Undergraduate Program in
Engineering Physics
What is Engineering Physics?
Physical engineering is a science of engineering combined with such basic sciences as mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Through this study program students will learn about the application of physical science to the use and harness of energy in daily life. For example, to use the principles of physics to build an energy-efficient, environmentally efficient building by installing a solar panel on the roof. In this case, the umn physics technique presents asa vessel for students to deflate the application of physics in energy use to deal with the future industry.

Why Choose UMN’s Engineering Physics?
Umn’s Engineering Physics studies are supported by highly supportive means and infrastructure, one of them is the new media tower and oetama tower of multimedia nusantara university, two of which have earned a national and international energy-efficient building recognition. This makes it an ideal building for students to study engineering physics in the energy use of a building. Through the building will help students understand and learn about energy – efficient buildings directly.
ECTS Points Table
ECTS Points | 146 SKS |
Education Type | Bachelor Program |
Duration | 4 years |
Language | Bahasa Indonesia |
Bachelor's Degree | Bachelor of Engineering |
Vision & Mission
Becoming a single superior strategy study program that results in an internationally insightful graduate of engineering physics, noble in spirit and virtuous in self-interest.
- To conduct higher education to produce human resources that are highly competent in Engineering Physics, especially in building physics, to promote the industrial development in Indonesia
- To fulfill the need of engineers to promote the economic development in Indonesia.
- To establish a partnership with industry to provide solution for industry’s needs for engineering physics experts
- To develop research in energy efficient building directing to innovation or discovery of new technologies.
- To conduct society services in education to improve the people’s awareness of the importance of energy efficiency and environmentally friendly concepts in building houses and buildings.
Specialization / Focusing / Concentration
Energy Management
In the future, energy will be rare and costly. Therefore, energy must be well managed so that its use is efficient. The specialization specifically learns the aspects that influence the performance of a building such as air movement, air temperature control, lighting, space environment, and then uses active elements (electric devices) and passive elements (nature phenomena) in order for the building to be energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and comfortable to live in, which is directed to be green building.
Fisika Bangunan
Melalui pemintalan fisika bangunan mahasiswa akan mempelajari mengenai simulasi energi melalui program-program yang berbasis komputer misalkan seperti Building Information Model dan Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) untuk menganalisis fenomena alam pada sebuah bangunan seperti kelembaban, suhu, cahaya, dan kebisingan.
Melalui peminangan instrumentasi mahasiswa akan mempelajari mengenai sistem pengukuran cerdas dan juga optimasi bangunan sehingga mahasiswa akan memahami bagaimana pengendalian instrumen pada suatu bangunan secara otomatis menggunakan program-program yang mendukung.
Career Prospect
Graduates can work in industry in both energy production and development. Some of these job profiles include:
- Building Energy Efficiency Specialist
- Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) Engineer
- High Performance Building Engineer
- Building Automation Engineer
- Renewable Energy Engineer
Further Study
- Scientific Expertise – Has the ability to use knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
- Experimental Training – Has the ability to design and carry out experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data of experiments.
- Design Abilities – Has the ability to design systems, components or processes to fit the needs of realistic boundaries.
- Teamwork – to work together on a team of similar and different science disciplines.
- Problem Solving – to identify, Formulating and solving these problems of professional intimacy.
- Professional Responsibility – having a firm understanding of professional ethics.
- Communication Skill – has the ability to communicate effectively.
- Societal Impact – has the broad insights needed to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental context, And social.
- Long-life Learning – has a high awareness of vital importance and the need for lifelong study
- Contemporary Issues – has knowledge and understanding of the issues developing
- Technical know-how – has the ability to utilize technical methods, simulations, As well as other recent specialized skills used in entrepreneurship activities
- Entrepreneurship – Have an alternative ability to develop businesses from technological and engineering development
Graduate Profile
Lulusan diharapkan menjadi tenaga ahli di bidang Teknik Fisika yang memahami dan menguasai pengetahuan dan kemampuan terkait ilmu fisika, sains, matematika dan kerekayasaan serta dapat memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan yang ada di masyarakat terkait bidang yang dikuasainya dengan berpegang kepada kode etik profesi yang dijalani.
Independent Professional Profile
Kemampuan yang diupayakan oleh lulusan Program Studi Teknik Fisika Universitas Multimedia Nusantara setelah 3-5 tahun bekerja yaitu:
- Menjadi profesional yang mampu memanfaatkan keilmuan teknik fisika beserta keahlian teknologi komunikasi dan informasi dengan memiliki karier sukses baik dalam bidang kerekayasaan, akademik ataupun kewirausahaan;
- Menjadi individu yang mampu mengembangkan diri sebagai upaya untuk terus menerus belajar sepanjang hayat baik melalui pendidikan formal akademik, profesi lanjut ataupun studi mandiri dalam mendukung kemajuan kariernya;
- Menjadi pribadi unggul yang turut berperan serta dalam usaha mengatasi ragam permasalahan di masyarakat baik secara lokal maupun global, namun tetap mengedepankan nilai humaniora, komunikasi interpersonal, etika profesi serta memerhatikan dampak terhadap kondisi sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan.
Mahasiswa Teknik Elektro UMN akan mempelajari mengenai sistem kendali, robotika industri, mekatronika hingga sistem kendali cerdas selama masa studi di Teknik Elektro UMN. Secara umum, kurikulum Teknik Elektro UMN dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut.
Tahun 1 : mahasiswa akan mempelajari mengenai pemahaman dasar – dasar keteknikan, matematika rekayasa, dan kalkulus. Selain itu, di tahun pertama ini mahasiswa akan diperkenalkan dengan struktur data dan algoritma.
Tahun 2 : mahasiswa akan mempelajari mengenai dasar – dasar teknik elektro, material elektro, dan dasar sistem kontrol. kemudian , mahasiswa juga akan mulai dikenalkan dengan sistem digital dan pemrograman.
Tahun 3 : mahasiswa akan mempelajari mengenai berbagai jenis sistem seperti sistem tenaga listrik, sistem sistem pengendali digital, sistem pengendali multivariabel dan desain sistem tertanam. Tidak hanya itu, di tahun ketiga ini mahasiswa akan dibekali dengan pengetahuan seputar etika – etika keteknikan.
Tahun 4 : mahasiswa akan mempelajari apa yang menjadi fokus dari program studi Teknik Elektro UMN, yakni sistem kendali, robotika industri, mekatronika, dan technopreneurship untuk mempersiapkan agar mahasiswa dapat menjadi seorang wirausaha di bidang teknologi. Pada tahun ini, mahasiswa akan melakukan kegiatan magang di perusahaan-perusahaan manufaktur hingga startup besar serta menjadi tahun persiapan untuk mengerjakan proyek tugas akhir.
Entry Requirement
- Lulusan SMA jurusan IPA
- Lulusan SMK jurusan Teknik Ketenagalistrikan, Energi dan Pertambangan, Teknik Pendingin dan Tata Udara, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Komputer, Teknik Elektronika, Mekatronika, Instrumentasi.
Partnership & Collaborations
Teknik fisika UMN telah menjadi anggota di beberapa asosiasi di bidang Teknik fisika seperti Badan Kejuruan Teknik Fisika (BKTF) PII, Badan Kerjasama Teknik Fisika Indonesia (BKSTF), dan Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Bersama dengan asosiasi-asosiasi tersebut Teknik FIsika UMN terlibat dalam pembahasan terkait perkembangan profesi, sertifikasi, dan kurikulum, serta publikasi makalah-makalah di bidang teknik fisika.
Di bidang layanan dan sertifikasi Teknik Fisika UMN bekerja sama dengan DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service dalam memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk memperoleh kesempatan beasiswa dan pertukaran pelajar ke universitas di Jerman. Kemudian bekerja sama dengan Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) dalam memberikan layanan sertifikasi green building kepada mahasiswa. Teknik Fisika UMN juga bekerja sama dengan ICT literacy untuk menunjang pengetahuan mahasiswa di bidang teknologi informasi.
Selanjutnya, kerjasama dengan beberapa industri seperti Synergy Efficiency Solutions, Schneider Indonesia, dan Sky Energy yang membantu menyediakan peralatan yang mendukung pembelajaran terutama terkait simulasi energi dalam memberikan pengetahuan serta wawasan yang lebih luas kepada mahasiswa.
Tidak hanya itu, Teknik Fisika UMN telah bekerja sama dengan Rheinische Fachhochschule (RFH) Köln dalam melakukan kunjungan oleh mahasiswa yang ingin melanjutkan studinya di bidang energi terbarukan.
Connection between PPM and CPL
Korelasi Profil Profesional Mandiri dan Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan
PPM | CPL | |||||||||||
A | B | C | D | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | ||
PPM-1 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||||||
PPM-2 | √ | √ | ||||||||||
PPM-3 | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan terhadap Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia Jenjang 6
Uraian Kualifikasi KKNI Jenjang 6, berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia No. 8 Tahun 2012 tentang KKNI | CPL yang berkesesuaian |
Mampu mengaplikasikan bidang keahliannya dan memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan/atau seni pada bidangnya dalam penyelesaian masalah serta mampu beradaptasi terhadap situasi yang dihadapi. | (A), (C), (E), (H), (I), (J), (K), (L) |
Menguasai konsep teoritis bidang pengetahuan tertentu secara umum dan konsep teoritis bagian khusus dalam bidang pengetahuan tersebut secara mendalam, serta mampu memformulasikan penyelesaian masalah prosedural. | (A), (B), (C), (E), (K) |
Mampu mengambil keputusan yang tepat berdasarkan analisis informasi dan data, dan mampu memberikan petunjuk dalam memilih berbagai alternatif solusi secara mandiri dan kelompok. | (D), (E), (G), (H) |
Bertanggung jawab pada pekerjaan sendiri dan dapat diberi tanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja organisasi. | (F), (I) |
Why Choose UMN’s Engineering Physics?
Umn’s Engineering Physics studies are supported by highly supportive means and infrastructure, one of them is the new media tower and oetama tower of multimedia nusantara university, two of which have earned a national and international energy-efficient building recognition. This makes it an ideal building for students to study engineering physics in the energy use of a building. Through the building will help students understand and learn about energy – efficient buildings directly.

ECTS Points Table
ECTS Points | 146 SKS |
Education Type | Bachelor Program |
Duration | 4 years |
Language | Bahasa Indonesia |
Bachelor's Degree | Bachelor of Engineering |
Student Scholarships
Jalur beasiswa UMN diberikan bagi siswa-siswi SMA Kelas XII yang memiliki prestasi akademik, olah raga, dan kesenian pada saat di kelas XI. Selain itu, UMN memberikan kepada siswa-siswi SMA/SMK yang memiliki prestasi mendapatkan medali pada Olimpiade Sains Nasional dan Internasional.. Sebagai wujud penghargaan atas pengabdian para guru dan para karyawan/staff dalam mendidik anak bangsa, UMN memberikan beasiswa berupa pengurangan uang pangkal sebesar 50% bagi anak guru/kepala sekolah dan pengurangan uang pangkal sebesar 30% bagi anak karyawan/staff di sekolah SMA/SMK Negeri/Swasta yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan di UMN.
Entry Requirement
- Lulusan SMA jurusan IPA
- Lulusan SMK jurusan Teknik Ketenagalistrikan, Energi dan Pertambangan, Teknik Pendingin dan Tata Udara, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Komputer, Teknik Elektronika, Mekatronika, Instrumentasi.
Students are required to attend academic guidance meetings at least 3 times per semester. The schedule of the meetings will be provided by the respective academic supervisors. Students have to bring the academic guidance book for the meeting and they need to make sure that the academic supervisor signs it.
Continuing Education Department (CED) adalah program pengembangan pendidikan di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) yang merupakan bagian dari Grup Kompas Gramedia. Kami memiliki berbagai program dalam kursus bahasa, pengembangan manusia, Pusat Pengujian untuk sertifikasi nasional dan internasional, dan program pelatihan. CED UMN dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan siswa sekolah menengah dan perguruan tinggi, serta masyarakat dan profesional.
Students are encouraged to find their own companies / agencies for their internships that align with the focus of the Engineering physics Study Program i.e. Industrial Automation. Information about available internships can be obtained from other students, social media, job fairs, advertisements in print or electronic media or even through the UMN Career Development Center (CDC).
To complete the Undergraduate Program (S-1) at Multimedia Nusantara University, students must prepare, present, and defend the thesis in front of the thesis examination board, in accordance with the provisions of the study program. The preparation of the thesis is done individually and the students can choose the supervisor directly provided that the selected supervisor agrees.
In connection with the New Normal regulations, UMN implements its teaching system in accordance with the Press Release of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 137/sipers/A6/VI/2020 concerning Guidelines for The Implementation of Learning in the School Year and New Academic Year during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Chapter of the Learning System in the Higher Education Environment.
To support the learning process, umn provided a complete and sophisticated college facility, according to industrial standards. Through the existence of the facility, students have been invited to be close to the industrial world since sitting in college and to have competence that matches the needs of the industry. That way, it will make it easier for umn students to find jobs, even before graduation.
Extracurricular Student Activities
In order to help students explore and develop their non-academic potentials, UMN also provides a variety of extra-curricular activities for students which is locally called UKM, Student Activity Unit.

Penelitian Hibah DIKTI - TF
Rekapitulasi Penelitian Internal - Teknik Fisika
Daftar Kegiatan PKM Dosen
Rekapitulasi Inovasi Hak Cipta - Teknik Fisika
Green Building Training
UMN collaborates with Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) to conduct Greenship Associate training and certification at UMN every beginning of December. This training is a facility for UMN Physics Engineering students as well as the outside community to gain learning experience and also certification in the field of green building. For further information on this training, please contact ced[at]umn.ac.id.
Information Literacy
Information literacy is an ability that individuals have in determining, searching, managing and evaluating information effectively and efficiently. This training is open to UMN active students. For further information, please contact: library.umn.ac.id
Kuliah di UMN itu mengesankan. Fasilitasnya bagus, dosennya berkualitas dan kegiatan kemahasiswaannya banyak banget. Saya mendapatkan beasiswa OSC (Online Scholarship Competition) UMN dan mengikuti ON MIPA (Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam) untuk memperdalam Ilmu Fisika.
Mandy Priscilla
Mahasiswa Teknik Fisika
Engineering Physics
Engineering physics UMN has become a member of several associations in the field of engineering physics such as the PII Physics Engineering Vocational Agency (BKTF), the Indonesian Physics Engineering Cooperation Agency (BKSTF), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Together with these associations, UMN Physics Engineering is involved in discussions related to professional development, certification, and curricula, as well as the publication of papers in the field of engineering physics.