Global Office

Foreword from our Vice-Rector for Relations & Cooperation

Prof. Dr. Muliawati G. Siswanto, M.Eng.Sc.
Vice-Rector for Relations & Cooperation
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Welcome to UMN!
We are a private university, incorporated by Yayasan Multimedia Nusantara — Multimedia Nusantara Foundation, under Kompas Gramedia, a reputable business group in Indonesia. Since its inception in 2007, UMN has grown to a size of 9,000 student bodies to date and has been accredited as an Excellent (A) institution by the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. UMN has become a trusted university for students and their parents to produce highly-competent and technopreneurship-based graduates.

As a full-fledged university, UMN has a series of international collaborations and is actively looking to expand the collaboration network globally. We also committed to actively raising the quality of education for every student. We want all students, regardless of race, creed, or circumstances to achieve their full potentials. Our task is to make it possible. Our mission is to provide them with the best education, as our motto says: Excellent Career Begins with Excellent Education.

Thank you for your attention, we look forward to welcoming you to our campus!

Foreword from our Global Relations & Cooperation Manager

Boby Arinto, S.E., M.M.
Global Relations & Cooperation Manager
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Greetings from UMN!
We are a university that focuses on Information Technology and Communication. With thousands of students who are eager to reach opportunities in the future, they learn things that are very relevant to the current world situation. They learn the latest technology, but still, give proper attention to the social values of humanity, and are sensitive to the problems faced by the community, and find ways to provide solutions in some areas like technology, architecture, graphic design, film and television, communication, to business and entrepreneurship.
They have used laboratories and a business incubator to optimize the solutions provided. UMN organizes programs with foreign universities in the form of joint degrees such as Bachelor in Information Technology with Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, and Bachelor in Business Administration in Logistics Management with Inha University, South Korea. We also do several student exchange programs with various universities in the world such as Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, and others.

International guest lectures from distinguished professors around the world, international art and dance performances, mobility programs, short programs, joint research with universities all over the world, are also often becoming parts of our program.

UMN is the right partner for cooperation and to study in Indonesia because we have several main reasons such as quality education with institutional accreditation “A” from the government, the support of a prominent group of companies in Indonesia; Kompas Gramedia, which has television media business networks, digital news, radio, newspapers and magazines, distribution, hotels and MICE, printing, to education.

The campus is located in convenient areas, close to shopping malls, train stations, nice and comfortable dormitory, campus shuttle bus, app-based public transportations, beautiful environment, and UMN green buildings, hospitals, and recreational and sports facilities.

So, come and join to work and learn together in a pleasant and quality environment in Indonesia. We are waiting for your arrival.

Global Relations & Cooperation (Global Office) is the crucial part of establishing and nurturing cooperation between UMN and global university partners, as well as industry partners. So far, we have maintained our partnership with universities from Malaysia, China, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and Germany. 

As our university grows, UMN Global Office will also strive to expand and maintain good partnerships with universities from around the world, to create an educational experience and cultural exchange that would be beneficial for UMN and its partners.

Our Global Office is the central point for coordination and administration of all procedures related to the University’s international relations and cooperation. Through the implementation of mobility programs and by expanding the network of partner universities, the Office encourages internationalization and promotes the University at an international level, intending to achieve the goals of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara for international relations and cooperations.

Daily work in UMN Global Office includes informing the academic community about the possibilities of participation in the student exchange and lecturers exchange, joint research, mobility programs, and expansion of the international cooperations by signing bilateral agreements and inter-institutional agreements.

Vision & Mission



Excellent Excellent Accreditation
  • Excellent Curriculum
  • Qualified Lecturers 
  • Quality Research 
International Standard National and

International Cooperation 

with industries and universities

  • Exchange of Students
  • Exchange of Lecturers
  • Joint Research
  • Joint Research Center
  • Joint Laboratorium 
  • Language Center
  • Online Center
  • Further Study for Lecturers
  • Joint Business Incubator
  • Joint Business
  • Student Internship

Kerja Sama Akademik

Teknik Elektro UMN telah bekerja sama dengan RFH Jerman dalam penyusunan model praktikum dan pelaksanaan praktikum dan pelaksanaan praktikum jarak jauh untuk mata kuliah Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Mahasiswa Teknik Elektro Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) melakukan simulasi perbaikan program sistem manufaktur pabrik secara jarak jauh. Proses perbaikan tersebut dilakukan di ruang Laboratorium Automasi Industri UMN. Sedangkan sistem manufaktur pabrik yang diperbaiki berada di Laboratorium Automasi (Automatisierunglabor) Rheinische Fachhochshule (RFH) Cologne Jerman. Perbaikan sistem manufaktur tersebut merupakan kegiatan Remote Lab Live Session dengan arahan Mr. Patrick Terber dari Rheinische Fachhochshule (RFH) Cologne Jerman. Dalam kegiatan tersebut, mahasiswa Teknik Elektro UMN dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Mereka bekerja sama untuk memecahkan masalah yang terjadi pada sistem di RFH Cologne. Pola kerja yang diterapkan adalah kompetitif kolaboratif, di mana kelompok yang menemukan solusi terlebih dahulu dapat memberikan masukan dan bantuan kepada pendekatan masalah dari kelompok lainnya

Sertifikasi Kompetensi

Certification Program Title: Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Maintenance Technician with TÜV Rheinland Certified Qualification.

Admission Requirements:

Minimum educational background: Vocational High School, 4th grade,
majoring in: industrial automation, industrial electronics, mechatronics

Examination Components: Practical exam

Required Competencies:
In the examination participants prove their knowledge in the following areas:
Able to identify type of input, output and related items of PLC
Able to read and understand wiring diagram
Able to install and test the PLC and related devices Able to modify simple ladder diagram



Cooperation University

Cooperation Partner

Joint Degree Program

To improve the quality of education and increase students’ competitiveness in the global job market, UMN collaborated with international universities and initiated a Joint-Degree Program. A Joint-Degree Program is an academic program where UMN students can receive degrees from domestic and foreign higher education institutions. The joint degree program allows students to study for several semesters at UMN and complete the rest of their semesters overseas at the chosen foreign partner university.

Through this program, students will be able to receive unique learning experiences at home and abroad, acquire various skills, broaden their network internationally, and open up their opportunities for an international career.

Joint-Research Program

Joint-Research Program is a research cooperation program carried out by UMN with one or more domestic and foreign institutional partners, aiming to conduct joint research on certain mutually agreed topics, share supporting resources, and build a strong connection with academics globally.

The goal of this program is to produce innovative and high-quality research which can benefit society, the environment, industry, and the academic world at large, as well as enhance their reputation in the field of research.

Joint-Publication Program

In addition to educating our students, UMN, as an academic institution, also aims to make our mark by increasing the quality of scientific publications, expanding the scope of research, enhancing both parties’ reputations in the research field, and strengthening the collaboration between UMN and our institutional partners.

The Joint-Publication Program is a collaboration program between UMN and domestic & foreign partner institutions to publish joint publications. In this program, both parties will work together in designing, writing, and publishing scientific or academic publications related to their respective fields of expertise.


UMN has a vision and mission to advance the nation and be the leading university in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Hence, the Joint Conference Program is conducted with various domestic and foreign partner institutions to hold joint conferences in ICT.

Through the joint conferences, we aim to expand our network, improve the quality of  research and scientific publications, further introduce UMN and Indonesia internationally, and also provide opportunities for UMN students and lecturers to participate and present their scientific work in front of an international audience.

Lecturer Exchange Program

The Lecturer Exchange Program is a program where UMN and university partner lecturers from within and outside the country will exchange lectures for a certain period of time.

The main objectives of this program are to broaden lecturers’ academic knowledge and experience, improve the quality of education and teaching at both institutions, be introduced to new teaching methods, and strengthen academic relations between universities and countries involved in the program. The exchange of lecturers can also improve the university’s reputation and open up other academic cooperation opportunities.

UMN x Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Joint Degree – Informatics Program

The program is designed to provide the foundational knowledge and industry skills the students need to apply information and communication technologies (ICT) to various areas. Graduates of the International program will have a technical ability to design and create mobile applications, analyzing and designing databases, handling information system risk and security, and analyzing business information systems.

Graduates will be well equipped to meet the requirements of both industrial and commercial organizations for information technology specialists. They will have a chance to get international Java Certification and earn two university degrees: Sarjana Komputer (S.Kom) from UMN and Bachelor of ICT (BICT) from Swinburne University of Technology (SUT). Therefore, graduates can excel in global competition.

  1. Technology Innovator
  2. ICT-Based Business Specialist
  3. Start-ups and Entrepreneur
  • Graduated from High School majoring in Natural Science Programs or graduated from Vocational High School major in Computer Engineering and Informatics Engineering.
  • Students must take English subjects during their study at UMN and pass the minimum IELTS score of 6 for each band to continue their study at SUT.
UMN x Inha University, South Korea
Joint Degree – Logistic Management Program

At the end of the study, participants will undertake an internship in South Korean companies, to get international working competence and experience. Participants will receive a Bachelor of Economics (S.E) from UMN and a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from Inha University.


Inha University

Inha is a private research university in Incheon, South Korea’s third most populous city, 27 kilometers southwest of the capital, Seoul. The university was founded in 1954 as Inha Institute of Technology, the name Inha is formed of the first two letters of Incheon (“In”) and Hawaii (“Ha”), which was established to mark 50 years of Korean emigration to the US state. It was granted university status in 1972, the year it also became known by its current name, and has maintained its strong reputation for technological research. Inha is deeply committed to internationalization and is part of the Global U8 Consortium.

Length of Study

  • 4 first semesters at UMN (Management Study Program)
  • 4 final semesters at Inha (Global Logistics Management on Business Administration)
  • 4th-semester Management student at UMN 
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00 
  • Minimum TOEFL iBT 75 or IELTS 6.0
  • Financially sufficient to fund 4 semesters of study in South Korea
  • Passed the selection reviews by Inha University

Student Mobility Program

The Student Mobility Program is a program that allows UMN students to study at other universities, especially at UMN partner universities. At the same opportunity, UMN also welcomes students from partner universities to study at the UMN campus.

The program will help enhance students’ learning experience, broaden their horizons, expose them to other countries’ educational, environmental, & cultural aspects, and improve their language skills. This program can be seen as a mixture of academic and cultural exchange.

The whole experience of the Student Mobility Program will develop students as global-minded people and culturally adept.

Program KOICA Project ( UMN and Silla University)

The KSU_4IRTC Free Training Program is a collaborative program between Multimedia Nusantara University and Silla University Korea supported by KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency). This program lasts for 2 months and aims to prepare participants to enter the 4th Industrial era, namely an industry centered on automation based on digital technology.

This training provides 2 areas of training that are tailored to the participants’ final education majors:

  1. Smart Factory.
    Studying industrial technology and operations to optimize the quantity and quality of production, cost savings, and smooth distribution of an industry. Participants are expected from engineering majors / study programs (all engineering).
  2. Cloud-Big Data
    Equip participants with expertise related to cloud-platform services (Azure, AWS) and Big Data analytics using R. Python and Cloud/Machine learning. Participants can come from all majors / study programs.

For more information Click here

Student Exchange Program

The Student Exchange Program is a program that allows UMN students to study at UMN partner universities abroad. In its development, UMN students can also study in other domestic universities within the scope of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka program. The program usually lasts one semester, although it does not rule out the possibility of lasting two semesters to a year.

The program aims to provide students with valuable academic, social, and cultural experiences and help them build networks in domestic and foreign environments. The Student Exchange Program also provides the opportunity for international students to learn about the Indonesian culture and education system.

Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka: Pertukaran Pelajar

Student Exchange program for UMN and national university partners. Initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia.

Click to access Daftar Mata Kuliah Pertukaran Pelajar – Lintas Prodi UMN

International Student Exchange

Information about student exchange programs from partner universities overseas will be announced here.

HIMFERA sebagai himpunan dengan rasa kekeluargaan yang tinggi tanpa mengabaikan profesionalitas sehingga mampu memberikan kenyamanan dan keamanan bagi seluruh anggotanya.
  1. Menjadikan HIMFERA sebagai organisasi yang memfasilitasi pengambilan keputusan yang sah dan menyeluruh untuk kepentingan bersama.
  2. Memperluas ruang lingkup HIMFERA sebagai eksistensi Teknik Elektro dan Teknik Fisika di UMN baik secara internal maupun eksternal.

HIMFERA !!! Keluarga, Profesional, Berkarya.

Logo HIMFERA sendiri memiliki arti sebagai berikut:


1. Gear

Gear melambangkan dunia keteknikan yang memiliki prinsip teknik yaitu menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan solusi yang tepat. Gear memiliki 10 mata gear terbuka untuk dapat menyatukan keberagaman mahasiswa teknik dengan rasa kekeluargaan sehingga saling terhubung satu sama lain. Gear berwarna biru melambangkan HIMFERA termasuk salah satu himpunan pada Fakultas Teknik dan Informatika di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


2. Daun

Daun melambangkan sustainable (berkelanjutan). Berkelanjutan yang dimaksud memiliki peribahasa, kelangsungan hidup daun di pohon selalu bertumbuh dan berkelanjutan. Bahkan ketika daun telah gugur, daun ini tetap bermanfaat menjadi pupuk bagi kelangsungan hidup pohon itu sendiri dan atau sekitarnya. Oleh karena itu, berdirinya HIMFERA bertujuan memberikan manfaat bagi anggota-anggota himpunan dalam berorganisasi dan dapat memberikan karya terbaik untuk almamater dan masyarakat di sekitarnya sehingga manfaat yang didapatkan tetap berkelanjutan. Warna hijau pada daun melambangkan keterbukaan HIMFERA dalam berkomunikasi dan menerima aspirasi mahasiswa Teknik Fisika dan Teknik Elektro di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Kilatan Petir

3. Kilatan Petir

Petir pada daun menjadi dasar tonggak dari daun tersebut. Dasar tonggak ini menentukan arah dari perjalanan organisasi kami untuk mewujudkan tujuan dari HIMFERA. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa sifat petir memiliki kekuatan yang sangat besar. Oleh karena itu, kami terinspirasi dari ilmuwan Benjamin Franklin saat menangkap petir menggunakan layangan dan energi tersebut dapat terkumpul menjadi muatan listrik yang bermanfaat untuk menghidupkan listrik. Dari sini kami memetik manfaat dari petir tersebut yaitu menjadi organisasi yang memiliki kemampuan mengambil keputusan yang sigap, tepat, dan dapat menjadi solusi ditengah permasalahan yang ada. Petir yang tidak berwarna untuk mencerminkan prinsip kerja yang transparansi. Transparansi bermakna keterbukaan dan pertanggung-jawaban atas keputusan yang sudah dibuat.

[CLOSED] Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards 2021

IISMA 2021 Poster
Dear Students,

Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) is a Government of Indonesia scholarship scheme to fund Indonesian students on mobility programs to overseas universities. IISMA is designed to accommodate undergraduate students to spend one semester (approximately 16 weeks) at a university partner to study on-site, experience host country culture, and do practical assignments to hone their skills. This program is centrally managed by the Directorate General of Higher Education – Ministry of Education and Culture (Ditjen Dikti – Kemdikbud). Application of participation is open for undergraduate students from all Indonesian higher education institutions.

The objectives of this program are to facilitate Indonesian students to gain knowledge and skills as well as to exchange ideas and culture, and build a network with their peers, academics, and the international community overseas.

This year Kemdikbud will send 1000 students who are selected from qualified students nominated by Indonesian Universities all around Indonesia.


  1. Enrolled as an active Indonesian student of UMN during application and during the program.
  2. 4th – 7th semester student at the time of the program.

  3. Have an adequate English proficiency with a minimum score of iBT 80 or IELTS Score 6.0 or TOEFL ITP 550 *Please refer to the attached document about entry requirements.

4. Have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00/4.00. *Please refer to the attached document about entry requirements.

5. Follow the selection process and be nominated officially by the UMN Global Office and Ditjen Dikti – Kemdikbud.

6. Not currently receiving and/or in the process of applying for other fundings/scholarships that prohibit you from receiving other fundings/scholarships.

7. Other eligibility according to the intended university and study program.

Before you proceed with the online application through IISMA website, you need to have the official recommendation letter from UMN. Here’s how:

  1. Send an email to [email protected] with the subject “IISMA 2021 Application

  2. Brief introduction about yourself.

  3. Have these documents attached (all in PDF format):

    • Curriculum Vitae (max. 3MB), preferably demonstrates your special skill for cultural exchange, e.g. music, traditional dance, etc.

    • Recent academic transcript (min. GPA 3.0). *Please request to Student Service by today, before Eid al-Fitr holiday.

    • Cover Letter (in English) addressed to Prof. Dr. Muliawati Siswanto, M.Eng.Sc., Vice-Rector for Relations and Cooperations. Have the overseas University and the 4 courses of your choice attached to the letter. *Please refer to the attached document about the courses list.

    • A valid English language proficiency certificate (min. TOEFL ITP 550, TOEFL iBT 80, IELTS 6.0, Duolingo English Test min. 100) *Please refer to the attached document about entry requirements.

  4. Students may send the application before Thursday, 20 May at 12.00pm.

What’s next?

  • UMN Global Office will evaluate your application and process the official recommendation letter for nominated students by Thursday, 20 May due to the Eid al-Fitr holiday starting 12 May until 18 May 2021. All correspondence will be based on the working days.

  • The official recommendation letter will be sent out to nominated students by Friday, 21 May.

  • Nominated students will proceed with the online application which will be opened by Ditjen Dikti from 10 – 22 May 2021.

  • Ditjen Dikti will then proceed with the selection of students.

  • Selected students will apply to the program offered by International Higher Education Institution partners as host universities.

  • The final decision of acceptance will be from both the Ministry of Education and Culture as well as the host university.

More information:

IISMA Official Website

“How to Apply” IISMA

[Webinar] Plan Your Further Study in the UK: A Step-by-Step Guide

UMN x BritCham Webinar 9 Apr 21
Dear Students,

UMN Global Office and British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia – Human Capital and Education Center (BritCham HCE) invite UMN students to join a webinar themed “Plan Your Further Study in the UK: A Step-by-Step Guide”.

In this webinar, BritCham HCE will discuss the experience of continuing to study in the UK, as well as information about opportunities to get scholarships for Master’s Degrees at UK universities.

Day: Friday, April 9, 2021 | Time: 09.00 WIB | LIVE on Zoom

Registration: [CLOSED]

Note: Participants will get 2 SKKM-points.

For further information, please contact [email protected]. See you!

Immigration and Settlement Services for International Students at UMN

1. Student Permit Application

The process of obtaining a student permit is often a pivotal step for international students pursuing their education abroad. Understanding the complexities and nuances of immigration laws and regulations can be daunting for students navigating a new country. Therefore, UMN provides comprehensive assistance in the acquisition of student permits, ensuring a smooth transition for international students.

Our dedicated team meticulously guides students through the application process, offering invaluable support and advice every step of the way. From gathering necessary documentation to filling out forms and liaising with relevant authorities, we prioritize efficiency and accuracy to minimize any potential delays or complications.

By entrusting UMN with the student permit process, students can focus on their academic endeavors with peace of mind, knowing that their immigration matters are in capable hands. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond mere paperwork; we strive to empower students with knowledge about their rights and responsibilities as temporary residents, fostering a sense of confidence and independence.

Study Permit Requirements:

  1. Scan Results of Application for Study Permits for Foreign Students from Tertiary Education Institutions addressed to the Director of Higher Education Institutional Development.
  2. Information related to study programs and personal data.
  3. Scan of Letter Received at Higher Education (LOA).
  4. Scan Results of Diploma or Academic Transcripts.
  5. Passport Scan Results.
  6. Scans of Statement Letter, stating that: (1) Will not work while studying in Indonesia, (2) Do not participate in political activities, (3) Comply with the existing laws and regulations in Indonesia
  7. The scanned statement letter from the guarantor or person in charge while studying
  8. Scanned Certificate of Financing Guarantee
  9. Scanned Results of Health Certificate.
  10. Scanned passport-size color photographs.

To contact UMN Global Office, click here

2. Visa Assistance and Airport Pickup

Upon securing a student permit, the next crucial aspect of international student settlement is obtaining the appropriate visa and ensuring a seamless arrival experience. UMN recognizes the importance of this transition period and offers comprehensive visa assistance services, coupled with personalized airport pickup arrangements.

Our experienced team coordinates with students to facilitate the visa application process, providing guidance on documentation requirements, submission procedures, and anticipated timelines. Whether it’s a study visa, transit visa, or any other necessary permits, we leverage our expertise to streamline the application journey, minimizing stress and uncertainty for students.

Furthermore, our commitment to student welfare extends to their initial arrival in the host country. Through our airport pickup service, students are greeted by friendly faces upon landing, alleviating any apprehensions associated with navigating an unfamiliar airport and transportation system. This personalized touch exemplifies UMN’s dedication to providing holistic support to international students from the moment they set foot in their new environment.

For Visa Assistance, click here
For Pick Up Services, click here

3. Housing Assistance (Dormitory)

Finding suitable accommodation is a paramount concern for international students embarking on their educational journey abroad. Recognizing this, UMN offers comprehensive housing assistance, with a particular focus on facilitating access to dormitory accommodations.

Our housing specialists work closely with students to understand their preferences, budgetary constraints, and logistical considerations. Leveraging our network of trusted partners and resources, we provide personalized recommendations and guidance to ensure students secure safe, comfortable, and conveniently located dormitory options.

Moreover, our support doesn’t end once students move into their new residence. We remain readily available to address any concerns or issues that may arise during their stay, fostering a sense of community and belonging within the dormitory environment.

In conclusion, UMN’s immigration and settlement services embody our unwavering commitment to providing international students with a seamless transition into their academic journey. Through meticulous attention to detail, personalized support, and a steadfast dedication to student welfare, we empower students to thrive in their new educational and cultural environment.

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A laboratory equipped with technological tools that can help students hold discussions and design concepts. […]

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Frequently Asked Questions


“What are the programs held by UMN Global Office?”

    • Student Exchange 
    • Joint Degree
    • Study Excursion
    • Webinar
    • Guest Lecture
    • etc.

“What are the requirements to apply for the Student Exchange program?”

Requirements for prospective participants in the exchange program will follow the requirements of each destination university. In general, these include: a minimum GPA of 3.0, a TOEFL score of 550, or IELTS 6.0 (for programs aimed at overseas universities); the rest adjusts to the provisions of our university partners.

“When is the Study Excursion program held?”

The excursion will be held in Summer or Winter for two weeks. Announcements and applications will be notified via e-mail blast to all students and here on the Global Office landing page.

“Does the Global Office open a scholarship program for further study abroad?”

Information about the scholarship program will be posted here on the Global Office landing page when the program has reopened.


For more questions, reach us at [email protected]

Global Relations & Cooperation (Global Office)

Mr. Dimas Satriatama
Relations and Cooperations Officer
Chat Message via Whatsapp +62 822 9797 2021

New Media Tower, 2nd Floor
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Scientia Boulevard, Gading Serpong
Tangerang, Indonesia 15811

Phone: +62 21 5422 0808 (ext. 7001)
E-mail: [email protected]

A lot of benefits that I can get from UMN, such as lectures and seminars from the industry. I can really explore myself here, I can grow and become a better person both personally and professionally. If you are passionate in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and you wanna grow to be a better person, then join me in UMN. See you there!


 Jonathan Rafael Yaputra

Informatics, 2017

“…As our university grows, UMN Global Office will also strive to expand and maintain good partnerships with universities from around the world, to create an educational experience and cultural exchange that would be beneficial for UMN and its partners…”