develop it again,” said the student with an interest in the oracle database.
With this ‘UMN Library Catalog’ users can type the title of the desired book, then the search engine will provide detailed book information including the author’s name, year of publication, language, number of pages, including the number of books in the library and the number of books available.
Orisa Mahardhini as Library Superintendent expressed his satisfaction with the application. “Although simple, but helps users in finding books by not having to come to the library,” he explained.
Furthermore, Orisa wants the features in the application to continue to be updated. “In order to be developed into other menus such as loan accounts, where users can see the status and number of loans, book return dates and information about library activities,” he said.
For Android users, you can directly download it for free on the Play Store. (*)
by: Debora Thea – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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