Undergraduate Program in

              Electrical Engineering

What is Electrical Engineering?

Electrical engineering is the application of electricity – related science and technology and its applications in meeting the daily necessities of life. Students will learn about concepts, design, development, to the production of electrical devices to sustain human life especially in the industrial age 4.0.

The program for the study of electrical engineering became a vessel for students to cope with the growing growth of the industry by developing industrial automation that could help human life in the future

Why choose UMN’s
Electrical Engineering?

Electrical engineering programs focus on industrial automation, where industry automation helps to run production processes that humans cannot manage through the application of mechanics-based, electronic, and computer systems that would allow for control and control to be mechanized, of course, this would make human work much easier. For example, in the process of making an automobile, the design of each part is driven by an engine or robot that will speed and efficiency the production process. It is adapted to technological developments in the industrial age 4.0 so that students are expected to be able to cope with growing industrial development over time to bring changes to the world.

ECTS Points Table

ECTS Points 146 SKS
Education TypeBachelor Program
Duration4 years
LanguageBahasa Indonesia
Bachelor's DegreeBachelor of Engineering

Vision & Mission


Into a single advanced electrical engineering program that results in internationally insightful competent graduates, focused on industrial automation, entrepreneurial and noble-minded.


  1. Administer the best methods and technologies that the curriculum supports and the best teaching people who have high competence in electrical engineering.
  2. Carries out research activities that develop science in electrical engineering in particular the industrial automation and support teaching processes.
  3. Carry out activities and services in electrical engineering that benefit the industry, government, and community development.

Career Prospect

Electronic engineering studies graduate may have career prospects in the following areas:

  1. Industrial Position (oil & gas company, power generator, real estate & property, public service/utility company):
    a. Industrial Automation Engineer
    b. Supply Chain expert
    c. Hardware engineer
    d. Plant engineer
    e. Instrument Engineer
    f. Project Engineer
    g. Embedded Engineer
    h. Research & Development (R&D)
  2. Academics & Researcher
  3. Consultant:
    a. Industrial Automation
    b. Instrumentation
  4. Technopreneur
  5. Government/Regulatory Agency

Further Study

Graduate students of electrical engineering studies have had extensive opportunities to further education into master’s or masters at both domestic and foreign colleges.

Graduates can take master degree on the field:

  • Control Engineering
  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Industrial Automation
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Sustainable Energy Technology
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Computer Engineering

Learning Attainment

  1. Have an understanding of professional responsibility and adhere to professional ethics. (professional professionals)
  2. Have an awareness of the need and ability for lifelong learning. (long life learning)
  3. Has the ability to communicate effectively. (communication skills)
  4. Are almost as much about cooperative as almost multidisciplinary teams. (teamwork)
  5. Has extensive understanding of the impact of technical solutions in global and social context. (societal impact)
  6. Has the ability to apply a knowledge of mathematics, science, information technology and perseverance. (scientific ingenuity)
  7. Has the ability to design components, systems and/or processes to meet the desired needs.(Design Abilities)
  8. Has the ability to design and implement laboratory and/or field experiments and analyze and interpret data. (application training) has the ability to identify, formulate, analyze and resolve problems of perseverance. (Experimental Training)
  9. Memiliki kemampuan mengidentifikasi, merumuskan, menganalisis dan menyelesaikan permasalahan keteknikan. (Problem Solving).
  10. Has the ability to apply the methods, skills and tools of modern information technology and techniques needed for the practice of perseverance. (Technical Knowhow)
  11. Acquired knowledge of current issues that are relevant. (Contemporary Issues)
  12. Has the ability to automate processes at the level needed and within the limits of industry. (Engineering Constraints)
  13. Has the ability to create an efficient industrial automation system to be used on a large scale. (Precision Engineering Skill)
  14. Precision engineering skills has the precision of entrepreneurship for technology and engineering development. (Entrepreneurship)

Graduate Profile

Becoming an individual with the ability and knowledge of electrical engineering in industrial automation that can be used to address problems in industrial automation, society or the education sector.
To become individuals who have applied professional ethics, responsibilities, integrity and lifelong learning in industrial automation to continue to innovate.

Menjadi individu yang menerapkan etika profesi, tanggung jawab, integritas dan pembelajaran seumur hidup dalam bidang otomasi industri sehingga mampu terus berinovasi


The student in electrical engineering umn will learn about control systems, industrial robotics, mekatronics to intelligent control systems during a study period in electrical engineering. In general, the curriculum of electrical engineering umn may be explained as follows.

Year 1: students will learn about understanding the basics of engineering, engineering mathematics, and calculus. In addition, in this first year students will be introduced to data structures and algorithms.

Year 2 : students will learn about the basics of electrical engineering, electrical materials, and control systems. Then students will also begin to be introduced to digital systems and programming.

Year 3: students will study the different types of systems such as electrical power systems, digital control systems, multivariable control systems and embedded system designs. Not only that, in this third year students will be supplemented with a knowledge of an ethics – diligence.

Year 4: students will learn what is the focus of the umn electrical engineering study program, the control system, industrial robotics, mekatronics, and technopreneurship to prepare students for the opportunity to become technologically entrepreneurs. This year students will be performing apprenticeships in manufacturing companies until they get a big startup and become a year of preparation for their final project.

Entry Requirement

  • High school Science Majors
  • SMK Graduate, industrial electronics engineering, electrical engineering, air conditioning and engineering, mechanical engineering, computer and network engineering, electronic engineering, mekatronika, instrumenmen.

Admission Click Here

Partnership & Collaborations

UMN’s Electrical Engineering Study Program has collaborated with RFH Germany in the preparation of practicum models, the implementation of practicum and remote practicum implementation for Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) courses

Academic Collaboration

Electrical Engineering UMN has collaborated with RFH Germany in the preparation of practicum models and the implementation of practicum and remote practicum implementation for the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) course. Electrical Engineering students at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) conducted a remote simulation of the factory manufacturing system repair program. The repair process was carried out in the UMN Industrial Automation Laboratory. Meanwhile, the factory manufacturing system being repaired is at the Rheinische Fachhochshule (RFH) Automation Laboratory (Automatisierunglabor) in Cologne Germany. The repair of the manufacturing system is a Remote Lab Live Session activity under the direction of Mr. Patrick Terber of the Rheinische Fachhochshule (RFH) Cologne Germany. In this activity, UMN Electrical Engineering students were divided into two groups. They work together to solve a system problem at RFH Cologne. The work pattern applied is competitive and collaborative, where the group that finds a solution first can provide input and assistance to approach problems from other groups.

Cooperation University

Cooperation Partner

Why choose UMN’s
Electrical Engineering?

Electrical engineering programs focus on industrial automation, where industry automation helps to run production processes that humans cannot manage through the application of mechanics-based, electronic, and computer systems that would allow for control and control to be mechanized, of course, this would make human work much easier. For example, in the process of making an automobile, the design of each part is driven by an engine or robot that will speed and efficiency the production process. It is adapted to technological developments in the industrial age 4.0 so that students are expected to be able to cope with growing industrial development over time to bring changes to the world.

ECTS Points Table

ECTS Points 146 SKS
Education TypeBachelor Program
Duration4 years
LanguageBahasa Indonesia
Bachelor's DegreeBachelor of Engineering

Career Prospect

Electronic engineering studies graduate may have career prospects in the following areas:

  1. Industrial Position (oil & gas company, power generator, real estate & property, public service/utility company):
    a. Industrial Automation Engineer
    b. Supply Chain expert
    c. Hardware engineer
    d. Plant engineer
    e. Instrument Engineer
    f. Project Engineer
    g. Embedded Engineer
    h. Research & Development (R&D)
  2. Academics & Researcher
  3. Consultant:
    a. Industrial Automation
    b. Instrumentation
  4. Technopreneur
  5. Government/Regulatory Agency

Further Study

Graduate students of electrical engineering studies have had extensive opportunities to further education into master’s or masters at both domestic and foreign colleges.

Graduates can take master degree on the field:

  • Control Engineering
  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Industrial Automation
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Sustainable Energy Technology
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Computer Engineering

Student Scholarships

UMN scholarship program is offered to high school students in 12th grade who have academic, sports, and artistic achievements while in 11th grade. In addition, UMN also offers the program to high school/vocational school students who won medals in the National and International Science Olympics. As a form of appreciation for the dedication of teachers and employees/ staff in educating the nation's children, UMN provides scholarships in the form of a 50% reduction in fees for teachers/principals and a 30% reduction in fees for children of the employees/staff in high schools/vocational schools (both public and private) who want to continue their education at UMN.

Selengkapnya Informasi Beasiswa

Entry Requirement

  • High school Science Majors
  • SMK Graduate, industrial electronics engineering, electrical engineering, air conditioning and engineering, mechanical engineering, computer and network engineering, electronic engineering, mekatronika, instrumenmen.

Admission Click Here

Academic Guidance Meetings

Students are required to attend academic guidance meetings at least 3 times per semester. The schedule of the meetings will be provided by the respective academic supervisors. Students have to bring the academic guidance book for the meeting and they need to make sure that the academic supervisor signs it.

Buku Akademik

Continuing Education Department

Continuing Education Department (CED) adalah program pengembangan pendidikan di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) yang merupakan bagian dari Grup Kompas Gramedia. Kami memiliki berbagai program dalam kursus bahasa, pengembangan manusia, Pusat Pengujian untuk sertifikasi nasional dan internasional, dan program pelatihan. CED UMN dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan siswa sekolah menengah dan perguruan tinggi, serta masyarakat dan profesional.

Information about CED

Internship Information

Students are encouraged to find their own companies / agencies for their internships that align with the focus of the Electrical Engineering Study Program  i.e. Industrial Automation. Information about available internships can be obtained from other students, social media, job fairs, advertisements in print or electronic media or even through the UMN Career Development Center (CDC).

Panduan Magang

Thesis Information

To complete the Undergraduate Program (S-1) at Multimedia Nusantara University, students must prepare, present, and defend the thesis in front of the thesis examination board, in accordance with the provisions of the study program. The preparation of the thesis is done individually and the students can choose the supervisor directly provided that the selected supervisor agrees.

Panduan Skripsi

Important Information

In connection with the New Normal regulations, UMN implements its teaching system in accordance with the Press Release of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 137/sipers/A6/VI/2020 concerning Guidelines for The Implementation of Learning in the School Year and New Academic Year during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Chapter of the Learning System in the Higher Education Environment.

Panduan Pengajaran

Graduation requirements

ECTS Point Table

ECTS Points 146 SKS
Education TypeBachelor Program
Duration4 years
LanguageBahasa Indonesia
Bachelor's DegreeBachelor of Engineering

Untuk menyelesaikan Program Sarjana di Program Studi Teknik Elektro UMN dan lulusan dengan gelar Sarjana Teknik (S.T.), mahasiswa harus memenuhi beberapa persyaratan berikut:

  1. Telah menyelesaikan jumlah Satuan Kredit Semester (SKS) sejumlah 146 SKS, dimana dalam SKS tersebut telah termasuk SKS mata kuliah wajib dan SKS mata kuliah pilihan yang pada umumnya dapat diselesaikan dalam kurun waktu 8 semester.
  2. Telah menyesaikan 20 Point SKKM kegiatan Non-Akademik/Ekstrakurikuler sesuai dengan aturan UMN yang berlaku.
  3. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) sekurang–kurangnya 2,00 dan tidak ada nilai E dan/atau F.
  4. Nilai Agama, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Kewarganegaraan, Pancasila minimal C. Nilai D maksimal 2 mata kuliah selain Agama, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Kewarganegaraan, Pancasila, Tugas Akhir, dan mata kuliah yang ditetapkan oleh program studi.
  5. Telah menyelesaikan kerja magang dan lulus ujian kerja magang.
  6. Telah menyelesaikan Skripsi dan lulus ujian Skripsi.
  7. Telah memenuhi persyaratan keuangan dan perpustakaan.

Curriculum Electrical Engineering

The student in electrical engineering umn will learn about control systems, industrial robotics, mekatronics to intelligent control systems during a study period in electrical engineering. In general, the curriculum of electrical engineering umn may be explained as follows.

Year 1: students will learn about understanding the basics of engineering, engineering mathematics, and calculus. In addition, in this first year students will be introduced to data structures and algorithms.

Year 2 : students will learn about the basics of electrical engineering, electrical materials, and control systems. Then students will also begin to be introduced to digital systems and programming.

Year 3: students will study the different types of systems such as electrical power systems, digital control systems, multivariable control systems and embedded system designs. Not only that, in this third year students will be supplemented with a knowledge of an ethics – diligence.

Year 4: students will learn what is the focus of the umn electrical engineering study program, the control system, industrial robotics, mekatronics, and technopreneurship to prepare students for the opportunity to become technologically entrepreneurs. This year students will be performing apprenticeships in manufacturing companies until they get a big startup and become a year of preparation for their final project.

Course Details

PSTE UMN mengelompokan matakuliah dalam kurikulum menjadi beberapa kelompok mata kuliah yang menjadi fokus utama adalah otomasi industry. Pengelompokan matakuliah sebagai berikut.

Mathematics and Basic Science
Fisika Dasar I4
Fisika Dasar II4
Aljabar Linier3
Kalkulus Lanjut3
Matematika Rekayasa I3
Matematika Rekayasa II3
Medan Elektromagnetik3
Fisika Material Elektronik3
Metode numerik3
Probabilitas Statistik2
Core of Electrical Engineering
Dasar Pemrograman3
Sistem Digital3
Rangkaian Listrik3
Elektronika Dasar3
Sinyal dan Sistem Linier3
Sistem Mikroprosesor3
Pengantar Rekayasa dan Desain2
Sistem Kendali Dasar3
Etika Rekayasa2
Sistem Tenaga Elektrik4
Sistem Komunikasi3
Depth of Electrical Engineering
Pneumatics & Hydraulics3
Programmable Logic Controller Dasar3
Sistem Kendali Multivariable3
Programmable Logic Control Lanjut3
Sistem Kendali Digital3
Desain Sistem Mekatronika3
Sistem Kendali Cerdas3
Sistem Instrumentasi dan Antarmuka4
MK Pilihan II3
Breadth of Electrical Engineering
Gambar Teknik2
Pemrogaman berorientasi objek3
Arsitektur Organisasi Komputer3
Pengolahan Sinyal Dijital3
Metodologi Penelitian2
Algoritma dan Struktur Data4
Sistem Embeded3
MK Pilihan I3
General Education
Bahasa Inggris 12
Bahasa Inggris 22
Bahasa Inggris 32
Bahasa Indonesia2

Curriculum Overview

Semester 1
1UM122B. Inggris 12
2IF100Dasar Pemprograman3
3CE121Alajabar Linier3
4CE232Sistem Digital3
5EP102Fisika Dasar 131
6EE111Gambar Teknik11
Semester 2
1UM223B. Inggris 22
2EP201Kalkulus Lanjut3
3EP202Fisika Dasar 231
4IF210Algoritma dan Struktur Data31
5EE201Rangkaian Listrik21
6EE221Metode Numerik3
Semester 3
1EP302Medan Elektromagnetik3
2EP301Matematika Rekayasa 13
3EE301Fisika Material Elektronik3
4EE401Elektronika Dasar21
5CE332Arsitektur Organisasi Komputer3
6CE421Sinyal dan Sistem Linier3
Semester 4
1CE432Sistem Mikroprosesor21
2UM142B. Indonesia2
3EE281Pengantar Rekayasa dan Desain2
4CE311Probabilitas Statistik2
5IF431Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek21
6EP401Matematika Rekayasa 23
7EE421Sistem Kendali Dasar3
Semester 5
1EE611Pneumatics dan Hydraulics31
2EE581Etika Rekayasa2
3CE521Pengolahan Sinyal Dijital3
4EE701Sistem Instrumentasi dan Antarmuka3
5EE531Programmable Logic Controller Dasar21
7EE631Sistem Kendali Multivariable3
Semester 6
1CE621Sistem Komunikasi3
2EE521Sistem Kendali Dijital3
3CE631Sistem Embeded21
4EE681Metodologi Penelitian2
5EE631Programmable Logic Controller Lanjut3
6UM321B. Inggris 32
7MK Pilihan 13
Semester 7
2EE641Sistem Tenaga Listrik31
3EE711Desain Sistem Mekatronik2
5EE722Sistem Kendali Cerdas3
6MK Pilihan 22
Semester 8
Mata Kuliah Pilihan
6EE533Elektronika Lanjut3
6EE511Desain Mesin3
6EE732Sistem Manufaktur Fleksibel3
7EE723Sistem Kendali Adatif3
7CE731Komputasi Bergerak Pervasive3
7EE702Otomasi Industri3
7EE721Optimasi Convex3
7CE531Perancangan Sistem Digital3
Dr. Rangga Winantyo, Ph.D., MSc, BCS
M.B. Nugraha, S.T., M.T.
Ahmad Syahril Muharrom, S.Pd.,M.T.
Kanisius Karyono, S.T, M.T.
Megantara Pura
Marojahan Tampubolon, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.

To support the learning process, umn provided a complete and sophisticated college facility, according to industrial standards. Through the existence of the facility, students have been invited to be close to the industrial world since sitting in college and to have competence that matches the needs of the industry. That way, it will make it easier for umn students to find jobs, even before graduation.

A laboratory equipped with technological tools that can help students hold discussions and design concepts. […]

UMN developed two advanced online learning methods (e-learning) which are virtually synchronous and asynchronous. In […]

This modern theater hall has a capacity of up to 200 people. This room is […]

With the extent of modern interior designs, tens of thousands of local and international reading […]

Every UMN student holds an account to log in to the MYUMN application that provides […]

UMN’s Wi-Fi has a free flow system where UMN students are not charged with cellular […]

A tool that can be used by students to design electronic devices directly from software […]

Means that can be used to support thesis and final assignment activities of students.

With a larger capacity compared to the other halls, the Lecture Theatre can accommodate up […]

UMN became the first campus established by Kompas Corner. Here, UMN students can access information […]

Extracurricular Student Activities

In order to help students explore and develop their non-academic potentials, UMN also provides a variety of extra-curricular activities for students which is locally called UKM, Student Activity Unit.

Student who are Nature Lovers in University Multimedia Nusantara can join and participate in UMN’s […]

Ultima Sonora is the Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Choir ensemble which has been established since 2007. […]

UMN Symphony Orchestra (USO), is one of the arts and culture UKM at UMN. As […]

Let’s Dance (LDNC) is a Student Activity Unit (UKM) that focuses on dancing. LDNC itself […]

Traditional Music and Dance or familiarly known as TRACCE is one of the Student Activity […]

Qorie is one of the many Student Activity Units at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara that has […]


Penelitian Hibah DIKTI - TE

Rekapitulasi Penelitian Internal - Teknik Elektro

Daftar Kegiatan PKM Dosen

Rekapitulasi Inovasi Hak Cipta - Teknik Elektro

Training & Certification

PLC (Programmable Logic Control) Competency Certification from TUV Rheinland and Festo

Competency Certification

Certification Program Title:
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Maintenance Technician with TÜV Rheinland Certified Qualification.

Admission Requirements:

Minimum educational background: Vocational High School, 4th grade,
majoring in: industrial automation, industrial electronics, mechatronics

Examination Components:
Practical exam

Required Competencies:
In the examination participants prove their knowledge in the following areas:
Able to identify type of input, output and related items of PLC
Able to read and understand wiring diagram
Able to install and test the PLC and related devices Able to modify simple ladder diagram



Green Building Training

UMN collaborates with Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) to conduct Greenship Associate training and certification at UMN every beginning of December. This training is a facility for UMN Physics Engineering students as well as the outside community to gain learning experience and also certification in the field of green building. For further information on this training, please contact ced[at]umn.ac.id.

Information Literacy

Information literacy is an ability that individuals have in determining, searching, managing and evaluating information effectively and efficiently. This training is open to UMN active students. For further information, please contact: library.umn.ac.id

Kuliah di Jurusan Teknik Elektro UMN tidak hanya teori saja yang didapatkan tetapi praktek, baik dari konsep dasar yang sangat kuat membantu dalam mendalami bidang ilmu yang saya tekuni, mahasiswa dituntut untuk aktif baik dalam merakit rangkaian listrik dari yang sederhana hingga berbagai macam projek robotika. Selama mengerjakan projek – projek tersebut, selalu diberikan bimbingan oleh dosen serta asisten laboratorium yang ahli di bidangnya. Tentunya sebagai mahasiswa, saya merasa sangat terbantu dengan berbagai fasilitas UMN.


Richard Howin

Mahasiswa Teknik Elektro 2018
Peraih beasiswa penuh selama tiga semester berturut-turut

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering programs focus on industrial automation, where industry automation helps to run production processes that humans cannot manage through the application of mechanics-based, electronic, and computer systems that would allow for control and control to be mechanized, of course, this would make human work much easier.


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