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October 15, 2022
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October 17, 2022Communication skills, one of the skills that will be studied in the hospitality department. (Source: cottonbro – pexels)
The Hospitality sector is one of the proudest industrial sectors in Indonesia. With so many career opportunities and developments that always exist in the Indonesian hospitality industry, making hospitality courses become one of the ideal study options with promising prospects in the future. This situation also, intentionally or unintentionally, creates competition for positions in the hotel industry.
Therefore, here are some skills you will learn and gain if you decide to study in the hospitality sector to prepare for entering the global hospitality industry.
Communication & Foreign Language Skills
Working in the hospitality industry means you will meet tens to hundreds of new people or guests every day. So it’s not surprising that communication skills are an important point that every hospitality student needs to master.
An overview of aspects of hospitality communication, such as interpersonal communication, correspondence communication and hospitality management, to English/foreign language communication. In addition, in the world of hospitality, you will be faced with various people from different backgrounds, ages, nationalities, and traits. It’s definitely different when we communicate with foreign guests with local guests.
Therefore, communication skills and foreign languages are one of the keys to understanding hotel guests and a way to represent the hotel well.
Also read: The Hospitality Major and Its Diverse Career Options.
Service Skills
The hotel industry is related to the service sector. How come? Guests/customers are the main sources of income for a hotel to cover operational funds and hotel employees’ salaries. Broadly speaking, in college lectures, you will be shaped into a person of good ethics, prioritizing patience, courtesy, and friendliness.
How a hotel employee/servant can meet the needs of guests/customers while providing an enjoyable stay experience is a service skill needed in the hospitality industry.
Knowledge of The Culinary World
Illustration of culinary lessons taught in the hospitality department. (Source: PietroJeng – pexels)
In addition to providing lodging accommodations, the hotel industry also co-exists with the culinary field. Food and beverage services, commonly known as hotel restaurants or bars, are currently a service package provided in a hotel.
For those who have a passion in the culinary world, your culinary knowledge must be used as well as possible. It could be that the knowledge of the culinary world taught will help widen the door of your opportunities for a career as a chef/restaurant owner.
As for those who don’t like or don’t have a passion in the culinary world, there’s nothing wrong with understanding the basics of cooking. Who knows, the knowledge of the culinary world can be applied when starting your own business (cafe, hotel, bar).
Time Management & Multitasking Skills
Unlike professions in other industries, a career in hospitality requires you to have time management skills to be able to work at unusual hours such as night shifts or weekends. In addition, multitasking skills that allow you to switch quickly and dynamically from one task to another following the situation on the ground are also important attributes that hospitality students must have if they want to succeed in the hospitality sector.
Therefore, in learning theory and practicum in hospitality courses, you will also be taught how to have high flexibility to manage time management and multitasking skills.
Teamwork Skills
In the hospitality sector, you will work together with various people from various different backgrounds as well. The hospitality industry is an industry that requires collective cooperation.
Just imagine in simple terms, when working in the hotel industry, there will be a front office, culinary, room service, etc., division. All the divisions will work together and complement each other, just like the organs in our bodies. Therefore, teamwork skills such as lowering the ego, sharing tasks and responsibilities, and listening to other people’s opinions for a common goal you need to have.
Don’t worry, throughout the course of your study, whether you like it or not, you will proceed together and hopefully in practice and the process, you will be able to cooperate and build broad friendship/networking relationships.
Also read: Cool! UMN Makes a Film with The Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission.
There you have it, some descriptions of the skills you will get while studying in the hospitality department. By majoring in Hospitality (Diploma) at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), you will be taught some of the skills mentioned above, which are expected to be qualities that will help you become a professional in the hospitality world.
By Iglo Montana | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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