Dosen UMN dan LPPM UMN Mengadakan Pelatihan Membatik Bersama Dharma Wanita LPKA Jakarta
May 28, 2021
UMN Latih Anggota KOREM 052 Pelajari Microsoft Access
June 8, 2021TANGERANG – The Faculty of Business (FB) Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) has officially been accepted as a Member of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Global on May 25, 2021.
As part of realization of UMN to be a World-Class University, the Faculty of Business of UMN is committed to improving the quality of international-standard learning supported by excellent research and community service activities. One of these commitments is to be a member of EFMD Global.
“Multimedia Nusantara University, the Faculty of Business, is a member of EFMD Global. EFMD is a network of business schools and corporation dedicated to enhance excellence in management education and development globally.”
Dean of the Faculty of Business of UMN, Dr. Florentina Kurniasari T., S. Sos., MBM., explained that this membership applies to the Business Faculty of UMN and all study programs in it, including the Diploma Program (D3) in Hotel Operations, Bachelor Program (S1) in Management, Undergraduate Program (S1) in Accounting, and Masters Program (S2) in Technology Management.
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“The process to be a member of EFMD Global is not easy as the Business Faculty of UMN must obtain two recommendations from members of EFMD Global consisting of the best reputable Business Schools in the world and get approval from the EFMD’s Board,” he continued.
Being a member of EFMD Global, all academics, both lecturers and students of the Business Faculty of UMN, have the opportunity to have broader collaboration and network. The entire academic community can also participate in activities organized by EFMD in the form of Researches, External Relations, Career Services, Entrepreneurship, Responsible Leadership and Management Education.
The entire academic community of the Faculty of Business of UMN will also have accesses to publications, international projects, different accreditation and certification systems, and caso writing and doctoral research awards, among others.
“This is a good opportunity to develop the self-competence of lecturers as well as expand networks for students and alumni and for further improvement of orderliness of the study programs at the Business Faculty of UMN in the international level in the form of active contributions, sharing ideas, and experiences in this networking,” said Florence.
*by Annisa Maulida | Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
Studying in Jakarta for the study programs of Informatics | Information System | Computer Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Engineering Physics | Accounting | Management | Strategic Communication | Journalism | Visual Communication Design | Movies and Animation | Architecture | D3 Hospitality | International Program, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id