Master of
MIK – Master of Communication Studies
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
The Master of Communication Science has achieved an impressive feat, earning Superior Accreditation from the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti). This achievement demonstrates UMN’s commitment to providing high-quality education with rigorous academic standards, focusing on developing practical skills to thrive in the diverse and dynamic communications industry.
Master of Communication Studies studies combine scientific perspectives and practical perspectives to prepare graduates to explain and solve various kinds of strategic communication problems in the field of marketing communications and corporate communications.
Emphasis is given primarily to the ability to anticipate the disruption caused by the digital transformation that has hit industry and society. From a scientific perspective, this study program is designed to provide a solid understanding of theories, principles, concepts and research methods in the field of strategic communication. This is due to a shift in professional roles that increasingly demand mastery of advanced strategic knowledge rather than just operational skills.
From a practical perspective, this study program is designed to build the ability to develop innovation, increase competitiveness, and improve adaptive capacity, both from an organization and other strategic communicator entities.
Accordingly, this study program offers two concentrations, namely
- Digital Corporate Communication.
- Digital Marketing Communication (Digital Marketing Communication).
Aims to produce graduates with international insight who are competent in digital strategic communication, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and have noble character. Master of Communication Science at UMN can produce graduate profiles as follows: Corporate Communication Manager, Communication Strategic Consultants, Social Media Manager, Digital Marketing, Communication Manager, Brand Manager, Academics, Researchers

Master's Excellence
Master of Communication Studies at UMN
- Facilities and infrastructure that support lectures, such as: collaborative learning, libraries with adequate literature, collabo-hub laboratories, multimedia production laboratories, and access to international journals.
- Cooperation with research institutions, government non-government organizations (NGOs), industry and Business Incubator Skystar Ventures for the development of entrepreneurship towards technopreneurship.
- Teaching staff consisting of academics and practitioners who are competent in their fields.
- A curriculum that emphasizes aspects of digital communication, innovation, managerial and represented culture.
- Multimedia-based teaching system, use of collaborative learning, blended learning, case studies, problem solving, and guest lecturers from experienced practitioners in the communications industry. Multimedia Nusantara University
Course Matrix
- Digital Corporate Communication
The concentration of Digital Corporate Communication is oriented towards understanding and skills in aspects of communication, corporate, management, business, and digital technology.With understanding and skills in these five aspects, graduates of the Master of Communication Studies taking this concentration are able to research, understand, and anticipate changes taking place in industry and society, as well as offering solutions to various corporate communication problems that arise along with these changes.
For example, the development of corporate image, corporate identity, and corporate reputation through an omni-channel approach by integrating the use of digital media and conventional media.
Digital Marketing Communication (Digital Marketing Communication)
The concentration of Digital Marketing Communication is oriented towards understanding and skills in aspects of communication, marketing, management, business, and digital technology.
With understanding and skills in these five aspects, graduates of the Master of Communication Science are able to research, understand, and anticipate changes taking place in industry and society, as well as offering solutions to various marketing communication problems that arise along with these changes.
For example, through the preparation and implementation of personalized marketing strategies or guaranteeing data transparency in marketing to ensure the security of customer private data (consumer data protection).
Entry Requirements
- University graduates accredited by BAN-PT.
- College graduates from various disciplines as long as they meet the requirements.
- Fill out the registration application form and upload documents at the PMB Registration Link:
- Identity (KTP & KK).
- Photocopy of S1 certificate.
- Photocopy of S1 grades.
- TOEFL/TOEIC certificate min. 475 which is still valid.
- Letter of recommendation from the company.
- Take the entrance exam selection (test schedule – check here) with the following materials:
- Academic Potential Test/TPA.
- Interview.
- All prospective students who are accepted are required to attend the Matriculation class (must be attended before the Regular lecture begins)
Vision Mission.
Vision MIK
To become a leading Master of Communication Studies Program of international standard that is able to play an active role in developing Communication Studies, especially Digital Strategic Communication which has an international perspective, interdisciplinary approach, entrepreneurial spirit and virtuous character.
Mission MIK
- Organizing a quality master's education with a curriculum that is adaptive to the development of global issues and in strong collaboration with various sectors of industry, government, and society.
- Carry out basic and applied research that contributes to the development of Communication Science, especially Digital Strategic Communication, both theoretically and practically.
- Organizing community service activities in the field of strategic communication that can contribute to community empowerment
Visi Misi Fakultas
Vision of the Faculty of Communication Sciences
To become a superior Faculty of Communication Sciences that produces international-minded graduates who are competent in the fields of communication, based on logic, ethics and ICT by emphasizing theoretical and practical mastery, entrepreneurial spirit and noble character.
Mission of the Faculty of Communication Sciences
Organizing a quality learning process (excellent teaching) with strong industry collaboration, in accordance with the targets of Stage 2 of the UMN Development Master Plan, supported by professional teaching staff and an up-to-date curriculum that links and matches with the industrial world,
Carrying out research programs that contribute to the development of ICT-based communication science (information and communication technology).
Carry out community service activities related to communication so that you can contribute to fulfilling the community’s need for reliable information and that of the industrial world.
Entry Requirements.
Master of Communication Studies
Entry Requirements
- Complete the Online Registration Form
- Upload (upload) documents on the PMB Registration Link:
- Personal identity (KTP).
- Photocopy of S1 diploma.
- Photocopy of S1 grades.
- Valid TOEFL/TOEIC certificate min.475 .
- Recommendation letter from the company.
- Take the entrance exam selection, with materials:
- Academic Potential Test/TPA.
- Case Study Analysis.
- Interview.
- University graduates from various fields of science as long as they meet the requirements.
- BAN-PT accredited higher education graduate.
- All prospective students who are accepted are required to take the Matriculation class.
- The Toefl Prediction test can be carried out by CED UMN
Test Fee: Rp. 100 thousand ;
Hub registration. CED Call Center 0896 7324 7721
"Set a Plan, Start Learning and Unlock Your Potential"
To support the learning process, umn provided a complete and sophisticated college facility, according to industrial standards. Through the existence of the facility, students have been invited to be close to the industrial world since sitting in college and to have competence that matches the needs of the industry. That way, it will make it easier for umn students to find jobs, even before graduation.
Extracurricular Student Activities
In order to help students explore and develop their non-academic potentials, UMN also provides a variety of extra-curricular activities for students which is locally called UKM, Student Activity Unit.

...This program is currently attended by professionals from varying field and nationalities, with a common goal and that is to internalize the spirit of independence, struggle, entrepreneurship, and technopreneur in the context of strategic communication to contribute to improving the quality of people’s lives through theses, publications of scientific papers and projects...
John Charles V. Andaya
Inkubator Bisnis
Skystar Ventures is a technology and workspace incubator founded by Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) and Kompas Gramedia Group (KGG). We target early-stage startups in the Internet, mobile, social, educational, and eCommerce sectors.