Prof. Dr. Ilya Revianti Sudjono Sunarwinadi, MA
January 29, 2020
Muhammad Cahya Mulya Daulay, S.Sn., M.Ds.
August 2, 2020Dr. Eng. Niki Prastomo, S.T., M.Sc.
Study Program | Engineering Physics |
Faculty | Engineering & Informatics |
Educational Background |
Expertise | Teknik Material; Nanoteknologi; Energi Terbarukan |
Title | Dean of Engineering and Informatics Faculty |
[email protected] |
After completing his undergraduate education at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Material Engineering Study Program in 2005, Niki Prastomo had the opportunity to continue his Postgraduate studies through the AUN / SEED-Net program – JICA Scholarship at the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) for the S-2 program and at the Department of Functional Materials Engineering at Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) Japan for the S-3 program. In November 2010, after completing his doctoral studies, Niki Prastomo returned to Indonesia to fulfill his calling to serve in the world of education. Currently Niki is a lecturer at the Engineering Physics Department and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN).
The scientific field studied by Dr. Eng. Niki Prastomo, S.T., M.Sc. is the latest ceramic material technology, including utilization, manufacturing process, and properties. Research and community service in the field of renewable energy, especially solar energy generation, have also been widely carried out. Some of the research results carried out have been published in various international journals such as the Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology, Material Science Engineering, Synthetic Metals, Materials Letters, Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan, Journal of European Ceramic Society, and Applied Surface Science.
Apart from his activities in the world of university level education, Niki is also interested in developing special science education for children. This is done by sharing knowledge and understanding of science through seminars and Youtube channel (SaturdayScienceClass-SSC). Niki believes that the additional understanding that science can be fun for children will make a significant contribution to children’s self-development.
- N. Prastomo, Z. Lockman, A. Nuruddin, A. Matsuda, and A. F. Mohd Noor, (2007), “The Study of Nanosized Semiconducting Nb Doped Y-ZrO2”, J. Nuclear and Related Technology, 4, 149-154.
- N. Prastomo, Y. Daiko, T. Kogure, H. Muto, M. Sakai, and A. Matsuda, (2009), “Formation mechanism of titania nanosheet crystallites on silica-titania gel films by vibration hot-water treatment”, Mat. Sci. Eng. B, 161 [1-3] 170-174.
- N. Prastomo, K. Kimata, Y. Daiko, H. Muto, M. Sakai, and A. Matsuda, (2010), “Effect of external fields applied during hot-water treatment on the aspect ratio of nanocrystallites formed on SiO2•TiO2 coatings derived from sol-gel techniques”, J. Sol-gel. Sci. Techn., 56 [3] 345-352.
- N. Prastomo, N. H. Zakaria, G. Kawamura, H. Muto, M. Sakai, and A. Matsuda, (2011), “High surface area BaZrO3 photocatalyst prepared by base-hot-water treatment”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 31 [1] 2699-2705.
- J. J. Pandanga, N. M. Nursam, N. Prastomo, (2019), “Synthesis and application of TiO2 nanorods as photo-anode in dye-sensitized solar cells”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1191 (1), 012023.