Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Welcomes Visit from IIAI Japan
March 6, 2025
Guest Lecture with Ranga Kalansooriya, Ph.D. (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) presents Ranga Kalansooriya, Ph.D., Advisor Asia-Pacific for International Media Support, in a guest lecture on Communication for Sustainable Development on Thursday (06/03/2025). This session discusses the changing media landscape and the role of the Fifth Estate—social media and the internet—in democracy and sustainable development.
Today, media is experiencing major changes in business models and technology. These changes bring challenges as well as opportunities for the younger generation to understand how media works in the digital age.
“What is a good media? A good media must have good business environments, professional journalists, adequate technology, good laws and regulations. A government that provides good regulations including freedom of opinion and expression. For me, Indonesia has a good landscape compared to other countries because of its laws,” said Ranga.
He also explained that social media and the internet are now an important part of the global media landscape . ” The Fifth Estate is a new term and many have not discussed in detail, the Fifth Estate through the concept of democracy. If democracy is likened to the roof of the four existing pillars, and supports democracy itself. Seeing the Fourth Estate which should be a public interest is now commercially and politically captured. Also sometimes it involves in bad practices such as money laundering as well. Although not all media work for profit, because it is captured by different interests, it reduces trust in society,” he continued.
In a social context, social media plays a role in shaping public opinion and encouraging collective action, including demonstrations involving many young people in various countries. According to him, social media and the internet have a major influence on social and political change. ” As the Fourth Estate is heavily captured, there is emergence of The Fifth Estate which unites society through the internet, it can be seen that today society is stronger on social media,” he added.
The Fifth Estate is the citizens connected through internet with sole intention of public interest and protecting democracy, he said.

Ranga’s discussion session with FIKOM students (Doc. UMN)
This guest lecture is part of UMN’s efforts to broaden students’ horizons on global issues and understand the role of media, both traditional and digital, in sustainability. “Of course, communicating sustainability through media is not that easy, because of course the media follows existing industry rules led by owners’ agenda and that is the reality. What can you do? Use the Fifth Estate as your tool,” said Ranga.
Maria Advenita Gita Elmada, Class Coordinator of Communication for Sustainable Development also considers this topic important because the media has a role as an agent of change. For Maria, the media is a catalyst for change and has a very big influence on society.
“It is important for students to know the current situation so that social and behavioral changes can be realized to be more sustainable, one of which is through appropriate communication in the right media. The media has an important role in sustainable development as a public awareness raiser of issues about sustainability,” said Maria.
Maria hopes that through this guest lecture, students can have a better understanding, so that students can utilize media, both traditional and new media, to encourage more sustainable development.
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