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November 10, 2024Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) held a “Public Speaking for Podcast” workshop on Wednesday (23/10/24).
TANGERANG – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) shows a strong commitment to the community by organizing various community service programs, one of which is through the “Public Speaking for Podcast” workshop on Wednesday (23/10/24). The participants of this training consisted of local government officials from Tangerang Regency and the Forum for Healthy Tangerang Regency (Forum Kabupaten Tangerang Sehat/FKTS).
“UMN provides support in the form of podcast equipment, but it must also be filled with knowledge [about how to produce the podcast itself]. We hope that many parties will fill in there. With podcasts, we can convey information more widely to the community,” FKTS Daily Chair Imam Sutopo said.
The Forum for a Healthy Tangerang Regency (FKTS) is a forum that includes various parties, including the government, non-governmental organizations, and the general public. It was formed to improve the quality of life of the people of Tangerang Regency by developing a healthy environment.
Lecturer at UMN’s Faculty of Communication Sciences, Dr. Indiwan Seto Wahjuwibowo, M.Si., revealed that the condition of environmental health in Tangerang is still quite alarming. Open defecation is one of the main causes of poor environmental hygiene in Tangerang. This is a serious problem that impacts public health and the environment as a whole.
“So, actually, our goal is for the participants of the forum to be able to provide the campaign, especially about environmental health, so that the anti-defecation movement is running. It’s really high [the number of people who defecate carelessly]. We still have many villages that don’t have toilets at home. Moreover, it’s about waste,” explained Indiwan, who was also a speaker at the ‘Public Speaking for Podcast’ training.
Indiwan also hopes that the workshop participants will be able to provide information to citizens more widely and efficiently through this podcast. This workshop also provided training on basic video editing and public speaking to complement the ability to produce podcasts.
Regarding public speaking, Drs. Yohanes Langgar Billy, M.M., an English lecturer at UMN and a speaker at this workshop, mentioned several tips, starting with optimizing nonverbal communication with body language, utilizing visuals to strengthen the message you want to convey, and storytelling techniques.
“Speech is not about what you say. But, what we show. How we show it is also important,” Billy said.
By Melinda Chang – UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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