3 Programming Languages You Must Know and Learn
September 23, 2021
UMN and Ketapel Launch Incubation Program for Budding IP Creators
September 23, 2021The digital transformation that continues to experience growth as it is now causes the need for data practitioners to also increase. Data has become a necessity for every company in various industries to get solutions in decision making. DQLab and the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) again presented a free scholarship program, namely the Professional Academy Digital Talent Scholarship to support the growth and development of human resources in the industry. In addition, this program also aims to help prospective data talents prepare or continue their careers in the data industry. Now, the DTS PROA Batch 4 program has been opened which can be followed immediately.
Data talent candidates who take part in the DTS PROA Batch 4 scholarship program will get intensive free learning with online modules. Participants can also determine independently related to the learning schedule in this training. The goal is that participants can explore themselves and their abilities to the maximum. In addition to knowledge and skills, prospective data talents can get certificates and relationships through this program.
There are three trainings offered in this scholarship, namely for the Data Scientist, Data Analyst and Data Engineer professions. Interested in following it? Check out the information contained in the article below!
- Data Scientist
Shining more and more every year as digital transformation develops, Data Scientist has become a profession that has a very important role for companies in various industries. This profession, which is often considered by laypeople to be the same as the Data Engineer, has the task of cleaning, processing and processing the data provided by the Data Engineer. So, it can be concluded that the two professions are different even though they are related.
In general, a Data Scientist comes from an educational background in mathematics, economics and statistics. In carrying out their duties, a Data Scientist often uses Machine Learning and statistical methods. In addition to the above tasks, this one profession also has the responsibility to present the results of the analysis to the company or external stakeholders. In order to carry out their duties properly and optimally, Data Scientist requires various skills and competencies.
Also read Start Learning Data Science For Free With DQLab For 1 Month Now!
- Data Analyst
This one profession is increasingly attracting more people to learn the skills and competencies needed. Having an important role in generating information from databases, the need for Data Analysts continues to increase every year. One of the favorite programming language skills for processing that many people in this profession want to learn is the SQL database language. Using SQL, Data Analysts can get insights for company needs from any data found.
- Data Engineer
Not inferior to the two previous professions in the Data Science field, Data Engineer is also a profession that continues to shine in the digital world. Having very important tasks such as building flows from existing sources, integrating, tidying, shaping and preparing data, makes this profession highly needed by various industrial companies. In general, a Data Engineer comes from a Programming or IT educational background and often uses programming languages such as Java, Python or Scala in doing his work.
The Data Engineer is responsible for building, maintaining and developing the database architecture. In addition, this one profession is also obliged to assist in finding and providing recommendations regarding the right way to improve data quality and efficiency.
Also read Self-taught Data Science Learning? Here are the steps!
- Want a Career to Become a Data Scientist, Data Analyst or Data Engineer? DTS PROA Scholarship Batch 4 Registration, Now!
The Professional Academy Digital Talent Scholarship scholarship program, the result of a collaboration between DQLab and Kominfo, offers three trainings, namely for the Data Scientist, Data Analyst and Data Engineer professions. The training will be conducted online with interactive modules, various case studies and data practitioners that will help equip you to enter or continue a career in the data world.
Participants will receive a certificate of competence and a certificate of completion after completing existing data programs and projects. Keep in mind, that the DTS PROA Batch 4 program is free!
The training quota is very limited. Each training only provides a slot for 2000 participants
For those of you who are interested in participating in this batch 4 PROA scholarship, you can register via DQLab. Registration will be open until September 25, 2021. Save the date and don’t miss it!
By Yohanes Ricky & Annissa Widya | DQLab
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