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November 8, 2022
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November 8, 2022Illustration of college supplies that accounting students need in lectures. (Source: pexels.com)
The initial study period at UMN is often a period of adaptation for their students. Each department at UMN certainly has its own characteristics and dynamics, which may require new students to prepare equipment and supplies for the classes. This article will focus more on the accounting department. More precisely, what are the equipment and supplies that UMN accounting new students need for lectures?
1. Binders or Notebooks
Use binders or notebooks to make it easier when noting down the lecture materials. When using binders, there are barriers that help prevent notes from getting mixed up with other courses. We can also refill the binder papers; suppose we need more paper for notes. Don’t forget to keep the lecture note because these notes will be necessary for the final semester exam or thesis defense in the future.
Also read: Tips to Enter College on Time.
2. Calculator
Do we really need to understand why this equipment is necessary? Accounting students, whether it’s the beginning or the end of the semester, will definitely deal with calculations. Therefore, the calculator becomes one of the essential supplies in accounting majors– be it a physical calculator or the calculator from your cellphones.
3. Introduction to Accounting Books
Books on the introduction to accounting may be different depending on the university. This introductory accounting book is very useful because students can understand the basic concepts/science of the material studied in the accounting department of UMN. Furthermore, at UMN, the accounting lecturers may instruct the students to practice what was in the textbook.
Plus, the book can also be helpful for thesis students when writing their second chapter of the thesis. You wouldn’t need to find and borrow books to find the theories required in your thesis’ second chapter in the future.
4. Ledger
In contrast to the books on the introduction to accounting, the purpose of the ledger is to indicate that the accounting bookkeeping calculations are actually carried out by each accounting student personally. Through the ledger, accounting students directly hand-write their accounting calculations. Meanwhile, for example, using Excel, students can share documents, and the material being taught may not be practiced.
5. Laptops
Laptops are for sure mandatory, just like your books and stationeries. Starting from studying, doing assignments, taking notes, and where we can use applications that help our accounting calculations, such as journals, accounting bees, kledos, spreadsheets, and many more. You could say a laptop is definitely needed to complete lecture activities majoring in accounting. If you do not own a laptop, don’t forget to adjust your laptop to the needs, budget, and interests of each department.
Also read: UMN Accounting Students Enter the Big Three at the National Olympics.
Those are the 5 equipment and supplies that UMN students majoring in accounting need for their daily lecture activities. Keep your spirits up, and enjoy your lectures, UMN friends!
By Iglo Montana | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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