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January 12, 2023LPPM UMN Community Service Coordinator Andy Firmansyah, with Abah Lala as chairman and initiator of the South Lebak Mitigation Group. (Doc. Research and Community Service Institute of UMN)
Panggarangan, Lebak – Multimedia Nusantara University provided a generator set grant with a capacity of 5000 Watts of electric power to the South Lebak Mitigation Group. The grant awarding took place at Villa Hejo Kiarapayung, Panggarangan Village, Panggarangan District, Lebak Regency, on Friday, December 23, 2022.
The generator grant is a commitment of Multimedia Nusantara University in assisting and supporting the efforts of community service partners, namely the South Lebak Mitigation Group, in carrying out programs to increase preparedness for earthquake and tsunami disasters in southern Java throughout all phases of disaster starting from mitigation, preparedness, response, and resilience.
Present at this activity were the Community Service Coordinator from the Research and Community Service Institute of UMN, Andy Firmansyah; the Community Service program representative from the Communication Science Study Program, Irwan Fakhruddin; and the Community Service program representative from the Journalistic Study Program, Yearry Panji Setianto. Meanwhile, the South Lebak Mitigation Group was represented by Abah Lala as the chairman and initiator of the South Lebak Mitigation Group.
Lala said that backup electricity is very crucial when a disaster occurs. Later, this generator will be placed in the GMLS Command Center, considering that the information and coordination center in the event of a disaster will be in the Command Center.
“Besides that, the Command Center must also become a refugee evacuation shelter. Therefore, we are very grateful for this generator grant from UMN,” Abah Lala said.
Andy Firmansyah said this grant was part of UMN’s commitment as a university partner in carrying out the third tridharma, community service.
“Hopefully this generator can help expedite the programs carried out by the South Lebak Mitigation Group, where the need for electricity is a necessity and cannot be interrupted,” Andy said.

(Doc. Research and Community Service Institute of UMN)
This was also emphasized by Irwan Fakhruddin, who said that a generator is crucial when a disaster occurs and the electrical infrastructure is not functioning.
“Backup electricity can especially help the communication role carried out by the South Lebak Mitigation Group, which of course, is the use of digital media as communication message carriers requires uninterrupted electrical energy infrastructure,” Irwan said.
On this occasion, Yearry Panji Setianto also conveyed that GMLS has a vital role in Bayah, South Banten, not only as a community and entity that consistently encourages awareness of local residents about disaster mitigation.
By Irwan Fakhruddin – LPPM UMN
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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