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TANGERANG – The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi/Kemenkominfo) has again opened internship opportunities for students of the Faculty of Arts and Design of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), especially Visual Communication Design (VCD) majors. This opportunity is open to students of at least semester 6.
According to its official website, the Indonesia Game Developer Exchange (IGDX) is the largest annual official event held by Kominfo in collaboration with the Indonesian Game Association (Asosiasi Game Indonesia/AGI) for game industry players. It is dedicated to improving the technical expertise and business capabilities of game developers in Indonesia.
This year, Kemenkominfo and AGI created an innovation, IGDX Bootcamp, a platform for students to become future game developers. In addition to UMN, IGDX Bootcamp works with 11 campuses in Indonesia to produce quality human resources in the gaming field.
“The purpose of this program is to encourage the accelerated development of the Indonesian game industry through the improvement and quality of game developers. This program also provides opportunities for various parties, such as educational institutions and industry players, to increase the potential of the Indonesian game industry,” said Luat Sihombing, an IGDX staff.
There are six series in the IGDX Bootcamp program:
- Campaign: This activity aims to increase prospective participants’ understanding of IGDX Bootcamp activities and encourage them to participate in IGDX Bootcamp activities.
- Curation: IGDX Bootcamp Curation is an activity in filtering participants who have registered for the IGDX Bootcamp program from the skills and portfolios of participants
- Team Matchmaking: Team Matchmaking is an activity that categorizes participants into a team of at least three people. One team is expected to have the ability to be a programmer, artist, and designer.
- Matriculation: Matriculation is an activity that provides technical skills in making games for participants who have passed the curation. This activity will be carried out within one month individually according to the curriculum and syllabus that has been determined.
- Incubation: Incubation is an activity in which an idea is processed in a team to become a game prototype so that a playable demo/trailer/pitch deck is created in a game.
- Pitching Area: In this activity, each team will pitch to local publishers/related industries, and then the three best teams will be selected for a game studio visit.
The IGDX Bootcamp Technical Meeting opens on May 30, and the incubation program will run until September 29. The entire series of activities is carried out online.
Luat also mentioned the various benefits students will get if they join this internship program, including having a professional portfolio, certification, getting mentorship, developing hard skills & soft skills, and getting easy access to enter the Game Industry.
According to Muhammad Cahya Mulya Daulay, S.Sn., M.D.S., Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), the game industry in Indonesia is experiencing continuous and innovative growth. This shows extraordinary potential for the development of the country’s creative sector.
“Hopefully, after they know the target audience and other important aspects, students can better map out their goals and careers in the future,” concluded Muhammad Cahya.
by Ivana Auliya | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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