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UMN’s Master of Communication organized a guest lecture entitled “Policy Making Process: Political Communication by GoTo” on Saturday, March 25, 2023. The lecture, attended by Digital Corporate Communication students, invited Berni Moestafa, GoTo’s Vice President of Public Policy and Government.
“Political communication is part of the political process that occurs at large,” Berni opened.
Political communication contains the flow of information exchanging messages between politics, citizens, and the media. Political communication consists of three parts that make up the democratic process, namely political communication, political participation, and policy making. In addition, Berni also conveyed the four main pillars in communication that GoTo always applies.
- People: targeted people or key audiences who influence public policy.
- Message: the message conveyed is able to accommodate stakeholders and the community.
- Context: the message conveyed cannot stand alone without context.
- Listening: messages cannot be delivered without first listening to stakeholders or the community.
“When delivering a message, we need to pay attention to the time, place and sentiment of the audience. If the public feels less respective to an issue, don’t convey it first,” said Berni.
As a result, as a large company, GoTo pays close attention to all existing regulations. Berni said that GoTo is always careful in issuing statements not to cause a reaction by the Stock Exchange or OJK because it relates to public disclosure.
The launch of Gojek initially received many challenges. However, GoTo handled it by creating relationships with the government and society.
“The government is broad, yes. However, those who handle online motorcycle taxi drivers are only a few, such as the Ministry of Transportation, Coordinating Ministry, Ministry of Communication and Information, and Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. We explain the business to them regarding the real positive impact of online motorcycle taxi drivers,” Berni explains.
“We also explicitly convey that online motorcycle taxi drivers can help the community, especially in empowering the digital economy,” Berni added.
GoTo also took a mutual cooperation approach. During the pandemic, Blue Bird became part of Gojek, so it had no difficulty receiving orders.
Berni said that many MSME players were helped by the presence of the Gojek platform, especially people who were forced to WFH. Through political communication, the government realizes that Gojek has the potential to encourage opportunities to digitize Indonesian MSMEs so that sales are more effective.
“Political communication requires openness, clarity, and consistency. Thus, the company is able to survive and spread the goals of the values that have been set,” concluded Berni.
By Annisa Dyah Novia | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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