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Computer engineering is one of the most popular majors. (source: freepik)
Studying in the Department of Computer Engineering is very suitable for those who want to learn computers. Computerization is also snowballing and is used in almost all fields. More and more universities and colleges are opening this course. Interest is growing because the career prospects of graduates are considered very diverse.
Read this article to familiarize yourself with the computer engineering major. In this article, we will discuss computer engineering majors in detail. Let’s read to the end.
Read: The Difference between Computer Engineering and Computer Science
What is a Computer Engineering Major?
Computer engineering is a science based on computer science, mathematics, and engineering theories and principles. Applied to the design of software, hardware, network, and computerized equipment or devices to solve various engineering problems, they can be used in multiple fields.
In the international world, the name of the computer engineering department is known by several terms, such as computer engineering, computer systems engineering, electrical and computer engineering, computer science and engineering, and computer hardware engineering. 2004). In addition to these terms, other terms are also used in several European countries, such as “Information Engineering” and “Information Engineering and Computing Engineering.” In Indonesia, the term for this study program is also known by several names, including “Computer Engineering,” “Computer Systems Engineering,” “Computer Systems,” “Computer Engineering and Informatics,” and “Informatics Engineering.”
When referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 154 of 2014 concerning the Science and Technology cluster and the degree of university graduates, the term was decided to be used for this study program was “Computer Engineering.” Based on the Circular Letter of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 01/M/SE/V/2015 concerning the evaluation of the Minister of Education and Culture, the implementation of the regulation is still pending for re-evaluation. Finally, on September 5, 2017, the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education issued Decree No. 257/M/KPT/2017 concerning the Names of Study Programs in Higher Education. It determined the Computer Engineering Study Program (Computer Engineering) in the Engineering or Engineering (Engineering) scientific group with a graduate degree in Engineering (S.T.)
Therefore, apart from some notable study program names, the most important thing to know before choosing this study program is the curriculum standards applied. As one of the fields of applied science and engineering, this degree must have a strong engineering sense (IEEE Computing Curriculum CE2016). Computer engineering generally focuses on developing hardware (hardware), software (software), or a combination of both through communication systems.
What does a computer engineering major study?
Computer Engineering is digital devices study, analysis, and strategic design. The Computer Engineering major covers a wide range of electrical engineering and computer science disciplines. Therefore, this major has extensive and flexible knowledge of hardware and software.
The Computer Engineering major is part of the School of Electrical Engineering and studies and researches microprocessors, circuits, and conductors in computing devices. What’s that? Smartphones, computers, laptops, and other devices that support the implementation of IoT (Internet of Things).
In addition, the computer engineering major covers programming languages, artificial intelligence (A.I.), artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning, and blockchain development.
With this department’s broad and flexible coursework, prospective students are repeatedly asked about this Informatics Engineering course to deepen their knowledge at Hörbank. Moreover, technology and digitalization are snowballing and, of course, increasingly being applied in everyday life. On the business side, many companies need computer technicians to optimize their business products.
Why Should You Choose a Computer Engineering Major?
Great job prospects. There are tons of excellent and prestigious job offers for Computer Engineering graduates. So, armed with the knowledge studied in lectures, Computer Engineering graduates have a selling point they should be proud of.
Not only can you work in a relaxed and prestigious place, but you can also get a reasonably high salary. It is known that the average initial income of Computer Engineering graduates is IDR 5,000,000 per month with positions as staff in specific fields in the company. The salary received by Computer Engineering graduates also depends on their abilities and experience, status, and work area.
If you like things related to tinkering with electronic devices, then the Computer Engineering Department can be an option. In this department, you will explore hardware devices and computer network systems.
Computer science will continue to be needed in the future. Its development will be more extensive and complex. It means that the world will always need experts in that field.
Armed with the knowledge gained during college, this department graduates can create their businesses. Today almost everyone has unique needs related to computer components. Computer Engineering graduates have the competence to recommend the best options, even to make modifications to produce the appropriate parts.
College World
Computer Engineering majors generally have to be taken for eight semesters or four years. Computer Engineering students need to have a thorough, detailed, diligent, critical, observant, rational, independent character, like to analyze, like to count, like to solve problems, be structured, and must like to do research.
Through this study program, later, you will know the ins and outs of computers consisting of hardware, software, and networks that are designed in such a way that they become tools like the ones we use daily. For those of you who have a hi-tech personality and like Mathematics and logic, this study program is very suitable to be chosen. Because every day, you will be struggling with logic and mathematical functions.
While studying in this department, you will gain a lot of knowledge. Some courses you will encounter include calculus, web programming, algorithms and programming, data structures, digital circuits, electrical circuits, computer architecture, computer organization, software engineering, operating systems, assembly programming languages, computer networks, simulation and modeling, and others.
Computer Engineering Study Program has a strong technical side. Therefore, this study program can prepare prospective computer engineers who have mastery of hardware, software, and data computing systems, accompanied by reasonably strong programming skills.
Read: 5 Karir jurusan Teknik Komputer Yang Menjanjikan
What is the review of the computer engineering major in this article? Hopefully, it can help all of my friends who still need clarification in finding a major according to their passion, who likes to hack electronic equipment, and who is curious about technology-related things.
You can learn more about other exciting information through the UMN official website. On the website, you can also choose the online registration procedure according to your choice. Come on, register now and start your career with UMN!
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