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December 27, 2023
Building Bridges for a Sustainable Future: UMN’s Contribution to Global Climate Conversations
December 27, 2023National Youth Research Competition (01/12)
Tangerang – After going through the Provincial Young Research Competition round, the selected finalists advanced to the National Young Research Competition (Lomba Penelitian Belia (LPB) Nasional). Attended by 312 young researchers with various fields and research topics. The Youth Research Competition was held at UMN on (01/12).
This Youth Research Competition is a research competition intended for students ranging from junior high school, high school, vocational high school, Madrasah Aliyah, and Madrasah Tsanawiyah. This National Youth Research Competition was attended by 312 research teams who were the winners of the National Young Research Competition, assessed by a total of 30 judges and divided into 10 fields, namely Mathematics, Physics, Environment, Sociology, Psychology, History, Economics, Geography, Computer Science, and Life Science.
The Youth Research Competition is chaired by Monika Raharti, Ph.D., who is one of the chairs of the 2023 National Youth Research Competition, and Dr. Eng, Niki Prastomo, S.T., M.Sc, as the Dean of the Engineering and Informatics Faculty of UMN. UMN itself, as a campus that pays attention to research and innovation, also organizes the National Youth Research Competition. Because education itself is very important to UMN, this Youth Research Competition is a form of UMN’s attention to education.
“Seeing the enthusiasm of the students, we are happy because we see that more students are participating in the National Youth Research Competition this year. Seeing the number of students who participated, I hope there will be more next year. I also hope that this research is included in the curriculum at school, so it is not only in extracurricular activities or interested students, but all students have the opportunity to do research,” Monika said.
This activity is also not merely a competition. Participants get the experience to interact with each other, discuss with judges or fellow participants, and the opportunity to share and learn.
National LPB Participants Prepare Their Research Presentations (01/12)
“The enthusiasm of the participants is unique to me– how these participants utilize science and knowledge as an effort to solve problems in their environment. Many of the participants put forward the concept of think global, act local,” Niki said.
Of course, both the judges and the organizers can continue to hold the National Young Research Competition so this can be a forum for young researchers to continue to hone their creative thinking skills, communication analysis, cooperation, hard work, and also self-reflection, and have a positive impact on others.
Of the 312 participating teams, there were 48 winners from the 10 fields, winners ranging from 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, and Harapan champion. The list of winners of the 2023 National Young Research Competition is as follows:
Computer Science
1st place: Delfino Jeconiah Djaja & Fhilip Yanus from SMA Bangun Insan Mandiri on “Spaced Learning.”
2nd place: Naurelle Tabina Hanief & Satya Rizky Pradipta from SMAN 3 Semarang on “APETROL (CHOLESTEROL DETECTION APPLICATION ON PHONE BASED ON IRIS IMAGE TECHNOLOGY.”
3rd place: Fransiska Nindita Iswari & Wilson Kenneth Jonathan from SMA Santa Angela Bandung on “Password Strength Measurement and Recommendation Based on User Input Using Entropy Method.”
1st Honorable Mention: Angel Anlee from SMA Tarakanita 2 on “Application of Artificial Intelligence in Skill Development: Personal Trainer for Sports.”
2nd Honorable Mention: Rosa Andini Ismayanti & Benediktus Kenneth Setiadi from SMA Santa Angela Bandung on “Arduino-based Pulse Oximeter Prototype with Keypad and LED Indicator for Monitoring Pulse Rate and Oxygen Level.”
1st place: Dominique Samantha Suniadji & Gabriel James Saganski from Bina Nusantara High School Bekasi on “Indonesia’s Economic Resilience Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
2nd Place: Ursula Arlene Sarsono & Sherryn Marvella Fan from SMA Bintar Mulia on “The Impact of Fine Motor Skills Training on Employment Opportunities for People with Down Syndrome in Bandung City”
3rd Place: Stanley Cahyono & Rubby Anastasya Sanjaya from SMA Cita Hati Christian School East Campus on “Implementation of MRT in The City of Surabaya: Realizing Future Mobility Solutions”
1st Honorable Mention: Janitra Emmanuella Nastari & Eugenius Dominus Tecum Roso Mudayen from SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta on “Comparison of Consumptive Behavior of Adolescents in View of Education Level, Gender, and Determinants.”
2nd Honorable Mention: Tung Tiago Masimo & Vincent Runtung from SMA Santa Laurensia Alam Sutera on “Click to Cash: How Online Loans Are Changing the Purchasing Power of South Tangerang People.”
1st Place: Ruth Joelin Dharmadi & Jacqueline Liyanto Lie from SMA Santa Laurensia Alam Sutera on “Potential of Tofu Dregs-Based Activated Sludge in Processing Synthetic Dye Waste.”
2nd place: Ifan Ardiansah & Luthfiannisa Naylaa Dian Salsabila from SMA Unggulan CT ARSA Foundation Sukoharjo on “Hydrogel Patch Based on Rambutan Fruit (Nephelium lappaceum) to Overcome Thrush (Recurrent Aphthous).”
3rd place: Valentino Bobby Chen & Jason Conrad Tanely from SMA Narada on “Single Chamber MFC for Power Generation Using Tofu Waste from KOPTI Semanan.”
1st Honorable Mention: Kaylee Ann Siswanto from SMP Cita Hati Christian School on “Spent Coffee Grounds: From Waste to Solution – Activated Carbon to Address Lead Contamination in Water.”
2nd Honorable Mention: Gabriella Isabelle Sulaiman & Vaneska Meira Putri from Santa Laurensia Junior High School on “Utilization of Plastic Waste into Pressure Resistant Paving Blocks.”
1st Place: Moch Argan Ibrahim Movic & Prima Racga Sisilahi Akbar from SMPN 41 Surabaya on “GEO SMART ARCADE” Geography Learning Smart Book with Augmented Reality for Disaster Mitigation Education for Children.”
2nd place: Julius Iskandar & Samantha Odelia Saputera from Narada International School on “Quake-tector.”
3rd place: Anselia Trisha S. & Jessica Handojo from Petra 1 Christian High School on “Development of Digital Comic Media as a Disaster Awareness Measure for Surabaya Residents.”
1st Honorable Mention: Indah Suci Rachmawati & Naila Salsabila from MAN 1 Jembrana on “Mapping Flood Prone Areas with Google Earth Remote Sensing and QGIS for Flood Mitigation in Jembrana.”
1st place: Izzauma Rona Marasalam & Aurelia Danurdara Eichensi Putri from SMA N 1 Magelang on “Existence and Discrimination of the First Chinese School in Magelang City: CHHH (1909 – 1966).”
2nd place: Nur Zahrotun Jannah & Adiba Zannuba Khafshoh from MAN 1 Kudus on “The Existence of Menara Kudus Publisher as an Agent of Revitalization of Traditional Islamic Studies in Indonesia (1952-2005).”
3rd place: Elnathan Hamonangan Parasian Manalu on “Straightening History: Building Awareness of the True Birthplace of Indonesia’s Proclamator.”
1st Honorable Mention: Dwi Anggun Fitriawati & Siti Camelia Puspita Nurzaman from SMA N 1 Beber on “NAVY OCEAN MONUMENT: A Mute Witness of the Navy’s Heroism in Kuda City during the Revolutionary Period.”
2nd Honorable Mention: Adelia Ayu Agustina & Nur Shabicha Fathmawaty from MA MUHAMMADIYAH 10 GKB, Gresik on “Preserving the Old Town of Kampung Kemasan, Gresik.”
Life Science
1st Place: Inez Shafa Damhudi from SMAN 1 Palembang on “Testing the Efficiency of Various Types of Orange Peel (Citrus) in Reducing Cadmium (Cd) Levels in Rice in South Sumatra.”
2nd place: Renault Tjandera & Austin Thanur from Santa Laurensia Junior High School on “Study of Bioactive Compounds from Ethnomedicine of Baduy Tribe as Nasopharynx Cancer Drug Candidate through In Silico Approach.”
3rd place: Ayesha Ramadani Nugroho from SMA Negeri 5 Yogyakarta on “Low-Cost Organic Plastic: Environmentally Friendly Cyclea Barbata.”
1st Honorable Mention: Rafida Gaitha Widyasari Putri & Ilham Adinata Djatmika on “Optimizing the Effectiveness of SC-2 Liquid as Analgesic in First Aid.”
2nd Honorable Mention: Kevan Vallerio Anwar & Brian Alvarico Anwar from SMA Negeri 3 Semarang / SMP Negeri 2 Semarang on “Utilization of Banana Peel Flour to Reduce Body Weight, Blood Glucose Levels, and Microscopic Pancreas Damage in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Rat Model.”
1st place: Collin Mykelti Wilson from SMA Santa Angela Bandung on “Polynomial Approximation for Parabolic Arc Length on Projectile Trajectory and Suspension Bridge.”
2nd place: Mohammad Fikri Al Dzaki Arifbillah & Ahmad Yusril Huda from MAN 1 Jembrana on “Integration of Geogebra Application and Typical Loloan Sarong Weaving for Ethnomathematics-Based Transformation Geometry Learning.”
3rd place: I Gede Arya Nata & Johannes Baptista Bintang Parulian Indratmoko from SMA Kolese Loyola on “Development of Color Code Based ARBIMON Cryptography.”
1st Honorable Mention: Jeanetta Yonatan Kandani & Giovanni Cheryl Leang from SMA Cita Hati Timur on “VORONOI DIAGRAM IN ANALYSIS OF WASTE DISPOSAL LOCATIONS IN EAST SURABAYA.”
1st place: Katharine Lauren Tie & Vanessa Natalie Karlina from SMA Santo Aloysius 2 Bandung on “Stability of a Box in a Bag.”
2nd place : Grace Lionny Santoso & Joya Samatha Tan from SMA Budi Utama on “Pena Mbatik.”
3rd place: Rivera Josephine Wijaya from SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta on “Slendro Frequency Modulator System on Green Algae Sustainability as Food Source for Marine Ecosystem.”
1st Honorable Mention: Muhammad Hanif from Bina Insan Mandiri Nganjuk High School on “Application of Static Electric Field on Atmospheric Water Producing Machine to increase the efficiency of pure water production from free air.”
2nd Honorable Mention: Aloysius Paul Widjaja & Demetrius Bendito Onggo from SMA Tarakanita Gading Serpong on “GATOR: Garbage-Powered Generator, Generating Electricity from Garbage by Utilizing Seebeck Effect.”
1st place: Christiana Alexis Gani & Neena Visakha Guntoro from SMP Cita Hati Christian School on “The secret power of peppermint: peppermint candy as a solution to improve student concentration after the covid-19 pandemic.”
2nd place: Joanna Natasha Marjono from Sekolah Pelita Harapan Sentul City High School on “Exploring the Correlation Between the Consumption of “Relationship/Couple Goals” Content on TikTok and the Happiness of Single Teenagers 13-18 Years Old in Jabodetabek.”
3rd Place: Starleen Julivyanti & Alan De Mello Wahyudi from SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR Bandung on “MINDSITE: Transforming Mental Health Literacy in Adolescents Using Web-Based Therapy.”
1st Horonable Mention: Muhammad Raihan Fahrezi & Muhammad Ayyas Sukindi from MAN Insan Cendekia Pekalongan on “Coffee Nap Effect On Student Performance In Learning Activities At Islamic State High School Of Islamic State Insan Cendekia Pekalongan.”
2nd Honorable Mention: Luweis Henock Cristiansyah Siahaan & Samuel Partogi Simanjuntak from SMA Unggul Del on “The Use of The Pygmalion Effect with Reward Method to Improve Student Achievement at SMA Unggul Del.”
1st Place: Salvea Flaminia Wijaya & Trecilia Evengelin Joe from SMA Santa Laurensia Suvarna Sutera on “Beauty Privilege: Its Impact on Teenagers’ Social Life.”
2nd Place: Auliya Puteri Magdalena Iskandar & Maria Ratna Citrya Devika Komala from SMA Santo Aloysius 1, Bandung on “Ethics and Conflicts in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Creating Artworks within the Boundaries of Fine Arts and its Industry.”
3rd place: Nurhafiyya AlMukminah & Andini Diah Pitaloka from SMAN 1 Palembang on “The Relationship Between Love Language Similarity and Interpersonal Friendship.”
1st Honorable Mention: Muhammad Fatih Putra Nugraha from SMA Pradita Dirgantara on “Embracing Hope on the Slopes of Merapi: An In-depth Analysis of Structural Poverty among Farmers in Samiran Village, Selo District, Boyolali Regency.”
2nd Honorable Mention: Cecilia Elizabeth Longdong & Clara Citra Calista Juventia from Tarakanita Gading Serpong High School on “FoMO Syndrome as a Measure of Self-Satisfaction Viewed from Subjective-Well Being Theory at Tarakanita Gading Serpong High School.”
by Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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