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DQLab UMN (source: DQLab.id)
As a crucial and needed field in companies, people’s interest in studying data science is increasing. Data science is a field of science that is in the realm of IT that involves processing, analyzing, and presenting data that is used to determine decisions in the development of a company or business. To become a data practitioner, you need to be equipped with knowledge of mathematics, statistics, business strategy, and programming languages (R, Python, SQL). Even though it is under the scope of IT, it is not impossible for someone who does not have an IT background to study data science. You can make that happen by joining DQLab and participating in the Tetris scholarship program! In fact, in addition to gaining knowledge, you also have the opportunity to get scholarships and internships at large companies. Curious how? Let’s see in this article.
Also read: Data Science Skills, Digital Skills Most Wanted by Many Companies.
It’s Never Too Late to Learn Data Science With DQLab
For students from IT and non-IT study programs interested in working in the field of data science, DQLab opens the opportunity to facilitate your interests through the Tetris scholarship program. As the organizer, DQLab provides a platform for Indonesian students to engage in data science using the R, Python, and SQL programming languages. Through the “learning by doing” method on the DQLab website, you can access the data science modules (free trial) to improve your skills.
In addition to scholarships, by collaborating with large companies such as UMN Consulting, eFishery, Xeratic, Cakap, GoTo Financial, Astra Credit, BCA & Ralali, DQLab guarantees participants who pass the Tetris program to undergo internships at these companies. The Tetris program, which is already in the second batch, has successfully brought Vicko Danendra Setyo Wiyono as a participant of batch 1 to an internship as a data scientist at Kompas Gramedia.
Data Science Scholarship Program – DQLab
Also read: The Tetris Scholarship Program Turns Vicko Intern into a Data Scientist.
Don’t miss it. Here are the various benefits that you can get if you register to be part of the Tetris program based on the second batch program:
- Opportunity to get scholarship discounts up to 90%
- Guided & Structured Learning System
- Intensive Classes with Industry-Relevant Materials
- Scale-Up Credibility with Data Portfolio & Certificates
- Internship Opportunities at Featured Companies
The Tetris program also provides opportunities for participants who have not passed the program to become part of the Tetris network and join their community. Not only that, but participants will also get exclusive access to connect with job recruiters in the data field.
For non-IT students who are not familiar with the intricacies of programming, DQLab can help you learn it through a Bootcamp program that is available for free and for a fee. You will also get a digital certificate after completing the course you are working on.
Also read: Fariz, a NON-IT talent who has a successful career through the Tetris Scholarship Program.
DQLab’s Tetris Program Registration Flow
Please note that the Tetris program is open to all students and has no age limit by taking a competency test and meeting the applicable requirements. After that, there will be a distribution of scholarship types categorized as 90% scholarships and 80% according to the participants’ test results.
After completing the administrative stage, participants will do onboarding to install tools, Python, Pentaho, mySQL, and Dbeaver, guided by the DQLab team. Then, participants will begin intensive learning guided by a competent mentor.
Also read: Scholarship & Internship Opportunities, Join Tetris Program Batch 2.
The stages of the Tetris program that participants need to run:
- 23 workshop sessions with experienced mentors for Python, SQL, Pentaho, Data Journalism, and Soft Skills
- 12 skill-building exercises in the form of quizzes and case studies
- 3 tests to test yourself with industrial case studies
- 1 capstone project exercise as a portfolio asset for a career
- 1 capstone project mentoring to get direct feedback from mentors
- Industry connection program to connect with companies
Types of Data Practitioner Profession
Before going any further, you should also know some of the professions that someone in data science can choose from. The following are the types of data practitioner professions and their differences.
Data Scientist
A data scientist will generally use machine learning and various programming tools to clean, process, and process data to produce the information needed as a reference in seeing opportunities or making decisions for a company.
Data Engineer
Unlike a data scientist who makes decisions based on data processing, a data engineer is responsible for handling large amounts of data storage.
Data Analyst
The job of a data analyst relates to testing data and creating visualizations. Its role is also needed to provide insight related to improving business progress.
Of course, to become a data practitioner, you must have extensive knowledge and skills in the realm of data science. Keep practicing, and don’t be discouraged because DQLab is ready to guide you!
- Data Science (dqlab.id)
- What is a Data Scientist? These are the Jobs, Tasks, and Skills Required (niagahoster.co.id)
- FAQ (dqlab.id)
By Alfitria Nefi Pratiwi | UMN News Service
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