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UMN’s Vice-Rector for Cooperation, Prof. Muliawati, gives a speech at the Global Entrepreneurship Meeting (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang, July 29, 2024 – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) is proud to announce the successful implementation of the Global Entrepreneurship Meeting (GEM) 2024 on July 25-27, 2024. The event aims to strengthen collaborative networks in education and innovation and support global efforts to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
GEM 2024 results from UMN’s collaboration with various parties: the UNESCO Entrepreneurship Education Network (EE-Net), Sociopreneur ID, the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs, and Catalyst 2030. The event brought together more than 130 domestic and 35 international participants from the UK, Germany, Brazil, Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Myanmar, Thailand, Nepal, and Pakistan. The participants comprised representatives of various international organizations and stakeholders from government, industry, education, and non-profit organizations.
In her speech, Prof. Dr. Muliawati Siswanto, UMN’s Vice-Rector for Cooperation, said, “We are very proud to host GEM 2024. This event proves UMN’s commitment to supporting sustainable entrepreneurship education and social innovation. UMN always strives to create a learning environment that supports the development of entrepreneurial skills and social innovation from an early age.”
Dessy Aliandrina, Executive Director of Sociopreneur Indonesia and Chairperson of UNESCO EE-Net Indonesia, added, “The inauguration of the UNESCO EE-Net National Chapter on the one hand shows UNESCO’s support for entrepreneurship and social innovation education in Indonesia, and on the other hand makes us realize that we must be more serious about education in this field.”
The event also featured keynote speaker Prof. Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro, who discussed the vital role of entrepreneurship education in shaping future leaders who can face global challenges. In addition, various panel sessions and workshops have discussed innovations in entrepreneurship education and the integration of technology to create positive change.
UMN continues to innovate in creating learning spaces that support ecological literacy and sustainability. This will form future generations of leaders who care about the environment and are ready to face global challenges. Through GEM 2024, UMN hopes to make a real contribution to preparing young people to become agents of positive change in their communities.
As a next step, UMN will continue collaborating with international partners to strengthen entrepreneurship and social innovation education programs and involve more students and faculty in sustainable projects. We are committed to positively impacting society through quality education and innovation.
By UMN Team
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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