Undergraduate Program in

          Digital Journalism

What is Journalism?

Journalism is a science that teaches how to produce content based on real events to be disseminated to various platforms. Students of Journalism Study Program will learn all forms of journalism (whether it is writing, audio, visual or audio visual) ranging from the process of planning, production, dissemination / publication, to monitoring the content on social media.

In today’s industrial era, a journalist does not only make news. UMN’s Journalism Study Program also provides opportunities for students to become content creators who can focus on producing content in accordance with topics of interest, for example, travelling to a certain place, sports matches, the current state of the environment, or any other topic that is out there. Students will learn how to build the content according to the audience they want to target.

Why Choose
UMN’s Journalism?

Multimedia Nusantara University’s Journalism Study Program focuses on utilizing new technologies to learn new forms of journalism. Therefore, learning activities are also supported with adequate technology. Some courses are also tailored to the needs of the industry as well as the development of existing technologies, such as mobile and social media journalism courses that utilize the use of gadgets in producing and disseminating journalistic products through social media.

In addition, UMN’s Journalism Study Program also equips its students with the knowledge about hoax news (HOAKS) and ways to identify them through digital factchecking courses. Besides that, through web apps for journalism courses, students will also be taught how to create a website to be able to publish journalistic products that have been created independently.

Kompas Gramedia supports UMN in providing access to teachers from media industry who are experienced, able to provide knowledge about the current conditions of the media industry and serve a source for students to practice directly.

Why Choose
UMN’s Journalism?

Multimedia Nusantara University’s Journalism Study Program focuses on utilizing new technologies to learn new forms of journalism. Therefore, learning activities are also supported with adequate technology. Some courses are also tailored to the needs of the industry as well as the development of existing technologies, such as mobile and social media journalism courses that utilize the use of gadgets in producing and disseminating journalistic products through social media.

In addition, UMN’s Journalism Study Program also equips its students with the knowledge about hoax news (HOAKS) and ways to identify them through digital factchecking courses. Besides that, through web apps for journalism courses, students will also be taught how to create a website to be able to publish journalistic products that have been created independently.

Kompas Gramedia supports UMN in providing access to teachers from media industry who are experienced, able to provide knowledge about the current conditions of the media industry and serve a source for students to practice directly.

ECTS Points Table

ECTS Points 146 SKS
Education TypeBachelor Program
Duration4 years
LanguageBahasa Indonesia
Bachelor's DegreeBachelor of Communication Science (S.I.Kom.)

Career Prospect

Further Study

Student Scholarship

Entry Requirement

Niknik Mediyawati, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Veronika, S.Sos, M.Si
Samiaji Bintang Nusantara S.T., M.A.
Albertus Magnus Prestianta, S.I.Kom., M.A.
Ignatius Haryanto Djoewanto, S.Sos, M.Hum.
Camelia Catharina, M.Si
Adi Wibowo Octavianto, S.Sos., M.Si.
Fransiscus Xaverius Lilik Dwi Mardjianto, S.S., M.A.
Nona Evita, B.A., M.A.

Extracurricular Student Activities

In order to help students explore and develop their non-academic potentials, UMN also provides a variety of extra-curricular activities for students which is locally called UKM, Student Activity Unit.

Student who are Nature Lovers in University Multimedia Nusantara can join and participate in UMN’s […]

Ultima Sonora is the Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Choir ensemble which has been established since 2007. […]

UMN Symphony Orchestra (USO), is one of the arts and culture UKM at UMN. As […]

Let’s Dance (LDNC) is a Student Activity Unit (UKM) that focuses on dancing. LDNC itself […]

Traditional Music and Dance or familiarly known as TRACCE is one of the Student Activity […]

Qorie is one of the many Student Activity Units at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara that has […]


Rekapitulasi Penelitian Internal - Jurnalistik

Rekapitulasi Penelitian Hibah DIKTI - Jurnalistik


Information Literacy

“During my time in UMN’s Journalism Program, all the courses taught provided a great base for the future in media industry. In addition, I also feel that UMN educates its students to be able to adapt and communicate in various walks of life, which is certainly very useful for me to apply in my current world of work.”


David Caessarre

Alumni Jurnalistik 2015
Creative Officer di Narasi TV


“Multimedia Nusantara University’s Journalism Study Program focuses on utilizing new technologies to learn new forms of journalism. Therefore, learning activities are also supported with adequate technology. Some courses are also tailored to the needs of the industry as well as the development of existing technologies, such as mobile and social media journalism courses that utilize the use of gadgets in producing and disseminating journalistic products through social media.”


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