Marojahan Tampubolon, Ph.D.
February 14, 2023
Silvanus Alvin, S. I. Kom., M.A.
February 27, 2023Dr. Ir. Prianggada Indra Tanaya, MME
Study program | Electrical Engineering |
Faculty | Engineering & Informatics |
Educational Background |
Expertise | Distributed Systems, Machine Tool Controller, Robotics-Automation, Production |
Titile | Lecture |
[email protected] |
Completed his undergraduate education from the mechanical engineering study program with a specialization in production engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1987. Had the opportunity to continue his master’s program education in the department of Mechanical Engineering (Electro-Mechanics, production engineering) at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven , Leuven Belgium. Completing this education in 1991. Received a scholarship from PT Dirgantara Indonesia, and after taking his master’s degree he returned to serve at PT Dirgantara Indonesia.
In 1992 he had the opportunity to continue his doctoral education program at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Leuven Belgium, specializing in Electro-Mechanics and Computing Science. Completed his education in March 1999.
Continuing to work at PT Dirgantara Indonesia until 2002, and then became an expatriate at the Malaysian National University Technical College (KUTIM) in the field of Manufacturing Engineering. Now this university is called UTeM – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Melacca.
At the end of 2005 he returned to Indonesia and worked at Swiss German University until 2007. He also built the industrial engineering department (as head of the department) and contributed a lot to the mechatronics department in particular.
In 2007-2010 he became the academic and non-academic division in the development of Bakrie University. In 2010 he returned to Swiss German University and served as dean of the engineering faculty until 2015.
In 2015-2022 he served as dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics from the International University Liaison Indonesia (IULI). Then in July 2022 he joined UMN as a lecturer in the electrical engineering study program.
The expertise covered includes machine tool controllers, manufacturing engineering, robotics-automation, computer programming, distributed systems, and those related to computer science.
Apart from being a teaching staff, he is also active as a peer-reviewer of international conferences such as ICMME – International Conference in Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, CommIT ejournal (BINUS), FIFO ejournal (Univ. Mercu Buana), JRSI – Industrial Systems Engineering Journal (UNPAR), and others.
International Review Journals and Proceedings (as author, co-author)
1 | Kruth J.P., Detand J., Tanaya P.I., “A prototype NC controller driven by a feature based part description”, In 3rd Pacific Conference on Manufacturing, conference proceedings, pp 535-544, Jakarta 1994 |
2 | Tanaya P.I., Detand J., Kruth, J.P., “Holonic Machine Controller – a study and implementation of holonic behavior to current NC controller”, In Co-operation in Manufacturing: CIM at Work, conference pre-print, pp 375-396, Kaatheuvel, The Netherlands, Aug. 28-30, 1995 |
3 | Kruth J.P., Tanaya P.I, Detand J., “An object execution model for a machine controller holon”, The 4th Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Advanced Technology (CIMAT’96), In conference proceeding, pp 78-83, Grenoble, France, May 29-31, 1995 |
4 | Tanaya P.I., Soembagijo A.S., “Human Resource Condition, Challenge and Development Strategy to Face Manufacturing and Automation Industries (in Bahasa Indonesia)”, In Conference Proceeding, Indonesian Student Meeting in Belgium, Indonesian Student Associations in Belgium, Leuven, July 1, 1995 |
5 | Kruth J.P., Detand J., Tanaya P.I., Van Ginderachter T., Wyns J., “A NC Holon Architecture”, CMNU’96 Machine Tool National Conference, In conference proceeding, pp 105-116, Bucharest, Romania, Oct. 24-24, 1996 |
6 | Kruth J.P., Van Ginderachter T., Tanaya P.I., Valckenaers P., “A distributed architecture for task based machine control”, Advanced Summer Institute of ICIMS-NOE, Bremen, Germany, June 14-17, 1998 |
7 | Tanaya P.I., Detand J. Kruth J.P., “Holonic Machine Controller: a study and implementation of holonic behavior to current NC controller”, Computer in Industry, Vol. 33, pp 323-333, Elsevier, 1997 |
8 | Tanaya P.I., Detand J., Kruth J.P., Valckenaers P., “Object-Oriented Execution Model for A Holonic Machine Controller”, European Journal of Control, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp 345-361, 1998 |
9 | Kruth, J.P., Van Ginderachter, T., Tanaya, P.I., Valckenaers, P., The Use of Finite State Machine for Task Based Machine Tool Controller, Computers in Industry, Vol.46, Issue 3, pp 247-258, Elsevier, 2001 |
10 | Abd. Razak, Prianggada I. Tanaya, Bagas Wardono & Mohd. Razali Muhamad, “A Prototype Quick Cost Estimator System for Plastic Injection Molding Project: – a work in progress – “, submitted to TECHPOST’06, University Malaya, May 2006 |
National Review Journals, Proceedings, Seminars (as author, co-author)
1 | Tanaya P.I., Sianipar K., Suhartono A., Lubis T. L. & Pidada S. U., “Working Group Interaction”, National Seminar 2000: Co-operative Work Between Universities and Manufacturing Industries toward Regional Government Autonomy, Faculty of Engineering, Merdeka University, Malang (Indonesia), May 9-10, 2000 [Presented in Indonesian Language] |
2 | Hendaya A., Astawa I G.N.A., Tanaya P.I., Sianipar K., “Integrated Manufacturing Systems”, National Seminar 2000: Co-operative Work Between Universities and Manufacturing Industries toward Regional Government Autonomy, Faculty of Engineering, Merdeka University, Malang (Indonesia), May 9-10, 2000 [Presented in Indonesian Language] |
3 | Tanaya, P.I., “Communication and Information Technology: concept and supporting technology toward developing Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS)”, Seminar on: Implementation of Information Technology in Supporting Academic Institution Accreditation, STIE-YPKP, Bandung (Indonesia), November 14, 2001 |
4 | Tanaya, P.I. & Hendaya A., “Some Technological Aspects in Preparing and Developing Academic Information Systems”, One Day Seminar on Implementation of ISO 9001:2000 at University, Oct 7, 2002, Lembaga Bantuan Manajemen (LBM), Bandung |
5 | Tanaya, P.I., “Scilab: Control System Modeling Software in Linux (in Bahasa Indonesia)”, INFOLINUX, August 2004, Jakarta |
6 | Tanaya, P.I., Khairol A Rakiman & Hambali Ariff, “Object-Oriented Model for CNC Machine Tool and Industrial Robot Open Controllers”, Poster Presentation, EXPO SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION 2004, 27-29 August 2004, PWTC Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
7 | Tanaya, P.I., “Linux, Open Source & Robotics” (in Bahasa Indonesia), Confirmed to be published in INFOLINUX, January 2005, Jakarta |
8 | Tanaya, P. I., “SWI-Prolog: Logic Programming in Open Source Environment” (in Bahasa Indonesia), submitted to INFOLINUX, September 2005, Jakarta |
9 | Prianggada I Tanaya, Arko Djajadi, Maralo Sinaga, Edward B Manurung, Juergen Grueneberg, “Linux Solutions for Automated Production Systems”, Seminar Nasional Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik 2006, Proceedings, Bandung, 27-28 Juli 2006 |
10 | Arko Djajadi, Maralo Sinaga, Edward B Manurung, Prianggada I Tanaya, Juergen Grueneberg, “Establishing Mechatronics as a Study Program in SGU; experiences, obstacles, challenges”, Seminar Nasional Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik 2006, Proceedings, Bandung, 27-28 Juli 2006. |
11 | Prianggada I Tanaya, Maralo Sinaga, Putu Gde Narasantha, Ketut Tejawibawa, “Mengendalikan Modular Production Systems Menggunakan Free/Open Source Software PLC; MATPLC”, Seminar Nasional Mesin dan Industri (SNMI3) 2007, Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, 11 September 2007, pg. 20-30 |
12 | Prianggada I Tanaya, Maralo Sinaga, Ketut Tejawibawa, Putu Gde Narasantha, Dian Nur Rizki, “A Study on An Open Source Software PLC for A Modular Production Systems”, Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Aplikasinya, Vol.2, No.1, Jurusan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung, 22 November 2007, pg. 13-19 |
13 | Prianggada I Tanaya, “Manufacturing Execution Systems through Free/Open Source Software Initiative for Small Medium Manufacturing Enterprises”, Simposium Nasional RAPI (Rekayasa Aplikasi Produk Industri) VI 2007, Proceeding, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah, Surakarta, 13 Desember 2007, pg. M35-M43 |
14 | Themosa F., Tanaya, P.I. & Prajogo, T., Comparing Periodic Review (R,T) Backorder Model and Continuous Review (Q, r) Backorder Model for PT. Harapan Widyatama Pertiwi’s Warehouse Inventory Level, Seminar Nasional Riset & Teknologi Terapan (RITEKTRA), Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya, ISBN 978-602-97094-3-8, p.143-150, Jakarta 7-9 Juli 2011 |
15 | Pratama, F.A., Tanaya, P.I. & Sinaga, M., System Improvement and Fuzzy Logic Controller Development to Extend Battery Life-Time of Electric Bike System, Seminar Nasional Riset & Teknologi Terapan (RITEKTRA), Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya, ISBN 978-602-97094-2-1, p.78-86, Jakarta 7-9 Juli 2011 |
16 | Baskoro, Y.A., Tanaya, P.I., Sofianti, T.D., “Relocation of Home Appliances Factory by Using Systematical Layout Planning (SLP) Combined with Flow Analysis and Assembly Process Design”, Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri, Vol.10, No.2, December 2011, [available online: https://publikasiilmiah.ums.ac.id/handle/123456789/1442] |
17 | Susanto, S., Tanaya, P.I., & Soembagijo, A.S., Formulating Standard Product Lead Time at A Textile Factory using Artificial Neural Network, International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering, IEEE Proceeding, pg.99-104, Jakarta, 14-15 August 2012 |
18 | Polar, G. Wahyudi, Tanaya, P. I. & Hendradji, H. R., Analysis and Development of Walking Algorithm Kinematics Model for 5-degree Bipedal Robot, Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power and Vehicular Technology, Vol.3, Issues 2, (2012), pg. 103-110, [available online: https://www.mevjournal.com/index.php/mev] |
19 | Kitriastika, V., Tanaya, P.I., &r Indrayadi, Y., A Redesign Layout to Increase Productivity of A Compay, Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, August 2012, [https://doi.org/10.23917/jiti.v12i1.663] |
20 | Laksmana, G. N., Tanaya, P.I. & Indrayadi, Y., Benchmarking and Configuration of Open-Source Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Application, INASEA, Vol.14, pp 63, March 2013, [https://research.binus.ac.id/publication/42637295-63B9-4A83-822D-FE08B0F91FD0/benchmarking-and-configuration-of-open-source-manufacturing-execution-system-mes-application/] |
21 | Sutanto, F. A., Tanaya, P.I. & Hendradji, H., Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Auto-Balance Control for Bipedal Robot, submitted to Journal of Mechatronics, Electric Power and Vehicular Technology, https://www.mevjournal.com, March 2013 |
22 | Arko Djajadi, Nathaniel Tirta Adiatma, Prianggada I Tanaya, Mechatronics Design Approach for Working Model of Swinging Boat in Amusement Park, International Journal on Automation and Power Engineering (IJAPE), ISSN Online: 2161-5055, https://www.ijape.org/paperInfo.aspx?ID=7485, accessed on: August 13, 2013 |
23 | Prianggada I. Tanaya, Saras Safitri, Preliminary Development of Subsumption Architecture Control for Automated Guided Vehicle, ROTASI, p-ISSN:1411-027X; e-ISSN:2406 – 9620, Vol. 21, No.4 (2019), pg.200-208, available online at https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/rotasi |
24 | Prasti A. Larasari, Prianggada I Tanaya, Analysis and Improvement of Assembly Line: a case study at automobile rear-axle assembly line-A PT. ZYX, Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri (JITI) – online, submitted 2019-09-19, https://journals.ums.ac.id/index.php/jiti/author/submission/8866 |
25 | Neno Ruseno, M. Royyan, Prianggada I. Tanaya, Development of Return to Base Flight Trajectory Generator Based on Dubins Path – vector field method, Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan, submitted 31st of January 2020, file No. JTK-0501-005 |
26 | Daniel W. Hendrason, Prianggada I. Tanaya & Yuki Indrayadi, Improving Cutting Tool Selection in Milling Processes Using Early Cost Based Valuation, Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri, Vol. 11, No.1, April 2022, doi://10.26593/jrsi.v11i1.5023.23-34 |
27 | Prianggada I. Tanaya & Deni Mahdiana, Ant Colony Algorithim for Mobile Robot Path Planning: a state of the art review, ROTASI, Vol.24, No. 3, July 2022, hal 7-13, https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/ |