Fransisca Retno Setyowati Rahardjo, S.Ds., M.Sn.
January 8, 2021Putu Yani Pratiwi, S.T., M.M.
January 21, 2021Dr. Ika Yanuarti, S.E., M.S.F, CSA
Study Program | Management |
Faculty | Business |
Educational Background |
Expertise | Manajemen |
Title | Lecturer |
[email protected] |
Ika Yanuarti graduated and got bachelor degree in economics from University of Surabaya and master degree in finance from University of The Philippines. Currently, she is continuing her PhD study in UCSI University in Malaysia. Ika Yanuarti serves as Vice Rector of Student Affair of UMN. As an academician, she often presents her paper in national as well as in international conference and seminar. She also frequently publishes her paper in national and international journal. As for the certification, She got her CSA or degree for certified securities analyst.
- S2 University of The Philippines Finance
- Perbedaan likuiditas saham sebelum dan sesudah perubahan lot size dan tick size di bursa feel Indonesia tahun 2014
- Pengaruh Kurs USD-IDR, IHSG dan London gold Price terhadap acuan harga emas di Indonesia periode April 2010-Maret 2015
- The effect of foreign exchange rate and gold price to Indonesia Composite Index
- Pengaruh Net Foreign Fund, Kurs Rp terhadap USD dan Indeks Dow Jones terhadap pergerakaan indeks harga saham gabungan di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode Juni 2012-Juni 2013
- Pengaruh Faktor Fundamental Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan
- The Influence of fundamental factors to firm’s share price include in 2015