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Visible inside Level 2.0 (dock. UMN).
TANGERANG – Virtual Architecture Exhibition (PARAS) held by the Association of Architecture Students of Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) is back in this second year, consisting of 27 works of Final Assignments of students in the class of 2016 and 2017. The exhibition is open 24 hours from Sunday, September 5 to Saturday, October 16, 2021 on the PARAS 2.0 website.
The ongoing pandemic did not stop the intention of UMN Architecture students, to continue to appreciate their works and as a forum for UMN Architecture students to share their knowledge.
“By displaying their architectural design works to the wider community so that the quality of education and human resources (HR) of UMN Architecture can be better known,” said Fatihah Az-Zahra, Chief Executive officer of PARAS 2.0 and umn architecture student of 2018 when interviewed (8/9).
At PARAS 2.0 this year, the theme carried “Kelana” which means PARAS 2.0 wants to invite visitors to take a trip to visit the final assignment works of UMN Architecture students located in various regions, has a variety of typologies, and also context.
The criteria displayed are the result of curation by UMN Architecture lecturers. Responding to the large number of exhibitors spread across various regions with a variety of typologies and also different contexts, the process of traveling is divided into 7 categories: (1) Market, (2) Tourism, (3) Education, (4) Commercial, (5) Residential, (6) Public Space, and (7) Transportation.

Map of Indonesia as a visitor base in Paras 2.0 (doc. UMN)
Not only looking at the exhibition’s virtual buildings, visitors can also enlarge the work based on these 7 categories or based on project areas located in Jakarta, Banten, Central Java, Bali, East Kalimantan, and Batam.
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Zahra explained the difference between PARAS and last year, that this year’s exhibition is more emphasized on the website platform experience and a 360° virtual tour that better matches the theme of the event. Visualized with a map of Indonesia as a base for visitors.

One of the categories consisting of several student names along with the work of the final assignment and can be enlarged to see more details. (Doc. UMN)
“PARAS 1.0 more sessions recall the student experience while in the Design Studio with a virtual tour background is the Design Studio of UMN Architecture students,” continued Zahra.
Zahra hopes that with the holding of PARAS 2.0 the wider community can get knowledge from the architectural design works on display and can show the quality of UMN Architecture study program to the architect bureaus and companies that come to visit. This makes it possible to cooperate with the bureau.
By Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
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