Muhammad Cahya Mulya Daulay, S.Sn., M.Ds.
August 2, 2020
Dr. Rismi Juliadi, S.T., M.Si
August 4, 2020Prof. Dr. Florentina Kurniasari T., S.Sos., M.B.A.
Study Program | Graduate Program in Management of Technology |
Faculty | Business |
Educational Background |
Expertise | Manajemen Strategik, Finansial Teknologi, Manajemen Pemasaran |
Title | Dean of Business Faculty |
[email protected] |
Florentina Kurniasari studied Master in Business Management from the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Philippines and a Doctorate in Economics from Trisakti University, Jakarta. Her expertise is in Finance and Strategic Management. Dr. Florentina is active in writing scientific papers in the form of books and journals both nationally and internationally indexed by Scopus. As a lecturer with an academic position as Head Lector, Dr. Florentina also actively participates as a Reviewer and Chair-person at various international conferences.
- Kurniasari, F., Mulyandi, M.R (2016) The Growth of Digital Economics towards Entrepreneurship as Career Choices among University Students in Indonesia
- Kurniasari, F. (2016) The Effect of Complaint-Handling System to Enhance Patient Satisfaction through ServQual Dimensions
- Kurniasari F., Mulyandi, M.R (2016) The Effect of Service Quality to Increase Customer Satisfaction and Brand Image of Islamic Banking (ShariaBanking) in Indonesia
- Kurniasari, F (2016) e. The Digital Technology and the Threat of Downsizing into Indonesia’s Banking Industry Performance
- Kurniasari, F. (2016) The effect of Spiritual Intelligence to increase organization performance through workers Job satisfaction, National
- Kurniasari, F. (2016) Perbandingan Metode CAPM dan APT Dalam Memprediksi Return Saham di JII Periode 2011-2015, National
- Kurniasari, F. (2016) The Effect of Complaint-Handling System to Enhance Patient Satisfaction through ServQual Dimensions, International
- Kurniasari, F. (2017) The Influence of Malaysia’s Digital Economy on Students’ Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Entrepreneurship as Career Choices, International
- Kurniasari, F. (2018) Training of Trainers Galeri Investasi UMN, National
- Kurniasari, F. (2018) Analisis Penerapan Trading Strategy dan Investment Strategy Terhadap Saham yang Tergabung Dalam Indeks LQ 45, Nasional terakreditasi
- Kurniasari, F. (2018) A Comparative Study of Malaysian and Indonesian Students’ Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Career Choices Resulting from the Digital Economy , International scopus indexed
- Kurniasari, F. (2018) The Readiness of Indonesian toward MOOC System , International scopus indexed
- Kurniasari, F. (2018) Sustainability Accounting Practices and Disclosure by Multinational Corporations in Nigeria , International scopus indexed
- Kurniasari, F. (2019) Panduan desain antarmuka the worm, National
- Kurniasari, F. (2019) Sistem Informasi Layanan Puskesmas Berbasis Web, National
- Kurniasari, F. (2019) Pengaruh Teknologi Digital Terhadap Keputusan Pelanggan Dalam Memilih TekFin Pinjaman di Indonesia, National
- Kurniasari, F. (2019) Sustainable Digital Transformation in the Hospitality Industry: A Study of the Hotel Industry in Indonesia, International
- Kurniasari, F. (2019) Analisis Penerapan Trading Strategy dan Investment Strategy Terhadap Saham yang Tergabung Dalam Indeks LQ 45, National
- Kurniasari, F. (2019) Pengaruh Nilai Tukar, Suku Bunga Indonesia Dan Produk Domestik Bruto Terhadap Volume Ekspor Impor di Indonesia, National
- Kurniasari, F. (2019) Productivity and efficiency analysis using DEA: Evidence from financial companies listed in Bursa Malaysia (Scopus Indexed), International
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) Investigating Factors Impelling the innovation performance: A perspective from Internal Innovation Program on Manufacturing Industry, International conference
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) Determinants of Effectiveness Repayment Apps at P2P Lending Platform During Covid 19 Pandemic in Indonesia, International conference
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) How A Bookstore Retailer Survives During Covid 19 Pandemic With Omni Channel Strategy, International conference
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) The Influence Of Financial Technology Adoption Into Borrower Satisfaction Using Trust As Mediating Variable, International conference
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) Determinants Of Fintech Market Aggregator User Satisfaction Using UTAUT Approach, International conference
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) Islamic Law and National Cultures Impact on Modern Funeral Services Buying Ethical Perception and Behavioral Intention, International scopus indexed
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) Investigating Factors Impelling the innovation performance: A perspective from Internal Corporate New Business Venturing on Manufacturing Industry, International conference
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) Buku The Worm, National Book Publishing
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) Determinants of Effectiveness Repayment Apps at P2P Lending Platform During Covid 19 Pandemic in Indonesia, International
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) Determinants Of Lq 45 Index Banking Stock Price Volatility, Nasional terakreditasi
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) The Effect Of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use, Trust, Attitude And Satisfaction Into Continuance Intention In Using Alipay, International Ebscohost Indexed
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) The Effects of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Security and Risk-Free on the Customer Decision to Borrow Using P2P Lending, International copernicus indexed
- Kurniasari, F. (2020)Firm Competitiveness and Firm Performance – The Impact of Alliance Formation in Early Stage Digital Start-ups, International copernicus indexed
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan Terhadap Inklusi Keuangan Dengan Menggunakan Social Capital Sebagai Variabel Mediator, Nasional terakreditasi
- Kurniasari, F. (2020) Sistem Informasi Layanan Puskesmas Berbasis Web, Nasional terakreditasi