Hard Work, Key to Success Pursuing Passion
October 31, 2017
Open House UMN 2017: Journey to Future Career
November 14, 2017
International Joint Conference CONMEDIA 2017 and ICON-SONICS 2017 were opened on Wednesday (8/11) by Dr. Ninok Leksono as Rector of UMN, Dr. Friska Natalia as General co-chair of CONMEDIA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hugeng as general chair of ICON-SONICS, Prof. Fitri Yuli Zulkifli as chairman of IEEE Indonesia Section.
In order to realize the government’s target to hold 100 smart cities in Indonesia, there needs to be a solid synergy between the government, industry, academia, and the community. To support the program, Multimedia Nusantara University as a university that has a focus on the development of technology and information wants to make a real contribution through the implementation of the 2017 International Conference on Smart Cities, Automation & Intelligent Computing Systems (ICON-SONICS 2017).
Not only in the development of smart cities and automation, Multimedia Nusantara University also targets the growth of the creative industry, especially in the field of digital media which has now grown very rapidly. The development of the digital media world allows business people to transact without having to meet in person. The development of digital media has not only had an impact on the development of e-commerce but also on the development of social media that facilitates human interaction. This makes UMN hold 2017 4th International Conference on New Media (CONMEDIA 2017) This coincides with icon-sonics 2017. This Joint Conference was held in Yogyakarta for 3 days on Wednesday, (8/11) – Friday (10/11).
CONMEDIA and ICON-SONICS raise the latest issues warm in society by inviting world experts in the field of Digital Media and automation technology and developments regarding smart cities. There are 4 famous experts invited, namely:
- Dr. rer. Nat. Alexander Ferrenan of FH Achen, an expert in the field of intralogistic robots who plays a role in industrial technology 4.0.
- Dr.-Ing. Norbert Schwesinger of the Technical University of Munich, an expert in the development of piezoelectricity integrated with network sensor networks as a permanent energy system.
- Paolo Lisboa of Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, an expert in big data.
- Kunio Kondo of Tokyo University of Technology, Japan, is an expert in digital media and art and his harmonization with science.
As in the previous year, the implementation of CONMEDIA and ICON-SONICS also collaborated with the IEEE Indonesia Section to be able to accommodate the publication of research papers in the IEEEXplore network. In addition to IEEE, both events also collaborate with DAAD and ADADA.
ICON-SONICS 2017 focuses on smart cities, automation, and intelligent computing systems. While CONMEDIA 2017 focuses more on application, mobile technology, interactive media design, business intelligence and management, strategic information system, computational science and technology, and embedded systems and communication.
Both conferences attracted interest from various parties not only from Indonesia but also from abroad. Countries such as the United Kingdom, Mexico, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, the Philippines, Iraq, China, Brazil, and Canada were also participants of both conferences.
This activity is expected to provide great benefits for practitioners, academics, and government institutions because they can present their research results at an international level and directly discuss with experts and practitioners in this area.
“We hope that with the implementation of this event the interest of academics to publish at an international level will increase both in quality and quantity and there will also be exchange of information between institutions so as to know research insights both from abroad and locally,” said Assoc. Prof. Hugeng, General Chair of ICON-SONICS 2017.
International Joint Conference CONMEDIA 2017 and ICON-SONICS 2017 were opened on Wednesday (8/11) by Dr. Ninok Leksono as Rector of UMN, Dr. Friska Natalia as General co-chair of CONMEDIA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hugeng as general chair of ICON-SONICS, Prof. Fitri Yuli Zulkifli as chairman of IEEE Indonesia Section (*)
by Grace Natali – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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