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October 15, 2022Some basic skills that architecture students must have (Source: unsplash.com)
TANGERANG – Architecture is one of the majors that has long existed in private and public universities. We must know that architecture is not only the work process of designing a building or structure. Architecture also combines various disciplines, from art to mathematics. Check out the full article!
Friends, we need to know that buildings, houses, or buildings that we are at now certainly have an architectural aspect and have been designed in such a way that it becomes a place or building. A person declared an architect must have an architectural education and experience in architecture. Before becoming a real architect, prospective architects, of course, must have such expertise and be under the supervision of an expert in architecture or a professional architect.
Well, for those interested in the world of architecture, you are in the right article. This article will discuss the abilities of an architect or students in architecture. So far, most of us may only think that an architect just draws, but it turns out that there are many things that an architect must master. Here’s a list of some of the abilities an architect has.
Design Skills
Architects must be able to design a building structure (Source: unsplash.com)
Design is a very important part of the science of architecture. Aesthetics in a building is as important as its function and safety standards. Architects must be able to have their own characteristics in the designs they make. From this, architects are still in touch with the art world; how an architect can translate wishes or ideas into a building structure.
The users or occupants must enjoy the design of the building. The creativity of an architect is expected in their design ability. So that later the building structure that is created is not only safe but also looks beautiful according to the style adopted by each architect.
Also read: Myths and Facts of the Architecture Major.
Computer Literacy
An architect must be able to understand supporting software (Source: unsplash.com)
Nowadays, everything related to design is mostly done with the help of computers, like 3d simulations, artistic rendering and other visual outputs. An architect at this time is required to be able to use software to support the work process. Software is inevitably very beneficial to support the works of architects.
Some programs or software that architects must master are like AutoCAD, 3d Sketchup and Photoshop. Other programs can increase the visual output of an architect’s design.
Communication Skills
An architect is also required to be good at communicating to be able to interpret the wishes of the client (Source: unsplash.com)
An architect certainly does not work alone in designing and constructing a building. They usually work with clients, engineers, construction personnel and so on. Good communication must be established to ensure an architect’s work runs smoothly until the final stage.
With good communication, it is hoped that all those involved in the design and construction of a building will be satisfied with the results. An architect’s communication is also the main key when interpreting a client’s wishes. In communication, an architect also sometimes determines to get a project.
Engineering and Mathematics
Engineering and Mathematics are important elements (Source: unsplash.com)
It will be naive to see that architecture has nothing to do with calculations, specifically physics and mathematics. To design a functional and safe building, an architect must be familiar with the strengths, weaknesses, and other properties of various building materials. In addition, the architect must also know how this type of structure works under load and stress.
Architects will need a background in geometry, mathematics, physics, and other related sciences. In this case, an architect must also remember, for example, about earthquake-resistant design or sustainable structures that are energy efficient.
Also read: Get to know the Admission Requirements for the Architecture Major!
There you go, friends! Those are some abilities that architects must have. It is also required to be possessed by students and prospective architects. Being an architect is not easy, but being an architect certainly has its own pride because if an architect is able to design a building and have their project realized, their work will always be remembered by its users.
If you are interested in the Architecture Study Program at Multimedia Nusantara University, you can visit the UMN official website. There is a lot of information about registration and campus profiles on the website.
By Benedictus Adithia | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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