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January 16, 2023
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January 16, 2023Giving Medals to Winners (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – The Faculty of Engineering and Informatics of UMN and the Center for Young Scientists held a Youth Research Competition at the Banten Province level on October 25-26, 2022.
The competition, attended by high school students and equivalent, is a form of UMN’s commitment to the sustainability of research in Indonesia. Multimedia Nusantara University Chancellor, Dr. Ninok Leksono, also revealed that this competition could be the first step to answering various needs in Indonesia.
“The research is still being carried out. Look for research that is relevant to the needs or sustainability of the economy in Indonesia,” Ninok said.
Simultaneously, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics of Multimedia Nusantara University, Dr. Eng. Niki Prastomo, S.T., M.Sc., also the chairman of the LPB Banten 2022 jury, said this research could hone the empathy of the younger generation towards the problems around them. This research competition eventually forms a valuable value for the nation’s future.
In addition, Niki also mentioned that there are many skills that can be obtained through research activities, from creative to critical thinking.
“Self-reflection may also be trained. When we do research, we can see a challenge,” continued Niki.
Niki Prastomo As The Chairman of The Youth Research Competition Banten Jury. (Doc.UMN)
The Youth Research Competition (Lomba Peneliti Belia/LPB) is a tiered research competition from the regional to the international level. The Youth Research Competition at the regional level has been implemented in 15 provinces in Indonesia, one of which is in Banten.
The Director of the Center for Young Scientists, Monika Raharti, hopes this event will become a place for the best young researchers in Indonesia. She said, “Hopefully, this competition will become a forum for schools, especially in Banten, to express the results of their scientific work.”
Monika also emphasized her pride for all The Youth Research Competition Banten 2022 participants who have reached this stage, even though they did not win. According to her, they are all “winners” because they have successfully completed the research.
Furthermore, the winners from The Youth Research Competition Banten 2022 will be included at the national level, namely LPB Nasional 2022. National team selection will also be carried out for research competitions at the international level, including the International Conference of Young Scientists 2023, the Asia Pacific Conference of Young Scientists 2023, and the International Conference for Young Social Scientists 2023.
Winners of The Youth Research Competition Banten 2022 in Physics (Doc. UMN)
The following is a list of The 2022 Youth Research Competition Banten winners in the Physics Field
1st winner: Edsel Rayendra Putra Arifin and Arian Djuned Pusponegoro from Santa Laurensia High School on “Modification of Grid Transparency of the NSTAR Ion Pushing Machine to Maximize Specific Impulses.”
2nd place winner: Malvin Marthen Manaruri and Azan Fathier Putra Lukman from SMA GenIUS on “U-Watch: Development of Uv Watches as a Reminder of the Hazards of Uv Rays Radiation.”
3rd place winner: Alyssa Astari and Jesslyn Graciella Congnardy from Santa Laurensia Middle School on “Comparison of Shrimp and Corn Shells as a Biodegradable Food Wrapper”.
Winners of The 2022 Youth Research Competition Banten in the Field of Computers and Mathematics (Doc. UMN)
List of The 2022 Youth Research Competition Banten Winners in the Computer Field
1st winner: Rifqi Ahmad Farikh and Ardhan Ghazi Muzzafar from SMA Al Fityan School Tangerang on “Construction of Internet Of Things (IoT) Based Temperature Detection Devices.”
2nd place winner: Nicolas Acto Rian Rakadamar and Hieronimus Tetra Winsu Harjana from SMP Tarakanita Gading Serpong on “Utilization of Minecraft Based on Ip Public Server Websites as a Virtual Learning Park.”
3rd winner: Carlos Jeffrin Joshua Worabai from SMA GenIUS on “Prediction of Cardiovascular Diseases (Cvd) Patients Using Logistic Regression Models.”
List of The 2022 Youth Research Competition Banten Winners in Mathematics
1st Winner: Jason Mikael Dihardja and Nathanael Tristan Alfian from SMA Tarakanita Gading Serpong on “Using the Kotlin Application in Analyzing MSME Profits in Ruko 6-7a Gading Serpong”.
2nd Winner and Best Poster: Moch. Taufiq and Ali Sabatan Kano from SMAN 23 Tangerang Regency on “Generalization of Simple Mathematical Patterns in Spot It Games.”
3rd Place: Muhammad Arrizky Adhita Azizi and Muhammad Al Rasyid Supanto from SMA Al Fityan School Tangerang on “Multiple Linear Regression Analysis in Estimating Student Learning Achievement at SMA Al-Fityan School Tangerang”.
Winners of The 2022 Youth Research Competition in the Field of Environment and Life Sciences (Doc. UMN)
List of The 2022 Youth Research Competition Banten Winners in the Field of Life Sciences
1st Winner: Alfredo Austin and Jacklyn Hermione Colyson from Santa Laurensia High School on “Indonesia’s Biodiversity Potential as a DJ-1 (PARK7) Inhibitor Agent Candidate for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease with the In Silico Method”.
2nd Winner: Richard Christophorus Kurniawan and Eugenia Joey Lim from Santa Laurensia High School on “Potential of Eco-Enzyme Enriched Basil Extract as Antibacterial E. Coli in Soap Preparations.”
3rd Place: Renault Tjandera and Gabriella Isabelle Sulaiman from Santa Laurensia Middle School on “Effectiveness of Bintaro Leaf Extract (Cerbera Manghas) as Bioinsecticide for Rangrang Ants (Oecophylla Smaragdina).”
Champion of Hope: Austin Thanur and Nadia Christy Li from Santa Laurensia Middle School on “The Effect of a Combination of Jicama Seed Extract (Pachyrhizus Erosus L.) and Coconut Shell Smoke Liquid as a Botanical Insecticide on Subterranean Termite (Isoptera) Mortality.”
Best Poster: Natalya Rofelin Limahelu from SMP GenIUS about “Reatea (Clitoria Ternatea) Cosmetic Series Formulation and Analysis of the Bioactivity of Telang Flower Facial Wash”.
List of The 2022 Youth Research Competition Banten Winners in the Environment Sector
1st winner: Dhavina Priskila Tjahjadi and Gabrielle Rochellin Susanto from Santa Laurensia High School on “Mucilage Potential of Malabar Spinach (Basella Alba) as Hydrogel Filter Against Microbeads and Fe2+ Ions.”
2nd Winner: Rafael Patrick Suhandinata and Monique Aurelia from Santa Laurensia High School on “Potential Use of Eco-Enzymes Enriched with Chrysopogon Zizanioides as Lead Ion (Pb2+) Lowering Agents.”
3rd winner: Joanna Faleshia and Patrisia Tanwijaya from Tarakanita Citra Raya High School on “Utilization of Belimbing Wuluh Extract (Averrhoa Bilimbi L.) and Eco Enzyme as Raw Materials for Liquid Detergents.”
Champion of Hope: Christian Nathanael and Sarah Harnos from SMAS Stella Maris BSD on “Utilization of Waste Pineapple Peels, Banana Peels, and Dragon Fruit Peels as Bioethanol Alternative Energy.”
Winners of The 2022 Youth Research Competition in the Field of Sociology and Economics (Doc. UMN)
List of Winners of The 2022 Youth Research Competition in the Field of Sociology
1st Winner: Nadine Angelina Arianto and Melody Annabelle Chaidrata from Santa Laurensia High School on “The Need for Social Media Content Validation for Changes in Stress and Anxiety Levels Among Teenagers in South Tangerang”.
2nd Winner: Gresia Claudia Chintya and Anastasya Callula Caltha from Tarakanita Citra Raya High School on “Societal Stereotype Relations with Hustle Culture Normalization in Tarakanita Citra Raya High School Adolescents.”
3rd Place: Candice Audrey Gunawan and Fransisca Olivia Harsono from Tarakanita Gading Serpong High School on “The Influence of Globalization on Social Media TikTok on the South Korean Language.”
List of The 2022 Youth Research Competition Winners in the Economic Sector
1st Winner and Best Poster: Cathleen Natasia Setiadi and Katarina Kezia from Santa Laurensia High School on “Externality Analysis of Green Clam Peeling Centers on the Environmental and Economic Conditions of Communities in Cilincing Fisherman Village”.
2nd Winner: Emily Kristiawan and Regina Carla Neola Setiadi Nio from Santa Laurensia High School on “Gen-Z Literacy Level in Jabodetabek Regarding Nft (Non-Fungible Token).”
3rd Place: Geraldino Yacob Purba and Samuel Jeremiah Krisna Budiman from Tarakanita Citra Raya High School on “The Impact of Moon Phase and Mercury Retrograde on the Lq45 Index.”
About Multimedia Nusantara University
UMN is part of the Kompas Gramedia Group. In accordance with the vision of its founder, Jakob Oetama, UMN was built with a mission to educate the nation’s life and advance its welfare through efforts to provide higher education. UMN has received Institutional Accreditation A from BAN-PT, ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance, and now UMN is heading to World Class University.
Inaugurated on November 20, 2006, UMN now has 13 Study Programs, namely (Diploma) in Hospitality, Informatics, (Bachelor) Computer Engineering, (Bachelor) Electrical Engineering, (Bachelor) Physics Engineering, (Bachelor) Information Systems,(Bachelor) Accounting, (Bachelor) Management, (Bachelor) Communication Science, (Bachelor) Digital Journalism, (Bachelor) Architecture, (Bachelor) Visual Communication Design and (Bachelor) Film & Animation.
In addition, UMN has also opened a postgraduate study program consisting of a Master in Technology Management and a Master in Communication Studies. UMN has also innovated by opening a study program using the Distance Learning method, UMN Digital Learning (UDL), where students can study entirely online anywhere. Until now, UMN has graduated more than eight thousand graduates throughout Indonesia and abroad.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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