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December 12, 2022
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December 12, 2022Who here is confused about where to go after graduating from college? Have you or have you not thought about it? Final-year students are constantly faced with demands to have a mature career choice.
The reason is after they officially graduate from college and hold a bachelor’s degree, there are plenty of job options that they can take. Starting from being a civil servant and private employee, or continuing their studies at the Master’s level, to entrepreneurship.
Sometimes, the choices do not always come from the students themselves but arise from other people’s experiences. Whether the opinions of the parents, close friends, or the trend of job vacancies that are being opened, this indicates that students are considered not ready to enter the world of work, which also impacts the immaturity of career planning. Indeed, many career choices interest students, but it all comes back to students’ readiness to face the challenges of the world of work in today’s era.
The existence of immature career planning causes fresh graduates to be confused about choosing a job, feel pressured by several parties due to being unemployed for too long, and be embarrassed because they are unemployed and feel moral demands from their parents.
Career preparation is a factor in building student confidence when looking for a job. So, how do you build a career plan so you won’t regret it later? It’s a good idea to read UMN’s direct presentation about career planning tips below.
Take your time and keep reading the article until it’s finished!
1. Join an Internship Program
The first step students can take to prepare for a career plan is participating in an internship program. Internships are an opportunity that students can take advantage of because this is where students can experience the world of work and apply the knowledge they gain while in class.
Of course, students will get a lot of valuable experience that can be gained during the internship. It is not surprising that almost all campuses in Indonesia provide internship programs as a compulsory subject for students to take before graduating from college.
Photo by fauxels From Pexels
One benefit of an internship is determining what career is suitable after college graduation. Starting from what career is right for you, what kind of company you want after graduation, and what field of work suits you. You will also understand more about the work culture at the company where you do your internship.
You can get many skills during your internships, such as communicating well with the team and having a work ethic. You also have the opportunity to gain connections if you get a career opportunity in the future.
Also read: Non-Academic Activities Beneficial for College Students.
2. Participate in Volunteers
In addition to internships, students can also gain experience through volunteering. Volunteering is the best opportunity if you desire to help others and are active in social activities.
As we know that when entering the world of work, we are required to have a lot of experience despite being fresh graduates. Volunteering is a form of contribution that students can apply in social activities based on their personal desires.
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
Volunteering can be one of the provisions for planning a career. By volunteering, you will get new connections, benefit society & environment and have the opportunity to improve your social skills because later, you will be connected to communities and people who are social targets.
Especially when you enter the world of work, of course, you are required to be able to work well in a team. Through volunteer activities, you will learn how to work together as a team to achieve goals. Volunteering too can give you an experience of what it’s like in the world of work. What do you think of volunteering?
3. Take classes or courses
After graduating from college, there will definitely be a lot of free time that you can use to be more productive. One of the things you can do to fill your free time is to take classes or courses according to your interests and talents. Especially during a pandemic, many online courses are available that you can take. You can take the courses remotely without coming to training institutions/courses, and everything can be accessed easily.
There are so many courses that students can take. Starting from fields in accordance with your college major, daily hobbies, or mastering skills that are in line with the booming job trends.
Photo by energepic.com From Pexels
But unfortunately, some students are reluctant to take courses and just relax, waiting for information on job vacancies. In fact, taking courses or training can benefit students by honing their soft and hard skills, especially if the course or training you take provides a certificate or e-certificate that can be included in your resume when applying for a job later.
So, it is not only your organizational or work experience that can be added to your CV. If there is a certificate, you can attach it to your CV, which can enrich your resume. At a glance, your recruiter will have the impression that you are knowledgeable as you have joined courses or training.
4. Honing Your Hobbies
Pursuing a hobby is also one of the triggers for students to plan a career after graduating from college. If you don’t have a future career plan, you can start exploring your hobbies first. Who knows, the hobby that you love can lead you to a stable career.
For example, if you have a writing hobby, you can become a freelance writer in several media (freelance writer), write a book, and many more. Not only that, those of you who have a photography hobby can also become freelance photographers. Opportunities will always be open if you have a passion for the hobby you are pursuing.
5. Starting a Business
If you are still confused about what company you want to apply for and what field, you don’t need to worry, friends. You can also open a small business to earn income. Think carefully about the business plan you want to build. It is undeniable that building a business is a challenging thing and requires a process.
Photo by fauxels From Pexels
However, through this small business, you can gain some work experience before applying for the job you want. By opening a business, you will know how to prepare the right marketing strategy to make your product in great demand. You can also show this experience when applying for jobs in marketing and sales.
6. Build a Career According to Passion
Building a career according to your passion will make you more productive. If the career you choose is in accordance with your passion, then you can take the time to pursue that field. Passion will give satisfaction and happiness that cannot be paid for with anything.
An example of passion like if you have a passion for writing, you will enjoy working and writing for news media. If you are challenged to write an article, you will be better prepared to do it. Moreover, you can also explore new skills and knowledge in the world of writing. Hence, it is better to work in a field you are passionate about so you won’t waste your time and have a maximized work output.
7. Focus on past achievements
In your work life or other activities; make it a habit always to be proud of your successes. Every time there is a failure, evaluate your actions for a moment and leave it behind. If you experience success, also evaluate your action thoroughly so that you can do the same thing in the future with even more brilliance.
Photo by Marko Klaric from Pexels
It’s a good idea to record every award or achievement obtained while working. This achievement record may be helpful later when looking for a new job or career. Apart from making your resume or CV more attractive, records of achievement are also useful for future career planning.
Also read: Get to know the UMN Film & Animation Program.
Those were the tips for building a career plan for prospective graduates who will soon graduate from college. In career planning, getting to know yourself and seeing opportunities outside yourself is often necessary. The earlier you plan your career, the better. The condition is that you have to act according to the plan and evaluate it regularly.
Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) is one of the campuses that produces great and well-known alumni in entertainment, media, YouTube, and the creative industry. If you are interested in continuing your studies at UMN and have found a major aligned with your career plans, you can join via umn.ac.id.
By Reyvan Maulid
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika | Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan , di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id