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November 28, 2023Gen Z Communication Science & Digital Literacy Seminar (Doc. UMN).
Tangerang – To commemorate the 78th National Teacher’s Day, UMN held a Seminar on Communication Science and Gen Z Literacy on (25/11).
This seminar discussed Communication Science and Gen Z Literacy. In addition to commemorating the 78th Teacher’s Day, this seminar aims to add insight & education to students. The seminar was attended by students from several junior high schools, Tangerang Regency Paskibra representatives, and cadets.
This seminar was presented by two speakers, namely Dr. Ir. PM Winarno, M.Kom, director of LPPM-UMN, and Dr. Indiwan Seto W., M.Si, as a lecturer in the Communication Science study program, also attended by several guests such as representatives from the Kelapa Dua District Head, and Deputy Chairperson of the Youth Organization Prov. Banten.
This seminar discussed information literacy. In short, information literacy is the ability to access, assess, and use information critically. The ease of accessing the internet has a considerable impact, such as hoaxes. Indiwan, in his presentation, discussed “Overcoming Hoax Wisely”.
“Nowadays it is very rare for people to carry newspapers because they trust social media more, even though social media has mental effects such as NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder), Social Climber, Fear of Missing Out, Addiction, and many more,” Indiwan said.
Presentation of material about social media by Indiwan (Doc. UMN).
He also gave some tips for checking the truth of information, such as finding out the source, fact-checking the source of information, checking the date of publication of the information, and checking the credibility of whether it is qualified and reputable.
The second speaker was Winarno. He presented the topic “Opportunities and challenges of Gen Z in the Era of Digital Disruption.” According to him, Gen Z faces a lot of opportunities and challenges because of technological advances.
Digital Disruption itself is a change in digital technology and business models that affect the value proposition of the product or service being sold.
“As Gen Z, you can make changes such as creating a Start-Up, with different innovations and value. So as to provide good quality, so that the existing nominal has a value from the quality of the product,” said Winarno in his presentation.
Material presentation by Winarno (Doc. UMN).
The presentation of this material is enough to give students an idea of how digital can significantly influence life, both positively and negatively.
Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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