UMN and MNP: Collaborating with Brown Bag Films Bali to Prepare Human Resources in Animation
September 18, 2023
Informa Goes to UMN: Sharing Knowledge
September 18, 2023The signing of Anti 3 Sins – Anti Corruption Pact (5 universities). (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – The LLDikti Region III and Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) held a socialization on Tracer Study, coupled with a discussion on One-Stop Services on Campus and Prevention of Sexual Violence in Higher Education. This event was held online and offline at UMN’s Lecture Hall (LH) on Tuesday-Wednesday (March 14-15, 2023). The event was attended by student affairs managers of 283 private universities.
Higher education is a level of education that prepares individuals to enter the world of work. However, it is not uncommon for students who graduate from college to find difficulties in finding a job that suits their majors. Therefore, Tracer Study is one of the important things to do in higher education.
A Tracer Study is a study that monitors and evaluates the careers and conditions of graduates from a university. Tracer study is important for higher education because it can help understand the level of competence of graduates, increase the relevance of educational programs, improve the quality of educational programs, improve the reputation of higher education, and determine the future direction and goals of higher education.
Plaque from LLDikti Region III to UMN. (doc. UMN)
Using tracer studies, universities can evaluate the quality of educational programs offered and ensure that graduates have the skills needed to succeed in their careers. In addition, it can help determine which parts of the education program need improvement and ensure that it continues to meet quality standards.
Head of LLDikti Region III, Dr. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P., explained that tracer study is a research to track and evaluate the performance of alumni in finding jobs after graduating from college.
“Through tracer studies, universities can determine whether the curriculum and educational programs they provide are by the needs of the world of work. In the long run, this can help universities to improve the quality of education they provide,” she said.
Group photo on the second day of the event. (Doc. UMN)
The speakers also discussed one-stop services in higher education. Its existence is very important to provide convenience for students in handling various administrative needs and getting clear and reliable information.
Finally, this activity discussed the prevention of sexual violence in higher education. It is a very serious problem and must be addressed immediately by the campus. As well as discussing various strategies for preventing sexual violence, such as increasing awareness and education about sexual violence and stricter law enforcement against perpetrators of sexual violence.
By Public Relations UMN Team
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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