Dr. Matius Ali, S.Sn., M.Hum.
March 29, 2021
Oqke Prawira, SST.Par, M.Si.Par
April 23, 2021Dr. Friska Natalia, S.Kom., M.T.
Study Program | Information System |
Faculty | Engineering & Informatics |
Educational Background |
Expertise | Information System |
Title | Lecturer |
[email protected] |
- H. K. Lee, F. N. Ferdinand, T. Kim, C. S. Ko (2010), A Study on Dock Door Assignment for Cross-docking Terminal with Multiple Destinations in a Single Dock, International Journal of Logistics and SCM Systems (IJLS), vol.4, no. 1, pp.33-40.
- H. K. Lee, F. N. Ferdinand, T. Kim, C. S. Ko (2010), A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach to the Profitable Tour Problem with Pick-up and Delivery, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (IEMS), vol.9, no. 2, pp.80-87.
- K.H. Chung, H.J. Ko, F.N. Ferdinand, and C.S. Ko (2011), A Fuzzy Set-Theoretic Approach to the Weak Strategic Alliance for the Survival of Multiple Service Centers in Express Courier Services, ICIC Express Letters: International Journal of Research and Surveys, vol.5, no. 2, pp.385-389, SCOPUS indexed.
- Y. J. Kim, F. N. Ferdinand, H. K. Lee, C. S. Ko (2011), Collaboration-Based Profitable Tour Design with Pick-up and Delivery in Express Courier Services, ICIC Express Letters: International Journal of Research and Surveys, vol.5, no. 10, pp.3625-3630, Indexed by SCOPUS
- H. K. Lee, F. N. Ferdinand and T. Kim (2011), Fuzzy Ontology-based Supply Partner Matching, ICIC Express Letters: International Journal of Research and Surveys, vol.5, no. 9B, pp.3329-3334, SCOPUS indexed.
- F.N. Ferdinand, K.H. Chung, H.J. Ko, and C.S. Ko (2012), Genetic Algorithm-based Approach to Multi Objective Decision Making Model for Strategic Alliances in Express Courier Services, ICIC Express Letters: International Journal of Research and Surveys, vol.6, no.4, pp.929-934, SCOPUS indexed.
- F.N.Ferdinand, K.H.Chung, H.J. Ko, and C.S.Ko (2012), A compromised decision making model for implementing a strategic alliance in express courier services, INFORMATION: An International Interdisciplinary, vol.15, no.12c, pp.6173-6188, SCI indexed.
- Y. J. Kim, F. N. Ferdinand, H. K. Lee, C. S. Ko (2012), Multi-objective Profitable Tour Design with Strategic Alliance Scheme in Express Courier Services, ICIC Express Letters: International Journal of Research and Surveys, vol.6, no.4, pp.923-928, SCOPUS indexed.
- F.N. Ferdinand, I.K. Moon, K.H. Chung, and C.S. Ko (2013), A decision making model for strategic aliance-based network design in express delivery services, ICIC Express Letters: International Journal of Research and Surveys, vol.7, no.6, pp.1813-1818, SCOPUS indexed.
- F.N. Ferdinand, I.K. Moon, and C.S. Ko (2013), A pick-up and delivery service network design model among service centers with low demands in express delivery services, ICIC Express Letters: International Journal of Research and Surveys, vol.7, no.6, pp.1819-1825, SCOPUS indexed.
- F.N. Ferdinand, K.H. Chung, E. G. Lee, and C.S. Ko (2014), Collaborative system design in express delivery services: formulation and solution heuristic, ICIC Express Letters part B: Applications, vol.5, no.1, pp.2185-2766, SCOPUS indexed.
- F.N. Ferdinand, Y.J. Kim, H.K. Lee, C.S. Ko (2014), A study on collaborative pick-up and delivery routing problem of line-haul vehicles in express delivery services, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 21(6), 376-383, SCI indexed.
URL: https://journals.sfu.ca/ijietap/index.php/ijie/article/view/1264
- F.N. Ferdinand, Y.J. Kim, C.S. Ko (2015), Integrated network design for collaborative courier services, ICIC Express Letters part B: Applications, vol.6, no.4, pp.989-995, SCOPUS indexed.
URL: https://www.ijicic.org/elb-6(4).htm
- F. Natalia, Y.J. Kim, C.S. Ko (2015), Design of Pick-up and Delivery Routes for Strategic Alliance in Express Delivery Services, Journal of the Korean Society of Supply Chain Management, vol. 15, no. 1, p.1-7.
- F.N. Ferdinand, K.H. Chung, C.S. Ko (2016), Allocation Policies for Collaborative Delivery in Express Courier Services, ICIC Express Letters part B: Applications, vol.6, no.4, pp.323-328, SCOPUS indexed.
- F.N. Ferdinand, C.S. Ko (2016), A Cooperative Game-theoretical Method for Design of Sustainable Alliance Network in Express Delivery Services, ICIC Express Letters: International Journal of Research and Surveys, vol.10, no.6, pp.1259-1263, SCOPUS indexed.
- F.N. Ferdinand, C.S. Ko (2016), Coevolutionary Algorithm Based Approach to the Collaborative Network Design in Express Delivery Services Using Coalitional Game Theory, ICIC Express Letters: International Journal of Research and Surveys, vol.10, no.11, pp.2711-2717, SCOPUS indexed.
- F.N. Ferdinand, F.Vincenttius (2017), A Comparison Study of Decision Support System Using Co-Evolutionary Algorithms, International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), Vol 5 No.1., pp 2612-2618A.
- Rusli, F.N. Ferdinand (2017), Model And Simulation To Minimize Empty Space Left With Laff Method In The Loading of Cargo System, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research (IJCSEITR), Vol 7 No. 3, pp 11-18
- A. Cindana, F.N. Ferdinand (2017), Designing The Model of Online Immunization Record System, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol 6 No.4., pp 21-30
- G. Viko, F.N. Ferdinand (2017), Design of Simulation Techniques for Data Prediction in Public Transportation, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research (IJCSEITR), Vol 7 No. 3, pp 33-38
- M. Angelica, F.N. Ferdinand (2017), Expert System Based on an Ontology Method to Analyze Types of Arabica Coffee Beans, International Journal of Recent Contribution from Engineering, Science and IT, Vol 5 No. 2, pp 31-41.
- D. Agusta, F.N. Ferdinand (2017), DJIKSTRA Algorithm Based Approach to Shortest Path Model in Public Bus Transportation, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol 7 No.6., pp 1-8
- T.J. Nugraha, F.N. Ferdinand (2017), Simulation in Container to Reduce Wasted Space with First Fit Decreasing and Largest Area First Fit Methods, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol 7 No.3., pp 15-28
- H. Tandi, F.N. Ferdinand (2017), The Development of Earthquake Visualization Data Mapping in Indonesia Period 2014 – 2016, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research (IJCSEITR), Vol 8 No. 2, pp 49-60
- F.N. Ferdinand, F. Vincenttius (2018), A Study on Network Design for Shortest Path in Expedition Company, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), Vol 10 No 1, pp 1-4
- A. Halim, F.N. Ferdinand, C. S. Ko (2018), Ontology-Based Decision Support System for Hypersensitivity Disorder Allergy, ICIC Express Letters, vol.12, no.8, pp.847-854, SCOPUS indexed.
- K.H. Chung, F.N. Ferdinand, C.S. Ko (2018), The Economics of Sharing in Courier Service: Network Design Based on Coalitional Game Theory, ICIC Express Letters, vol.12, no.8, pp.839-843, SCOPUS indexed.
- D. Chandra, F.N. Ferdinand (2018), Ontology System Design for Herbal Plants, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET), vol.10, no.3, pp.13-19.
- A. Faza, F.N. Ferdinand (2018), Modelling of Traffic Flow on West Jakarta Highways, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), SCOPUS indexed.
- F.N. Ferdinand, Y. Eko, F. Vincenttius, I.M. Murwantara and C.S. Ko (2019), Interactive Dashboard of Flood Patterns Using Clustering Algorithms, ICIC Express Letters, vol.10, no.5, pp.413-418, SCOPUS indexed.
URL: https://www.ijicic.org/elb-10(5).htm
- F.N. Ferdinand, Y. Eko, F. Vincenttius and I.M. Murwantara (2019), Cluster-based Water Level Patterns Detection, TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control), vol.17, no.3, SCOPUS indexed.
URL: https://journal.uad.ac.id/index.php/TELKOMNIKA/issue/view/637
- S. Young, F.N. Ferdinand, C.S. Ko (2019), Interactive Dashboard of Flood Patterns Using Clustering Algorithms, ICIC Express Letters, vol.10, no.8, pp.707-716, SCOPUS indexed.
URL: https://www.ijicic.org/elb-10(8).htm DOI: 10.24507/icicelb.10.08.707
- Al-Kafri, A. S., Sudirman, S., Hussain, A., Al-Jumeily, D., Natalia, F., Meidia, H., … Al-Jumaily, M. (2019). Boundary Delineation of MRI Images for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Detection Through Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Access, 7, 43487–43501, SCOPUS indexed.
URL: https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2908002
- F.N. Ferdinand, Utomo, T., F. Vincenttius, C.S. Ko, Early Warning Systemof Flood Prediction with Fuzzy Logic, ICIC Express Letters, SCOPUS indexed, Accepted.
- Sahisnu, J.S., F.N. Ferdinand, F. Vincenttius, Sudirman, S., C.S. Ko, Vaccine Prediction System using Arima Method, ICIC Express Letters, SCOPUS indexed, Accepted.
- Natalia, F., Cheria, D., and Surya S. (2019), An Ontology-Based Approach to Diagnosis and Classification for an Expert System in Health and Food, in Ontology in Information Science, https://www.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88180
- Computerization of business retail in PD. Lily, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer (Journal of Computer Science), ISSN: 1412-9523, 2004.
- Decision of maximum quantity at PT. Alfa Retailindo, Tbk, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer (Journal of Computer Science), ISSN: 1412-9523, 2004.
- Vendor system, purchasing, and employee payment at Margonda Restaurant, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer (Journal of Computer Science), ISSN: 1412-9523, 2006.
- Travel system based on electronic, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer (Journal of Computer Science), ISSN: 1412-9523, 2006.
- Analysis and design information system of supply chain management online based on the web to increase performance in PD. X, 2007.
- Development of backend contactless smartcard application, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer (Journal of Computer Science), ISSN: 1412-9523, 2007.
- A review of CPFR; developments, technologies and issues, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer (Journal of Computer Science), ISSN: 1412-9523, 2007.
- Enterprise architecture framework for integrating e-procurement application, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer (Journal of Computer Science), ISSN: 1412-9523, 2008.
- Albert Cahyadi dan Friska Natalia, Analisis dan Perancangan Halaman Website Simulasi Perakitan Sepeda, ULTIMA InfoSys, Vol.6 No.2, Hal: 102-110, ISSN: 2085-4579.
- Daniel Subandi dan Friska Natalia, Analysis and Design Web Based System in LPPM UMN, ULTIMA InfoSys, Vol.6 No.2, Hal: 125-129, ISSN: 2085-4579.
- Friska Natalia, Comparison of Monopoly and Sharing Line-Haul Vehicles in Delivery Service ULTIMA InfoSys, Vol.6, no.1, Hal:.58-63, ISSN: 2085-4579.
- Friska Natalia Ferdinand. (2020). Vaccine Prediction System using Arima Method. ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications.
- Friska Natalia Ferdinand. (2020). Contour evolution method for precise boundary delineation of medical images. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control).
Friska Natalia menerima gelar Ph.D. di bidang Teknik Industri dari Universitas Kyungsung, Busan, Republik Korea pada tahun 2012. Wanita kelahiran Jakarta ini juga pernah menjadi Dosen di Kyungsung University dan juga Dosen di Pusan National University saat menjalankan Post-Doctoral di Pusan National University, Busan, Republik Korea. Minat mengajar dan penelitiannya meliputi Desain Sistem dan Analisis, Logistik, E-commerce, Pemrograman Komputer, Pemodelan & Simulasi, Kecerdasan Bisnis dan Big Data.
Setelah menyelesaikan studinya dan berkarir di Korea, Friska kembali ke Indonesia dan bekerja di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara sebagai Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan juga Dosen di Departemen Sistem Informasi. Friska menerima beberapa penghargaan termasuk menjadi peringkat ke-2 untuk Dosen Berprestasi di Universitas Swasta di Wilayah III LLDIKTI pada tahun 2017 dan Penghargaan Makalah Terbaik di beberapa Konferensi
Friska adalah seorang reviewer untuk penelitian di Indonesia yang memiliki sejumlah Penelitian baik berskala Nasional maupun Internasional. Sebagai seorang akademisi, penelitiannya juga telah dipublikasikan di berbagai Jurnal Internasional dan juga mempresentasikan makalahnya di Konferensi Nasional dan Internasional. Pada tahun 2019, saat ini Friska Natalia menjabat sebagai Wakil Rektor bidang Akademik di UMN.