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March 5, 2025Group photo of PT Danamon Bank Tbk & UMN. (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang—Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) inaugurated a collaboration with PT Bank Danamon Tbk on Tuesday (04/02/2025). This collaboration is intended to expand UMN’s collaboration companies and support a sustainable education ecosystem. Both parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to inaugurate this collaboration.
PT Bank Danamon TBK is a Japanese MFGU company established in 1956. Danamon’s vision focuses on education. UMN and PT Bank Danamon Tbk collaborated on the 2024 National Youth Research Competition. To strengthen and expand the collaboration, UMN inaugurated a collaboration with PT Bank Danamon Tbk.
“UMN is very active in collaborating with partners and companies. This is a very good opportunity for UMN. This collaboration is a positive thing, considering that PT Bank Danamon Tbk is a Japanese MFGU company expected to become UMN’s international network”, said Dr. Andrey Andoko, UMN Rector.
Andrey hopes that this meeting and discussion will benefit both parties later. Andrey himself sees many opportunities for collaboration between UMN and PT Bank Danamon Tbk, both internationalization and sustainable collaboration.
“The most important thing in our company is education. Why did we choose education? We believe education can create a sustainable business model and help millions of people better. We believe that the solutions we provide can answer the challenges in education”, said Andreas Kurniawan, Chief Digital and Analytics Officer, PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk.
Andreas hopes this collaboration can be sustainable, and later, it is hoped that PT Bank Danamon Tbk can bring innovations to UMN and UMN stakeholders.
“We hope to increase funding and not depend on subsidies. I hope to start a good partnership and synergy for UMN and PT Bank Danamon Tbk,” Andreas continued.
The inauguration of this collaboration was continued with a discussion that could later be carried out with UMN and PT Bank Danamon Tbk.
“We want to complete the puzzle, so we start from UMN’s needs, not what UMN already has. Digitalization and system development are needed for lecturers and staff; the third is related to the supporting ecosystem. We are very open if UMN wants to hold a guest lecture with Danamon regarding financial literacy for students,” Astrid Nainggolan, the Team Education System of PT Bank Danamon Tbk, said.
In addition, PT Bank Danamon Tbk opens opportunities for a CSR Program collaboration with UMN, which emphasizes the three main pillars of economy, environment, and society. In line with the humanitarian programs established by UMN, it is hoped that this collaboration can be implemented soon.
“From the student side itself, we have student engagement and mobility. We are very interested in CSR programs that can be carried out for students and involve students. Seeing the many CSR Programs in line with UMN,” Dr. Ika Yanuarti, S.E., M.S.F, CSA., UMN Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, said.
For Ika, developing students’ hard skills is very important. It is hoped that this collaboration can later involve many students so that students are not only equipped with soft skills.
“Currently, we are developing a short course program and student exchange. I hope this collaboration can also attract Japanese students to carry out short courses or student exchanges between the two parties,” said Prof. Dr. Friska Natalia, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
This short course program will be held for one week and will be held together with four faculties at UMN so that students will get learning materials from all faculties at UMN. Friska also emphasized that guest lecture collaboration would be useful for UMN students because, for Friska, company practitioners are very important.
By Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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