Bachelor of
What is Accounting?
In the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and multimedia era, an accountant who has ability and understanding related to ICT is highly required. The Accounting program in UMN prepares the students to gain a Bachelor of Economics degree specialized in Accounting and to become professionals that master ICT application related to accounting, and at the same time can utilize ICT for accounting solutions.

Why choose UMN’s Accounting?
The Accounting study program at Multimedia Nusantara University prepares its graduates to be ready to face the world of work, by providing in-depth knowledge of theory as well as hands-on practice so that students can apply the theory in the world of work.
Providing information and communication technology (ICT) based briefing in the form of using software that helps students in compiling financial reports and other accounting activities.
Provide opportunities for students to obtain certifications related to the chosen specialization before they graduate from this study program. Lecturers of the Accounting study program are presented from practitioners who have experience and professional degrees in the field of accounting to maintain a balance between providing accounting theory and real practice in the world of work.
Accreditation Table
National Accreditation |
National: A-BAN PT |
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ECTS Points Table
ECTS Points | 234 ECTS |
Education Type | Undergraduate |
Duration | 4 years |
Language | Bahasa Indonesia |
Bachelor's Degree | Bachelor of Accounting (S.Ak.) |
Vision & Mission
To become an outstanding undergraduate Accounting Program that produces international-minded graduates who are competent in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based accounting and have entrepreneurial spirit and noble character.
- To conduct a quality learning process, supported by professional lecturer, and curriculum which is up to date and promotes the link and match between education and industry.
- To conduct research that contributes in the development of accounting, financing and taxation to be the center of excellence.
- To utilize the accounting, financial and taxation knowledge as the manifestation of services to the profession communities, industry and society.
Further Study
Those who gain a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from UMN can continue to PPAk (The Professional Program in Accounting) or pursue a Master’s degree in either local or overseas universities. The graduates can take a Master’s degree in Accounting, Management and Business Administration.
Entry Requirement
- Graduated from Senior High Schools – Natural Science and Social Science Program
- Graduated from Vocational High Schools in Accounting, Business, and Finance
Specialization in Accounting Program
To produce graduates that are highly competent in accounting and financing, understand the revision of Standard Akuntansi Keuangan (Financial Accounting Standards) that suit International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), gain ICT knowledge and orientation and are able to utilize ICT in undergoing the profession as accountants, are able to conduct external auditing to assess the appropriateness of a company’s financial statement or to become internal auditors to conduct internal evaluation and provide suggestion to improve the company’s performance according to the applicable rules under the code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
Students will gain all the main subjects of accounting like Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing, Accounting Information Systems, Taxation, Sector Public Accounting, Financial Accounting Standards, Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting theories equipped with Management, Economics, and ICT subject. Besides, students are given in-depth capabilities in auditing through 5 subjects, namely Audits Seminar, Audit Practice, Auditing Information Systems, Ethics and Corporate Governance, and Tax Accounting.
Career Prospects
External Auditor, Internal Auditor, Financial Accountant, Financial Analyst
To produce graduates who are highly competent in accounting and financing, understand the revision of Financial Accounting Standards that suit International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), gain ICT knowledge and orientation and are able to utilize ICT in doing the profession as accountants, are able to conduct calculation and problem solving analysis regarding paying the taxes as taxpayers, are able to conduct fiscal reconciliation and tax planning according to the valid rules.
Students will gain all the main subjects of accounting like Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing, Accounting Information Systems, Taxation, Sector Public Accounting, Financial Accounting Standards, Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting theories equipped with Management, Economics, and ICT subject. Besides, students are given in-depth capabilities in auditing through 5 subjects, namely Tax Accounting, Tax Practices, Advanced Taxation, International Taxation, and Taxation Seminar.
Career Prospects
Tax Auditor, Tax Consultant, Tax Specialist
To produce graduates who are highly competent in accounting and financing, understand the revision of Financial Accounting Standards that suit International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), gain ICT knowledge and orientation and are able to utilize ICT in doing the profession as accountants, are able to conduct calculation and problem solving analysis regarding paying the taxes as taxpayers, are able to conduct fiscal reconciliation and tax planning according to the valid rules.
Students will gain all the main subjects of accounting like Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing, Accounting Information Systems, Taxation, Sector Public Accounting, Financial Accounting Standards, Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting theories equipped with Management, Economics, and ICT subject. Besides, students are given in-depth capabilities in auditing through 5 subjects, namely Tax Accounting, Tax Practices, Advanced Taxation, International Taxation, and Taxation Seminar.
Career Prospects
Tax Auditor, Tax Consultant, Tax Specialist
Accounting Information System
To produce graduates who are highly competent in accounting and financing, understand the revision of Financial Accounting Standards that suit International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), gain ICT knowledge and orientation and are able to utilize ICT in doing the profession as accountants, gain the ability to analyze accounting information systems and plan and design accounting information systems, and also identify the control levels in the systems and also conduct information systems audit.
Students will gain all the main subjects of accounting like Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing, Accounting Information Systems, Taxation, Sector Public Accounting, Financial Accounting Standards, Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting theories equipped with Management, Economics, and ICT subject. Besides, students are given in-depth capabilities in auditing through 5 subjects, namely Accounting Information Systems Analysis, Accounting Information Systems Modeling and Designing, IT Compliance and Control, Information Systems Audit.
Career Prospects
System Analyst, Information System Auditor
ECTS Points Table
ECTS Points | 234 ECTS |
Education Type | Undergraduate |
Duration | 4 years |
Language | Bahasa Indonesia |
Bachelor's Degree | Bachelor of Accounting (S.Ak.) |
Further Study
Those who gain a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from UMN can continue to PPAk (The Professional Program in Accounting) or pursue a Master’s degree in either local or overseas universities. The graduates can take a Master’s degree in Accounting, Management and Business Administration.
Student Scholarships
The UMN scholarship path is given to Class XII high school students who have academic, sports, and artistic achievements in class XI. In addition, UMN gives to SMA/SMK students who have achievements in getting medals at the National and International Science Olympiads. As a form of appreciation for the dedication of teachers and employees / staff in educating the nation’s children, UMN provides scholarships in the form of a reduction in the entry fee of Rp. 50% for children of teachers/principals and a 30% reduction in entry fees for children of employees/staff in public/private SMA/SMK schools who wish to continue their education at UMN.
Entry Requirement
- Graduated from Senior High Schools – Natural Science and Social Science Program
- Graduated from Vocational High Schools in Accounting, Business, and Finance
Students are required to attend academic guidance meetings at least 3 times per semester. The schedule of the meetings will be provided by the respective academic supervisors. Students have to bring the academic guidance book for the meeting and they need to make sure that the academic supervisor signs it.
Continuing Education Department (CED) is an educational development program at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) which is part of the Kompas Gramedia Group. We have various programs in language courses, human development, Testing Centers for national and international certifications, and training programs. UMN’s CED is designed to meet the needs of high school and college students, as well as the public and professionals.
Students are encouraged to find their own companies / agencies for their internships that align with the focus of the Accounting Study Program i.e. Industrial Automation. Information about available internships can be obtained from other students, social media, job fairs, advertisements in print or electronic media or even through the UMN Career Development Center (CDC).
To complete the Undergraduate Program (S-1) at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, students must prepare, present, and defend the thesis in front of the thesis examination board, in accordance with the provisions of the study program. The preparation of the thesis is done individually and the students can choose the supervisor directly provided that the selected supervisor agrees.
In connection with the New Normal regulations, UMN implements its teaching system in accordance with the Press Release of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 137/sipers/A6/VI/2020 concerning Guidelines for The Implementation of Learning in the School Year and New Academic Year during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Chapter of the Learning System in the Higher Education Environment.
Logo HIMFERA sendiri memiliki arti sebagai berikut:
1. Gear
Gear melambangkan dunia keteknikan yang memiliki prinsip teknik yaitu menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan solusi yang tepat. Gear memiliki 10 mata gear terbuka untuk dapat menyatukan keberagaman mahasiswa teknik dengan rasa kekeluargaan sehingga saling terhubung satu sama lain. Gear berwarna biru melambangkan HIMFERA termasuk salah satu himpunan pada Fakultas Teknik dan Informatika di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.
2. Daun
Daun melambangkan sustainable (berkelanjutan). Berkelanjutan yang dimaksud memiliki peribahasa, kelangsungan hidup daun di pohon selalu bertumbuh dan berkelanjutan. Bahkan ketika daun telah gugur, daun ini tetap bermanfaat menjadi pupuk bagi kelangsungan hidup pohon itu sendiri dan atau sekitarnya. Oleh karena itu, berdirinya HIMFERA bertujuan memberikan manfaat bagi anggota-anggota himpunan dalam berorganisasi dan dapat memberikan karya terbaik untuk almamater dan masyarakat di sekitarnya sehingga manfaat yang didapatkan tetap berkelanjutan. Warna hijau pada daun melambangkan keterbukaan HIMFERA dalam berkomunikasi dan menerima aspirasi mahasiswa Teknik Fisika dan Teknik Elektro di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.
Kilatan Petir
3. Kilatan Petir
Petir pada daun menjadi dasar tonggak dari daun tersebut. Dasar tonggak ini menentukan arah dari perjalanan organisasi kami untuk mewujudkan tujuan dari HIMFERA. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa sifat petir memiliki kekuatan yang sangat besar. Oleh karena itu, kami terinspirasi dari ilmuwan Benjamin Franklin saat menangkap petir menggunakan layangan dan energi tersebut dapat terkumpul menjadi muatan listrik yang bermanfaat untuk menghidupkan listrik. Dari sini kami memetik manfaat dari petir tersebut yaitu menjadi organisasi yang memiliki kemampuan mengambil keputusan yang sigap, tepat, dan dapat menjadi solusi ditengah permasalahan yang ada. Petir yang tidak berwarna untuk mencerminkan prinsip kerja yang transparansi. Transparansi bermakna keterbukaan dan pertanggung-jawaban atas keputusan yang sudah dibuat.

Course Structure
Course Structure
Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Overview
8 Semester
Expected Learning Opportunities (ELO)
Expected Learning Opportunities (ELO)
Graduate Professional Profile
Graduate Professional Profile
Program Specification
Program Specification
To support the learning process, umn provided a complete and sophisticated college facility, according to industrial standards. Through the existence of the facility, students have been invited to be close to the industrial world since sitting in college and to have competence that matches the needs of the industry. That way, it will make it easier for umn students to find jobs, even before graduation.
Extracurricular Student Activities
In order to help students explore and develop their non-academic potentials, UMN also provides a variety of extra-curricular activities for students which is locally called UKM, Student Activity Unit.

Rekapitulasi Penelitian Hibah DIKTI - Akuntansi
Rekapitulasi Penelitian Internal - Akuntansi
PkM Independent Fund dan PT Internal
Rekapitulasi Hak Cipta 2022
Rekapitulasi Hak Cipta 2021
Rekapitulasi Hak Cipta 2016

Ferisca Sagita Landias
Accounting 2016 | External Auditor in PwC Indonesia
“UMN Accounting teaches step by step, starting from the basic level which makes students understand the basics and continues to the next step to an advanced level which is useful in the world of work. Various events and competitions at UMN also provide new experiences for students.”
“During my time in Accounting Program at UMN, I was well-equipped with basic scienc that is very useful in the world of work. Not only the theory but also the practice that makes it very easy for me to deal with real work. UMN students are taught to keep up with the technology which greatly facilitates jobs in the fields such as System Analysis and Program Development (SAP), or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). As a plus, the green and beautiful campus environment makes me feel comfortable to go to college.”
Janice Lalita Chandra
Alumni Akuntansi 2014
Associate 2 di Ernst and Young (KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro, & Surja)
“An accountant is not only required to deliver financial statement and accounting information reports, but he is also required to gain the ability and deep understanding about ICT.”
Stefanus Ariyanto, S.E, M.Ak. CPSAK
Head of Accounting Program