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UMN architecture alumni Ghina Nisrina (right) and Naufal R. Pratama (left) won 3rd place at the Perumnas Idea Competition 2021: Millennial Home Design. (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – Alumni of Architecture of Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) class of 2016, Ghina Nisrina and Naufal Rizky Pratama won 3rd place in the “Perumnas Idea Competition 2021: Millennial Home Design” which was announced on Friday (3/9/21) online. Ghina and Naufal designed the house design with the concept of “Adaptive Living House for Millennials” inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic issue.
According to Ghina, the existence of pandemics has an effect on the order of behavior and human life in looking at the prospects of home in the future. In addition, looking at millennials who have a high level of productivity, make the house as a multifunctional place. Starting from there, Ghina and Naufal who worked in a team used the idea to design adaptive home designs.
“The existence of this pandemic will also change the function of the house, right. The house is for school, for learning, for daily activities. The current pandemic in addition to changing our lives, nih, in socializing outside the home, inside the house is also very influential, so inevitably we must also be able to make designs that are adaptive concepts in all conditions, “he said.

UMN architecture alumni, Ghina Nisrina and Naufal R. Pratama while presenting millennial home design works, Friday (3/9/21) through the Zoom Meeting application. (Doc. Youtube Info Perumnas).
Naufal recounted that the design preparation was done within a month. The process starts from doing research related to the characteristics of millennials themselves and associating with adaptive home needs and with supporting design concepts: compact, timeless, and green.
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“Yesterday had a voting research through Instagram, that is, anyway. So each of us makes a vote, yes, millennials now want their house rich how, anyway, want the roof box or triangle, the color is light or dark, continue if the land is narrow to be larger which room, room or living room, “explained Naufal.
“So from there it becomes our basic to determine what millennials want,” he added.
The Perumnas Idea Competition is an annual competition event held by the National Housing Development Perum (Perumnas). This year, the Idea Competition was attended by 2,407 applicants consisting of teams and individuals.
The result of the design of the winner of the Perumnas Idea Competition 2021 is the property of Perum Perumnas as a whole. However, Ghina and Naufal hope that if the work is realized, the results can match the design made.
“If the house is indeed the ending will be built, hopefully the results are in accordance with the design, yes, and the values that I want to convey also by responding to the pandemic and also for millennials hopefully achieved,” said Ghina.
By Nadhira Annisa Rifsal | UMN News Service
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